
Human Development Stages Essay


Added on  2020-04-07

9 Pages2087 Words75 Views
Film and TheatreHigher Education
Running Head: NURSING Nursing Name of the StudentName of the University Author Note
Human Development Stages Essay_1

1NURSINGThe aim of the essay is to explore the human development stages. These stages include“prenatal development, infancy, childhood (early and middle), adolescent, adult (early, middle,and late) and old age (death and dying)”. Understanding this stages is important as itaccompanies age related changes. Every stage is associated with unique capability that enables aperson to thrive, survive and grow matured. These changes occur beyond the physical realm andare necessary to develop cognitive and social competence (Feldman, 2016). The essay discussesthe cognitive and social development of children and factors influencing this development. Various brain related aspects mark cognitive development which includes informationprocessing, perceptual skills, information processing, language learning. These are important formaximising the child’s wellbeing since early childhood. It will help attain full metal capacities(Bjorklund & Causey, 2017). Jean Piaget theory explains four stages of cognitive development.According to his theory, the first stage called sensorimotor stage is for 0-2 years old children. Inthis stage a child responds to the sensory data (hearing, smell, touch) and learns the bodymovements. In the second stage called pre-operational stage is for children of 2-5 years. In thisstage a child’s thinking remain egocentric but, gains capability to think about objectssymbolically. They demonstrate intelligence by constructing simple sentences. The third stage iscalled the concrete operational stage for 7-11 years old children, is marked by logical thinking.They demonstrate reversible mental actions and of systematic manipulation of symbols. The laststage from 11 years onwards is marked by increase in the capability of children to grab abstractconcepts such as joy, love or grief (Modgil et al., 2013). In the given case study, Jack belongs topre-operational stage as he is 3 years old.Social development in early life occurs by developing the emotional and skills andcontinues across the lifespan. This development pays attention to child and adolescent stages.
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2NURSINGThis development is essential for a human being to establish a positive relationship with society.Erikson’s theory of social development involves eight stages that starts at birth and continues till18 years (Serafica, 2015). Each of the stage is associated with a psychological crisis faced by thechild that ultimately helps to become socially competent. A child may struggle with trust vs.mistrust during infancy until 18 months and autonomy vs. Shame during 18 months to 3 yearsage. At the age of 3-5 years a child may experience “initiative vs. Guilt”, at 5-13 years, “industryvs. Inferiority” and between 13-21 years children may deal with “identity vs. role confusion”.Other sages indentified by Erikson are 21-39 years refers to “intimacy vs. isolation”, 40-65 years“generativity vs stagnation” and lastly 65, and older, which refers to crisis of “Ego integrity vs.despair” (McAdams & Zapata-Gietl, 2015). In the case study given, Jack belongs to the secondstage of social development and may experience the psychological crisis of “autonomy vs.Shame”. This stage is marked by learning new concepts and acting independently. They maytend to eat or dress themselves without external assistance. Relying on others for this activitiesmay create feeling of shame in children as they need to apply these skills in real life (Overton,2013). Jack is 3 years old and the normative cognitive developments, expected at this age arerapid learning and expression of their interests in certain activities. For instance, a child can pickup new words like “mom” and “papa” and form new simple sentence upto 500 words. This is thefirst sign of thinking development. Children can recognise themselves in mirror at this age(Bjorklund & Causey, 2017). Jack shows non-normative development as his speech is delayed.He can only babble at this age. The normative social development expected at this age includesperforming daily activities of dressing, toilet training and eating independently. They may
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