
Influences on Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality Industry


Added on  2023-01-04

13 Pages3776 Words1 Views
Influences on Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality Industry_1

Table of Contents
LO1 .................................................................................................................................................1
P1 Description of cultural, social, personal, psychological factors that influences consumer
behaviour .....................................................................................................................................1
P2 The consumer trend is changing due to digital impacts ........................................................2
LO2 .................................................................................................................................................3
P3 Different stages of consumer decision making journey and map a path ...............................3
P4 Importance for marketers to map a path for purchase and understand consumer decision
making .........................................................................................................................................4
LO3 .................................................................................................................................................6
P5 Difference between hospitality decision making process in context to B2B and B2C .........6
P6 Different approaches to market research and methods of research .......................................7
LO4 .................................................................................................................................................8
P7 How marketers can influence decision making process ........................................................8
Influences on Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality Industry_2

The study of individuals, groups, and organization where activities are associated with
purchase and disposal of goods and services that can help to increase the sales and performance.
For any organization it is important to know the what their customers wants and how they can be
satisfied in the changing environment (Martin, Rosenbaum and Ham, 2015). If all customers are
happy then it will be opportunity for business to grow and develop their activities in the changing
environment. In other words, consumer behaviour is defined as action and decision making
process of people who buys goods and services for personal consumption and sharing their
experience with others that can help to increase sales and performance effectively. The
Landmark London is 5 Star Luxury hotel that is situated in Marylebone, London, UK. This hotel
is offering variety of products and services in changing environment and maintain the good
performance. This report covers factors that influences hospitality consumer behaviour, ability to
map a path, understand influence on hospitality consumer decision making process, and
marketers influences the different stages of hospitality consumer decision making.
P1 Description of cultural, social, personal, psychological factors that influences consumer
In business environment it is important to know how customers are increasing their
positive experience towards a brand and how to attain the business activities. If organization is
able to provide better quality of products and service then surely customers will make again
buying decision and would refer to others which increases the performance. In context to
Landmark London, various products and services are providing by management that can help to
create the positive experience and increase the performance. There are different factors which
influences consumer behaviour such as:
Cultural: This factor involves values, needs, wants and preference that are observing by
customers from their near family members and people around them. The management of
Landmark London following this factor and offer hotel services according to different culture of
their customers who comes to other country that influences customer behaviour effectively
(Saw, Goh and Isa, 2015).
Influences on Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality Industry_3

Social: This factor involves reference groups, role, family, and status that is important to
understand for organization as it increases number of customers and attain the higher
profitability. The Landmark London is focusing on family status, and reference group which
helps to provide the, special kind of hotel services that attracts the large number of customers
and attain profitability.
Personal: This means in relation to individual and personal group of person that
influences consumer buying behaviour. This factor vary from person to person and different set
of action such as attitude, perception and behaviour of particular goods & services. In context to
Landmark London, management is able to understand the different behaviours of their customers
and offer them kind of services which helps to increase the organizational performance.
Psychological: This is important aspect that should be consider by organization for
running their business and managing the activities effectively. Landmark London is
understanding psychological needs of their customers, developing perception by offering safety
and healthy services that influences consumer decision making and managing the task.
P2 The consumer trend is changing due to digital impacts
A consumer trend is defined as set of attitude, behaviour, and opinions of an individual
that can help to increase the sales and performance in changing environment. If all activities and
new technologies have adopted by organization then it will be opportunity for organization to
growth heir business and attain the higher profitability. All world is facing the Pandemic where
digital technology have become most effective tool which used to increase sales and
performance. Landmark London is 5 Star hotel that is adopting digital technology in consumer
trend as defined:
Uses of mobile technology: In changing environment customers are more using mobile
phone so Landmark London has introduced new services by using new technology. In this,
management guides regarding tour, travelling, best restaurant locators and others that make their
entire buying journey which increases sales (Varkaris and Neuhofer, 2017).
To satisfied the customers: Whenever customers decided to go outside and required to
book room then with the help to digital technology people can see rooms and facilities which are
providing by organization and helps to increase the number of customers. Landmark London
focuses on new trend where it uses agile tool and web apps for the purpose of booking
Influences on Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality Industry_4

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