
How HR Supports Organisational Performance - Desklib


Added on  2023-06-04

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Assignment – 5HRF Part B
This assignment must be submitted through Online Services
shPart B (A.C 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1 & 4.2) (2,000 words)
You are required to conduct some research into how HR supports organisational performance. Your
are required to research and write-up your findings covering the sections below:
Section 1
Give examples of the main organisational objectives that the HR function is responsible for delivering
and briefly explain how these have evolved/are evolving in contemporary organisations. Evaluate the
business case for managing HR in a professional, ethical and just manner (1.1 + 1.3)
Section 2
Give a brief summary of two different ways HR objectives can be delivered in organisations (2.1)
Analyse how the HR function varies between organisations in different sectors and of different sizes
* You should examine three of the following types of organisation types:
1. A public authority (Government Sector)
2. A national private company
3. An SME
4. A voluntary (Third Sector) organisation
Section 3
Discuss the main criteria and methods used to evaluate the contribution of the HR function (A.C.
* Your response should consider (briefly) the following:
HR metrics used to evaluate HR function contribution
SLA’s and KPI’s
Staff surveys
Benchmarking with other organisations
Return on Investment (ROI)
How a ‘balanced scorecard and/or ‘HR dashboard’ might be used to presented HR metrics
Section 4
You will be given an article by your tutor/trainer that identifies and evaluates research evidence
linking HR practices with positive organisational outcomes. Your task is to:
- Briefly summarise the findings
- State how convincing you find these to be and why
- Explain how high performance working and investment in people can impact on organisational
performance. (4.1 & 4.2)
Please also comment on how you will transfer the new knowledge and skills gained during this
assignment into working practices. You may also use this reflection for your CPD.
You should also include at least one reference in each section of the report from up to date and
relevant sources in order to support your findings. This assignment must be submitted through
Online Services.
NAME: Mohammed Ahmed Alhaddi COHORT: HRM13D
COMPANY: Sharjah National Oil
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Assignment – 5HRF Part B
This assignment must be submitted through Online Services
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Assignment – 5HRF Part B
This assignment must be submitted through Online Services
Section 1 (approx. 500 words)
Give examples of the main organisational objectives that the HR function is responsible for
delivering (A.C. 1.1)
- Building foundations for a sustainable future, sustainability is the key issue for HR and Business
leaders, and it related to organization environmental, financial, and societal contribution over time.
(Dr John McGurk, Shaping the Future).
- Building organizational capability: HR function has significant part to support the capability of the
organization through the recruiting the right talent and insure the acceptable level of learning and
- Understanding performance management, and how it works for both the business and the
employee, by implementing strong PMS it will enhance the organizational capabilities and also to
drive individual performance and profits, performance management strategy needs to look into the
future, rather than focusing on the past (Angela Baron, podcast 72, implementing effective
performance management), which will create a great added value to the organizational capability.
- Support the organizational processes through reliable HR administration system.
- Contributing to the management of change: Human Resources function is at crossroad of change,
and it’s a major concern for HR professionals.
- Promoting good Employment relation: Promoting good employment relation will be reflected on
organizational culture and level of employee’s engagement, which will lead to better overall
working environment and will affect the productivity as end result.
Explain how these have evolved/are evolving in contemporary organisations (A.C. 1.1)
The evolution of people management as a distinct profession can be seen to date back to the Industrial
revolution, and particularly to the establishment of big manufacturing operations in the late nineteenth and
early twentieth century, (CIPD Textbook, page 23). And over the last 30 years the HR transformed moving
from an operational role to HR Service Centre, (Josh Bersin, High-Impact HR, Feb 2015), when “Driving
Talent outcomes” was the area of focus for HR, while in the last few years talent become number one issue
on the minds of most CEOs.
HR Functions has been evolved on effective utilization of Human Resources, this happened/ happening
through the following:
- Service driven: Where HR had to make sure things done through end result orientation, and making
sure of acceptable customer satisfaction level through KPI’s and SLA’s.
- Process driven: By delivering the process linking to business need with the following tools: L&D,
Reward, resourcing and Employee Relations.
- Insight driven: Which is the “Conscience of the Organization” and it links to business savvy, future
proof, anticipating and planning, and strategic.
Provide a brief business case for managing HR in a professional, ethical and just manner (A.C.
As HR functions dealing with people from one side and organization/policy from other side, HR will face
many ethical challenges, so it’s very important to focus on professional and ethical approaches in all HR
processes, and this is implemented in the successful and respected companies.
One of the most common cases is the employment termination, when HR will have to face legal
considerations when firing employees with no solid case.
In this instance HR should support the organization and become a critical advisor and to provide the
professional service aligning with the organizational needs.
Also HR will have to face –and come up with solution- the other impacts such as company reputation and
employees morale.
Usually HR Professional will have to rectify these issues with the following steps:
1- Explain - To the top management- the legal impact of the termination, as well as moral impact and
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