
Maintaining Health and Safety at Workplace


Added on  2019-09-30

12 Pages4650 Words161 Views
HLTWHS001 The approved code of practice can be considered as a practical guide which shows how an organization complies with the legal duties. The code of practice is focused on the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act and regulations in Australia. The WHS Act involves the variation, approval and revocation of the code of practice by the relevant minister (Australia, 2006). The Act also indicates the way using which the code of practice can be incorporated in the court proceedings. The court indicates the hazards, the risks associated with a particular task and the control measures to eliminate the risks. The code of practice also determines the reasonable practices to a particular circumstance. In the case of child care, the approved code of practice helps the professionals to deal with the children in a safe and efficient manner. Reference:Australia, E. C. (2006). Code of ethics. Early Childhood Australia.As per the health and safety act, the organizations in Australia need to focus on the following areasProtection of workers and other stakeholders by reducing or eliminating the risks (Australia, 2006)Involving the unions for taking a constructive role in the implementation of WHS practices Having proper measures to ensure compliance and enforcement of the WHS law Developing a framework for continuous improvement Reference:Australia, E. C. (2006). Code of ethics. Early Childhood Australia. The risk assessment indicates the process of identifying the risk factors or the hazards which can negatively impact the individual, asset and the environment (Suter II, 2016). The risk assessment also deals with analysis and evaluation of the degree of risk which is associated with the hazard. Finally, the risk assessment focuses on determining the appropriate ways for eliminating the hazards and controllingthe risk. The risk assessment is important for various purposes – The risk assessment helps the organizations to enhance their awareness on the risks and hazards (Suter II, 2016).The process is necessary for identifying the stakeholders who might be affected negatively due to the risk. In other words, the risk assessment focuses on identifying how the risk is going to impact the employees, suppliers, customers and the public. The risk assessment also identifies the need of having control program and the necessity of improving existing control programs for better risk control.
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Reference:Suter II, G. W. (2016).Ecological risk assessment. CRC press.The fire warden needs to do the below duties at the time of evacuation –Directing every individual for leaving the building safely. The fire warden also informs everyone regarding the appropriate exits and the routes (Diez et al., 2016).The fire warden also needs to check all the accessible areas in the building including the bathroom for ensuring that no one is left. However, the fire warden should not put himself/herself at risk while checking the accessible areas. So, the fire warden needs to do the inspection works at the time of way out The fire warden needs to close the doors for isolating the fire Guiding everyone to the assembly area and ensuring that everyone has arrived safely is anotherkey responsibility of the fire wardenReference:Diez, H. V., García, S., Mujika, A., Moreno, A., & Oyarzun, D. (2016, July). Virtual training of fire wardens through immersive 3D environments. InProceedings of the 21st International Conference on Web3D Technology(pp. 43-50). ACM.The emergency situations in an organization need to be dealt efficiently for reducing the losses. Formanaging the emergency situations, the businesses need to provide all the employees with writtenpolicies and procedures in advance. The employees should also be stay aware of the changes in theemergency control procedures, if the policies are updated (Haddow et al., 2017). Along with informingthe employees about the policies in advance, the organizations should also focus on communicating theemergency situations instantly and also in effective manner. While communicating the emergencysituation, the organizations should use two-way and multichannel systems so that every employee canbe reached. Use of real-time communication system in emergency control is effective to reduce thedamages.Reference:Haddow, G., Bullock, J., & Coppola, D. P. (2017).Introduction to emergency management. Butterworth-Heinemann. If there is a spillage of the floor is wet, the individuals on the floor can slip which can lead to severeinjury. The accidents on wet floor can be avoided by using a caution board.The line managers are responsible for managing the day-to-day organizational hazards and the risk factors (Ives, 2017). However, the hazard management in an organization needs collaboration of the employees of all levels. So, every individual in the organization should be aware of the hazards and reporting those in appropriate manner.
