
Organisational Design and Sustainable Performance: A Critical Analysis of Body Image


Added on  2023-06-04

7 Pages3432 Words300 Views
Assignment – 5ODG - Part B
This assignment must be submitted through Online Services
Part B (A.C. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3) (1,500 – 2,000 words)
A member of the senior leadership team has recently read an article on the relationship
between sustainable organisational performance and the strategic alignment of an
organisation’s different components such as its structure, culture, processes, and people
management approaches, and is keen to explore the following question:
“To what extent does the current ‘design’ of the organisation support organisational
You have been asked to produce a 1500 – 2000 word report which:
Summarises the current internal organisational context in terms of key influences on
business strategy, and measures of organisational performance. Include consideration of
Organisation type
Organisation elements (structures, processes and systems)
External influences (STEEPLE factors), performance measures.
Summarises the historical and theoretical perspectives of organisation design, and gives a
brief explanation and comparison of two organisation design models.
Selects and uses two organisational design models/diagnostic tools (above) as a framework
to critically analyse the structure and management of the organisation, and to evaluate the
relationship between the various aspects of organisation design and the performance
measures previously identified.
Draws conclusions as to the alignment between the current design of the organisation, its
culture systems and processes, and its ability to successfully deliver on current and future
business objectives.
Makes recommendations in terms of HR strategy and practices to support and improve
strategic alignment.
The leadership team will expect your report to:
Use a range of relevant models and analytical tools as a framework for your evaluation
(summarising key points in the main body of the report and including any supporting detail
in the appendices).
Provide references for any theory or articles you cite, so they are able to follow up any of
your ideas they may find interesting.
Provide recommendations that clearly support organisational strategy, and that are
achievable, practical and cost effective. (A summary implementation plan should be
included in the appendices).
Please also comment on how you will transfer the new knowledge and skills gained during
this assignment into working practices. You may also use this reflection for your CPD.
You should also include 3-5 references from up to date and relevant sources in order to
support your findings. This assignment must be submitted through Online Services.
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Organisational Design and Sustainable Performance: A Critical Analysis of Body Image_1

Assignment – 5ODG - Part B
This assignment must be submitted through Online Services
Section 1 (1,500 words)
Summary of the current internal organisational context in terms of key influences on business
strategy, and measures of organisational performance.
Organisation type
The main types are The types are: 1. Line Organization 2. Line and Staff Organization 3.
Functional Organization 4. Project Organization 5. Matrix Organization. Line organization is one
of the most simple as well as old organizational structure that has been followed widely by
multiple organizations. The line administrative method includes the simple way of execution of
the orders. It has been monitored that the administrative decisions flow from the higher
authorities to the lower organizational structure. The line organizational structure is perceived as
the simplest type of organizational structure. In this structure, the commands of the mangers and
the leader are communicated through a continuous flow (Madnani et al. 2015). Hence, it can be
regarded as highly effective as there is no gap in the communication process. A staff line
organization follows the primary features of a line organization. However, the significant
difference of the staff lie organization is that it provides the employees, especially the lower level
staff members with the necessary supports. To elaborate it furthermore it can be sad that the staff
line type of organization follows the method of command flowing from the higher level to the
lower (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Along with that, these types of organizations provide their staffs
with proper training and also gives out necessary advices to ensure smooth functioning of the
operations. In contrast to these organizational types, the functional organization depends on the
individual and independent functioning of each departments. Whereas, a project organization is a
type of organization that primarily depends on the project activities. These organizations are
focused on delivering the smooth functioning by taking up easy communication amongst the
Organisation elements (structures, processes and systems)
Mainly there are five types of organizational structures:
1- Functional Organizations: In this structure, each department will represent its own function, such
as Sales, HR, Finance, etc.
2- Geographical Organizations: This is will based on developing the operation across national
3- Organization by product: Common structure is to be organized by a specific product type. As each
product falls under one structure reporting to executive who oversee the whole process.
This type might be useful to be implemented in Body Image as each major brand could be shaped
into product structure.
4- Organization by customer / market: When the organization is relying on small number of
customers, automotive components manufacturer considered organization by customer.
5- Matrix Structure: this kind of organizational structure maintains the matrix or grid system of
organizational relationship, rather than depending on the traditional hierarchy.
The Geographical organization considered as the most suitable structure to be implemented to Body
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Assignment – 5ODG - Part B
This assignment must be submitted through Online Services
Image for the following reasons:
1- Body Image has geographical expansion over 61 countries with different time zones.
2- Geographical structure will facilitate delivering the business objectives for “Body Image” for sales
3- Each country with separate management will affect the culture.
External influences (STEEPLE factors), performance measures.
STEEPLE Factors:
- Demographic: As the Organization is off-shoring their products industry in Asia, and the
Multilanguage and different cultures.
- Population Growth:
- Age Distribution: As it’s indicates that higher percentage of population are under age of 30 as
population growth rates.
- Technological growth: As this will affect –to an extent- the online sales, and the server’s
development to cope with the increase in sales.
- Automation: Continuous development with current software’s market will lead to have more
options with sufficient costs.
- Economic situation of the countries in which the organization is operating can highly
influence the functioning and production.
- Taxation policies as well as the fiscal policies differ widely from one country to another
(Adorni 2013).
- The purchasing capacity of the consumers also differs widely.
- GDP of a country plays significant role in demand and supply.
- Environmental protection laws of a country vary from one place to another. Moreover,
failure to abide by these laws often resulted into failure of maintaining environmental
- Waste management and disposal policies are to be considered with importance.
- Political stability of the countries in which the organization is operating are to be regarded
as important. In the context of Body Image, it can be said that the political inconsistency
of the Asian countries often affect the business.
- Marketing and trade agreement regulations also vary from country to country
- Difference in rules and regulations are to be kept in mind while operating in a foreign
- Organizational morality and integrity are highly important. Exercising these practices help
organizations to maintain sustainability.
Measures of organisational performance
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