
Globalization: The Concept, Causes, and Consequences


Added on  2020-06-06

7 Pages2059 Words129 Views
How did globalisation impactedyour region and you as anindividual
Globalization: The Concept, Causes, and Consequences_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Globalisation in Romania............................................................................................................1Globalisation effect on the individual.........................................................................................2Romania before and After joining European Union...................................................................2External factors and globalisation...............................................................................................2CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................4REFERENCES................................................................................................................................5
Globalization: The Concept, Causes, and Consequences_2

INTRODUCTIONGlobalisation refers to as the free movement of services, goods, people, technology andinformation. It can be understood as set of procedures among countries originating from series ofideas, cultural aspects, ideas and products. Advancement in the field of communication, meansof transportation and IT technology has made the world a global village (Baylis, Owens andSmith, eds., 2017). This process is effected by economic and social resources, naturalenvironment and business and work organisation. There are four identified empirical dimensionof globalisation such as cultural, ecological, economic and political that has effected thecountries like Romania. This country is located in the southern Europe and is a sovereign state.Romania has about 20 million habitant and is the second most populated member state ofEuropean union. This report highlights the impact of globalisation on the Romania and and onevery individual.Globalisation in RomaniaAs a part of European union Romania has also faced globalisation as the rest of theworld. It will be unjustly to see globalisation in only economic terms rather it is a set ofprocedures that has impacted the freedom of people by making world a global village whereevery one is connected with each other by the technology and can move from one place toanother by the advance means of transportation. Due to globalisation this country has seenvarious transformations in the economic, social, technological, legal, ecological and politicalenvironment. These external factors have changed the life of individuals like me. I have seen thatany change in the above mentioned factor anywhere in the world have changed the environmentof this country as well. Whole Europe has encountered several changes in the past few years andso is its member states (Carp, L. and Popa, D., 2013). Southern Europe has incorporated thesechanges from the Last few decades as they formed the European union that allows free trade,movement of people and helped members state in sharing their resources for each otherdevelopment. It has become easier for the individual to communicate to the various peoplethrough the use of communication technology. Reduced barriers among the countries especiallyin European union has facilitated globalisation and liberalisation in the global market. There aresignificant changes in the structures of country's economy, culture and various other framework.1
Globalization: The Concept, Causes, and Consequences_3

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