
Unit 04 - Leadership and Operations Management Concepts Part 1: Leaders and Operations Management Concepts Part 2: Leaders and Operations Management Concepts


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Higher Nationals Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF)Higher National Diploma in BusinessStudent NameGeorgiana Aura PavelID07992Unit Number and TitleUnit 04– Management and OperationsAcademic Year2019-2020 Cohort Sept 19 Block3Unit LeaderRahima KahtoonAssessorAlfred AgyemanAssignment TitlePart 1: Leadership and Management ConceptsPart 2: Leaders and Operations ManagementIssue Date25/11/2019Submission Start Date (Formative)07/02/2020Submission date (Summative)21/02/2020IV NameSean BarrettIV Date21/11/2019
Unit 04 - Leadership and Operations Management Concepts Part 1: Leaders and Operations Management Concepts Part 2: Leaders and Operations Management Concepts_1

ContentsDifferentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a manager...........................................1Leadership styles...........................................................................................................................1Manager and Management..............................................................................................................2Roles of a Leader and a Manager.....................................................................................................4Comparation between characteristics of a Leader and that of a Manager.....................................5Role of a leader and the function of a manager....................................................................................6Role of a Leader................................................................................................................................6Function of a Manager......................................................................................................................7Fiedler’s Contingency Theory...........................................................................................................8Strengths and weaknesses of Fiedler’s Contingency Theory...........................................................10Sources................................................................................................................................................10A difference between the role of a manager and the function of a leaderLeadershipis aboutdevelopingsurroundingswherehumansconsistentlycarry outto thebestof theircapability.Leadership is the potentialto steerbehaviour of others. It is alsodefinedas thecapacityto influencea grouptowardsthe realisation of a goal. Leaders are required to developfuturevisions, and toinspirethe organisationalcontributorstoneedtoobtainthe visions. (Juneja, 2019)According to Keith Davis, “Leadership is thepotentialto influenceothers toare trying to finddefinedobjectivesenthusiastically. It is the humanfactorwhich bindsa grouptogetherand motivates itin the direction ofgoals.” (Juneja, 2019)Leadership stylesThereis not anysingle "right"styleofleadership. Brilliant leadersunderstandthat there are severaltypes ofmanagementwhich can beallappropriateatdistinctivetimesand fordifferentpeople. There arethreebasicleadershipstyles - autocratic, laissez-faire and sharedleadership.(Cooper, 2011)
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Aleaderis the oneincharge,the person thatconvinces otherpeopleto follow. Leaderis thatman or womanwho leada grouptoachieve a purposeand influencing themto offerall theirbest that have. A great leader inspires confidence and trust to others and make them to work for achievement. (Anon, 2020)To be aremarkableexquisiteleaderyouwantto be many things. Youwantto be a chameleon, adapting yourfashionas andwhilethewishesof yourhuman beingsand thestateof affairsdictate.Manager and ManagementAmanagerissomeonewho isresponsibleforpart ofa company, they ‘manage‘ the company. Managerscan beinchargeof adepartmentand thefolks whoworkin it. Insomecases, themanageris inrateof theentirebusiness. For example, a ‘eating placemanager’ is inpriceof thewholeeating place.Asupervisorissomeonewhosporting activitiesmanagerialfeaturesprimarily. Theyneed tohave thestrengthto hire, fire, discipline, dooverall performanceappraisals, anddisplayattendance. Theyshouldalsohave theelectricityto approve overtime and authorise vacations. He or she is the boss. (Market Business News, 2019)Management is awonderfulongoingsystemof allocating inputs of ancorporation(human andmonetaryresources)by usingtraditionalmanagerial functions (planning, organising, directing and controlling) for thepurposeof achievingstatedobjectives, viz., outputof productsand servicesfavouredthroughits customers (environment).In theprocedure,workiscompletedwith and throughemployeesof theorganisationin an ever-changingcommercial enterpriseenvironment. (Diksha, 2020)Thanks to scientists like Henri Fayol (1841-1925)the firstfoundationshad beenlaid forcurrentscientificcontrol. These first concepts, alsocalledconceptsofcontrolare the underlyingelementsfor successfulmanagement. Henri Fayol explored this comprehensively and, as a result, he synthesised the 14conceptsofcontrol.14principlesof Management are statementswhich might beprimarily basedon anessentialtruth. Theseconceptsofmanagementserve asaguiding principlefor decision-making andcontrolactions. (Vliet, 2019) The 14 principles of Management are:Division of WorkAuthority and ResponsibilityDisciplineUnity of CommandUnity of DirectionSubordination of Individual InterestRemunerationThe Degree of CentralisationScalar Chain
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OrderEquityStability of Tenure of PersonnelInitiativeEsprit de Corps(Vliet, 2019)Roles of a Leader and a ManagerThere arecriticaldistinctionsbetweenmanagingand leadingpeople. Bellowthe writersuggestswhat’s are thedifferencebetweenleaderandsupervisorrole. (Arruda, 2019)Leaders create animaginative and prescient, managers create goals.Leaders paint animageof what they see aspossibleandencourageandinteracttheirhumansin turning thatvisioninto reality. Managersattentionon setting, measuring andreachinggoals.Leaders arechangeagents; managersholdthefamequo.Leaders are proud disruptive. Innovation is their mantra. Managersstay withwhat works, refining systems,systemsandprocedurestocause them tobetter.Leaders are managers copy.Leaders areinclinedto be themselves. They are self-awareandpaintingsactively toconstructtheirand differentiatednon-publicbrand. Managers mimic thecompetenciesand behaviours theyanalysefrom others andadopttheir leadershipstyleinstead ofdefining it.Leaders take risks, managerscontrolrisk.Leaders arewillingtoattemptnewthingseven ifthey willfail miserably. Theyknowthat failureis usually astep on thecourseto success. Managerspaintingsto minimise risk. Theyare seekingtokeep away fromormanipulateproblemsrather thanembracing them.Leaders are in it for thelonghaul, managersassumeshort-term.Leaders have intentional. They do what they saythey aregoing to do andstaymotivatedcloser toa big,regularlyveryremotegoal. Managersworkon shorter-termgoals,in search ofmoreregularacknowledgement or accolades.Leadersdeveloppersonally, managersdepend uponexisting,testedskills.Leadersunderstandif theyaren’tmasteringsomethingneweveryday, they aren’tstatusstill, they’re falling behind. Managersfrequentlydouble down on what made them successful, perfecting existingskillsand adoptingverifiedbehaviours.Leaders coach, managers direct.Leadersrecognizethatfolks thatpaintingsfor them have thesolutionsor arecapable ofdiscoverthem. Managers assigndutiesandofferguidanceon howto performthem.(Arruda, 2019)
Unit 04 - Leadership and Operations Management Concepts Part 1: Leaders and Operations Management Concepts Part 2: Leaders and Operations Management Concepts_4

