Hi, first i want to thank you very much for my slide, i spoke with my group members and they liked my slide and they decided to make their part of slides with you as well and i want you to continue their work in my slide to be a full work.
So, you need to continue starting with nr 4 till nr 12.
4. current customer atitudes/ behaviours
5.main issues/opportunities
7.marketing mix1.product
8.marketing mix2.price
9.marketing .mix3.promotion
10.marketing mix4.place
The? nr 4,5,6(750 words), nr7,8,9(750 words),nr10,11,12(750 words)cos thos ate the parts of 3 colleague of mine in the group.
we need the work done in 17 March.
?Please, cut the slides with conclusion and references from my slide and continue with the