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Reference:Ives, J. H. (2017).The export of hazard: Transnational corporations and environmental control issues. Routledge.The information regarding safety and security in an organization can be identified from theorganizational instructions and the previous reports regarding the incidents of hazard management(Wiegmann & Shappell, 2017). The instructions provided by an organization helps the employees toidentify the ways to do work without putting themselves at risk. From the instructions, the individualsalso become able to understand how the risk can be avoided.The past reports on health and safety hazards in an organization are also effective to let the employeesget better understanding on the risk factors. The previous reports indicate the key reasons behindaccidents at the workplace (Wiegmann & Shappell, 2017). Therefore, avoiding the risks and theassociated damages becomes easier for the employees. The past reports also provide the employeeswith an idea on the efficiency of the accident control system. As a result, the employees become able tounderstand the need for improvement to incorporate tighter safety and security.Reference:Wiegmann, D. A., & Shappell, S. A. (2017).A human error approach to aviation accident analysis: The human factors analysis and classification system. Routledge. Below are the 10 deliverables of the health and safety training at workplace:1.Being able to identify hazards in the workplace and also become able to take the appropriate actions for controlling the risk (Yu et al., 2018)2. Being able to report risk as per the organizational policies3.Being able to execute the primary investigation works as per organizational policies4.Capable of working safely5. Being able to use the protective equipment in the right manner6. Following instructions and work procedures as suitable in the organization7. Reporting the accidents and other incidents to the designated person8. Being able to provide consultation in WHS activities9.Being able to identify emergency situations10.Being able to respond to the emergency situations as per appropriate mannerReference:Yu, O., Johnstone, K., & Cook, M. (2018, August). Usability Evaluation of an Online Workplace Health andSafety Return on Investment Calculator. InCongress of the International Ergonomics Association(pp. 425-437). Springer, Cham.
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The reasons for having an incident reporting system are:Identification of potential hazards that can cause major accidents in future (Alsamawi et al., 2017)Identifying the need of improving accident management policies from the current incidentsSetting benchmarks for developing safety policiesReference:Alsamawi, A., Murray, J., Lenzen, M., & Reyes, R. C. (2017). Trade in occupational safety and health: Tracing the embodied human and economic harm in labour along the global supply chain.Journal of cleaner production,147, 187-196.An effective record keeping system can benefit the organizations in several ways. Firstly, the records help an organization to identify threats of an organization. As an effect, the business can take necessary steps to eliminate the risk factors. The reports are beneficial to understand how the hazards and emergency situations are managed in the organization (Petitta et al., 2017). From the reports, the management can obtain an idea on how efficiently; the issues are handled in the organization. Reviewing the reports can enable the organization to identify the gaps in the existing safety policies and it, in turn, makes the business able to improve its practices. Finally, the record keeping system helps the business to assess its own safety policies against the industry benchmarks and make changes in the policies accordingly.Reference:Petitta, L., Probst, T. M., & Barbaranelli, C. (2017). Safety culture, moral disengagement, and accident underreporting.Journal of business ethics,141(3), 489-504The housekeeping in an organization is related to the safety at workplace. The level of housekeeping indicates the degree to which the activities can be managed effectively. The housekeeping works also indicate the safety culture in the organization (Tyagi & Zagade, 2015). The role of housekeeping is not limited to improving safety of the organization, but it also improves image of the business as well. The housekeeping enhances the productivity and efficiency of the organization. The housekeeping is also important to make the management able in having control over the processes. Finally, the housekeepingalso assists the business to maintain the product quality.Reference:Tyagi, H., & Zagade, S. (2015). Outsourcing: A study on Benefits to Housekeeping Department in Hotels.Involvement of the management is necessary to incorporate a culture of health and safety in theorganization. When the management takes active steps to identify the safety issues and control those,mitigating the risks associated with the issues becomes easier. However, in an organization, the newhealth hazards can emerge and the management also needs to have a pro-active approach foreliminating the risks. The employees, who are responsible for executing the operational activities, can
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