
(PDF) A Case Study on UK Consumer


Added on  2020-12-18

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(PDF) A Case Study on UK Consumer_1

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................4
Research Aim..............................................................................................................................4
Research Objectives - more focus o............................................................................................4
Research Questions.....................................................................................................................5
Rationale of the study..................................................................................................................5
Significance of the study.............................................................................................................5
Problem statement.......................................................................................................................6
Structure of the study .................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER-2 LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................8
Meaning and concept of customer choice and decision making.................................................8
Destination image......................................................................................................................10
Components of destination image.............................................................................................12
Attributes of destination image.................................................................................................12
Tourist satisfaction....................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..........................................................................14
3.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................14
Research approach....................................................................................................................14
Research philosophy.................................................................................................................15
Research Design........................................................................................................................15
Ethical consideration.................................................................................................................17
Research Limitation..................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER 4: DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS............................................................19
4.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................19
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION ..........................................................33
5.1 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................33
5.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................35
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TOPIC: “How Does Destination Image Influence Destination Choice?" - A Case Study on
UK Consumers.
Visitors are attracted from different images from the tourist places and different creative
images of destination places. Because it comprises historical sites, natural resources, ecology,
tourism facilities and local delicacies for particular place. UK consumers are more about its
culture and nature. Destination image is the long term productive sources that affect the long
term goals.
In the travel and tourism sector, tourists play a very crucial role in order to earn
profitability ration by offering best tour packages plan and packages to travellers. It is very
important for tourism organisation to deliver effective services to visitors by understand their
travel requirement (Gast and Ledford, 2014). Customers are the king of market and whole
profitability of travel and tourism organisation is largely depends upon the customer satisfaction.
Thus, corporation identifies perception, choice and requirements of tourist and deliver services
accordingly to task performance. In order to influence visitor’s choice and decisions, internet and
technologies plays a very significant role. By use of technologies such as internet, social media,
company web page, customers can easily collect information regarding tourist place, cost of
tourism services, features, customer reviews, etc.
In order to influence choice of tourist regarding destination, popularity and image of the
destination plays a very important. The balance between what is expected and what is being
delivered is essential in promoting the location.
Research Aim
To explore the way in which place image influences destination choice” - A case study of UK
Research Objectives -
To investigate and comprehend the behaviour of UK consumers regarding travel
To identify various sources through which consumers of UK gather information about
destination image
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To analyse the influence and factors of destination image on destination choice
Research Questions
What is the behaviour of UK consumer before making travel decision for particular
What are the sources through which UK consumers perceived particular destination?
How does destination image influence and factors of destination choice for travellers of
Rationale of the study
In the present research, main aim of scholar is to identify impact of destination image on
perception and choice of customers. At the time of selecting research topic, there are various
factors that influence mind and choice of researcher. Here, scholar desires to identify factors that
influence choice and decision of customer regarding travel and tourism services. One of the main
reason for choosing this research topic is that scholar requires to identify impact of destination
image on the target choice of travellers (Chen and et.al., 2016). Another one reason of selecting
this topic is researcher huge interest in deriving customer choice and perception in the travel and
tourism sector. Researcher actually desires to acknowledge that how image and popularity of
destination can affect choice and decision of the customer.
Significance of the study
This research study is based on deriving influence of finish image on the destination
choice in travel and tourism sector in the UK. With help of this research study, scholar gets detail
knowledge and understanding about the ways in which finish image affect destination choice in
the travel and tourism sector. This study will provide knowledge on factors and components that
can affect customer choice regarding travel and tourism sector (Zhang and et.al., 2014).
Organisation of travel and tourism sector can easily make the good performance management ijn
order to get the customer attraction. There are various factors that affect choice and decision of
customers in the travel and tourism sector so with help of this study, researcher can easily collect
information regarding the same.
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Problem statement