Characteristics of a Leader and ManagerLeadership andmanagementare termswhich might befrequentlyused interchangeablyinside theenterpriseinternationalto depictsomeonewho manages ateamof people. Intruthmanagementvs.managementhave veryexceptionalmeanings. To be agoodsupervisoryou mustunderstandwhat it takes toadditionallybe anoutstandingleader.(Reynolds, 2020) Leader ManagerCourage: There are twostyles ofcourage:physicalandethical. Leadershipindividualrequiresmoralcourage.Honesty When in business honesty is key and in my candidates I specifically look for the importance of openness and transparencyCaring: Caringmethodshowinghonesthobbyin andrealchallengefor others. Itconsists ofconsideration, compassion, empathy, sympathy, and nurturing.Communication skillsGreat managers have excellent communication skills.Sense of humour: This is the tendency to take themaximumhopeful andjoyfulview and toanticipatethefineoutcome.ConfidenceManagers have to be confident in their decision Creativity: Leaders mustchoosewhatthey willdo andno longerdo and thentake delivery oftheoutcomesin theirchoicesResponsibilityGoodmanagersrecognisethattheyareincontrol,thatis,theyareresponsiblefortheresultsofallthesuccessesandfailures.CreativityHireamanagerwithaknackoutsidetheboxtodreamandcomeupwithinnovativeideas.Role of a leader and the function of a manager
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Role of a LeaderGeneral Motors (GM), in full General Motors Company, once General Motors Corporation, American organization that was the world's biggest engine vehicle maker for a great part of the twentieth and mid-21st hundreds of years. It works assembling and get together plants and appropriation focuses all through the United States, Canada, and numerous different nations. The organization's significant items incorporate autos and trucks, car segments, and motors, and it is likewise occupied with monetary administrations. GM's base camp are in Detroit. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020)Mary Barra is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of General Motors Company. She waschosen Chairman of the GM Board of Directors on January 4, 2016 and has filled in as CEO of GM since January 15, 2014. Under Barra's authority, GM imagines a world with zero accidents, to spare lives; zero discharges, so people in the future can acquire a more beneficial planet; and zero clog, so clients get back a valuable item – time. Major Product/ Service LaunchShe's cantered around fortifying GM's centre business of extraordinary autos, trucks and hybrids, while additionally attempting to lead the change of individual portability through trend setting innovations like availability, jolt, self-governing driving and vehicle sharing. Barra has likewise settled a vital course dependent on putting the client at the focal point of everything the organization does. Preceding turning out to be CEO, Barra filled in as official VP, Global Product Development,Purchasing and Supply Chain since August 2013, and as senior VP, Global Product Development since February 2011. In these jobs, Barra and her groups were answerable for the structure, designing and nature of GM vehicle dispatches around the world. (Gm.com, 2020)Conflict Management- Disturbance HandlingSoon after Mary Barra became CEO of General Motors in 2014, she was confronted with an emergency including a lethal glitch in more seasoned vehicles. She redid the organization's way of life and the executive’s forms, which won back trust fromshoppers. Barra said the experience instructed her to be eager about taking care of issues and to urge representatives and administrators to be straightforward with one another. (Feloni, 2018)Only days subsequent to taking the activity in January 2014, General Motors CEO Mary Barra needed to face an emergency that undermined the whole organization's post-government bailout future. As of late, at the 2018 New York Times Deal Book Conference, Barra told the Times' Andrew Ross Sorkin that the experience changed her authority style, and thus changed GM's way of life. "I've gotten significantly more fretful about how we get things done and how rapidly we get things done," she said. (Feloni, 2018)Barra is a GM lifer and went through 33 years at the automaker before turning out to be CEO.In her official jobs prompting the top occupation, she got comfortable with the manners in
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