With help of this study, researcher will able to understand various factors that influence
customer living in the United Kingdom to make destination a choice. Due to lack of research
tools and proper resources, Researcher could fail to gathered efficient sources and ineffective
challenging purpose goals. Moreover, it takes time to bring new factor goals. On the other hand,
another reason due to which company can reduce its behavioural goals and better transforming
results that is shortage of problems and ineffective proper specific information (Chen and et.al.,
2016). Overall, study also impact on the overall outcomes but due to improper understanding and
applying improper methods of research might be the reason of reducing the goals and purpose of
Structure of the study
Chapter 1: Introduction: This is the first chapter of research under which researcher
explains about the brief view of the topic and give in-depth knowledge as well (Lee and Bai,
2016). Besides, it also helps to understand the basic concept of upcoming study that will
represents its long term effects. In present study focus of scholar will be deriving how destination
images influence UK consumer to select the choice of destination places to visits. Besides, it also
gives the short overview or summary of UK customers in order to make study successful and
effective. Present study defines about the brief introduction about the importance of
attractiveness in order to upgrade the following customers towards the destination process.
Overall, introduction helps to connect the further study in order to full fill the long term
challenging goals.
Chapter 2: Literature Review: This is another chapter of the research process that
connects to previous one and takes study further towards goals. Literature review is the most
necessary and important part of the research that will represent the secondary research which has
been based on the previous data which is already has been exits somewhere. Moreover, literature
review generally based on the aim and objectives of the research (Xu, Chan and Pratt, 2018).
That generates new information sources which is helpful to make study more effective and
challenging. Such as present secondary research has been based on destination image that will be
showing the importance of images through which customer attracts. This chapter of research will
help to understand the topic and would also be helpful to make the best effective process goals.
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Apart from this, it helps to take the long term challenge and before generating new goals it helps
to make research objective full fill.
Chapter 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: This is another chapter of dissertation
which is more important and necessary to conduct in order to full fill. Research methodology is
the crucial process to fulfil the research goals into more effective manner. This chapter helps to
define the importance different research tool that would be more beneficial for research
(Ramseook-Munhurrun, Seebaluck and Naidoo, 2015). On the other hand, aim of research
methodology is to implement all research tools or approaches in order to get the best possible
outcomes. This present study methodology is helpful to take new further opportunity and goals.
Further, in this chapter author helps to define the best
Chapter 4: DATA COLLECTION & ANALYSIS: This is another chapter or stage of research
which is most necessary for measuring final outcome results. This will also help to control the
long term charges and best possible action plan. This data collection or a process charging
method is more fruitful and leading for getting new sources goals. This chapter will show the
data of respondents that will be showing the positive and negative (Ramseook-Munhurrun,
Seebaluck and Naidoo, 2015). Data process includes collection of information which can be
interpreted or analysed to frame answers to frame answers.
Chapter 5: CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION: This is the final or another
step of research in which it controls the best possible action plan. Further, in this next process of
dissertation will help to conclude the overall study summary which has been done in the report.
Overall, this chapter of dissertation helps to express the better understanding level that makes the
Better goals' performance objectives. Conclusion part will summarise the overall study has been
done by researcher on the other hand recommendation process will help to introduce some new
skills and objective goals (Ramseook-Munhurrun, Seebaluck and Naidoo, 2015).
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Literature review is one of the most significant chapter in the entire dissertation by which
researcher is able to collect reviews, opinion and statement regarding several subjects. It is one
of the most important parts by which scholar collect secondary information. This chapter
includes summary of information from various books, articles, newspaper, magazines, etc. With
help of this chapter, researcher can get detail knowledge and understanding about the aim of
study. In the absence of this chapter, researcher cannot accomplish research study in effective
and efficient manner. This chapter provides complete understanding about subject and study. In
the current study, main aim of scholar is to explore the way in which destination image
influences destination choice.
Meaning and concept of customer choice and decision making
According to the view of Álvarez, Martín and Casielles, (2007) customers are the king of
market and entire profitability and market share is depending upon the customer satisfaction.
There are various factors that can affect the decision making of customers. At the time of
purchasing product and services, there are various elements that affect decision and choice of
customers. In the opinion of Anwar and Sohail, (2004) personal preferences is one of the factors
that can affect customer decision. At the personal level, consumer behaviour is influenced by
various shades of likes, dislikes, priorities, morals and value. Every customer has their own
choice, preferences, requirement, desires, etc. regarding product and services. While they
purchase something from organisation then their personal beliefs, choice likes, dislikes,
requirements, etc. affect their decision. A customer can obtain information from several sources
such as personal source, commercial sources, public sources, experiential source, etc.
In the contradicting view Doolin, Burgess and Cooper, (2002) stated that individual
perception is another factor that can affect decision making and choice of customer in the travel
and tourism sector. Individual factors include gender, age, family, life cycle stage, personality,
self-concept and lifestyle. Another significant factor is psychological factor which derives
perceptions, motivation, learning, beliefs, attitude, etc. The level of motivation also affects the
purchasing behaviour of customers. According to the view of Frew, (2000) each person have
some physiological need and social needs. It is very important for organisation to understand the
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