
Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Understanding Human Papillomavirus and Prevention Strategies


Added on  2023-06-18

3 Pages1240 Words319 Views
Political Science
Human papilloma virus is defined as the most common viral
infection of the reproductive tract and is sexually transmitted infection.
In this, the sexually active women as well as men are more likely to get
this infection. The peak time for having this viral infection is when the
women and men both are sexually active. Most of the people do not
infer any symptoms with this viral infection but still these people can
infect others through sexual transmission. This viral infection may
contain symptoms such as warts on the genital area, a type of skin
infection. As there is no cure of this virus and only have been is to
removal of this wart. Main purpose of developing this poster is to aware
people of United Kingdom about such virus. In this poster it will also
cover several strategies that are used to develop understanding as well as
promote the health behavior regarding viral infection caused by
papilloma virus among United Kingdom public.
There is no specific treatment
available against this virus yet,
therefore more focus is put in
developing the strategies to prevent
rather than treating the viral infection.
The health education measures aimed
at developing the use of condoms
while having sex, decreasing the
number of multiple partners during
sex as well as promoting the safer sex
has been active with the aim of
reducing the spread of the human
papillomavirus. Many countries
including United Kingdom has been
establishing the national guidelines in
order to defeat the cancer that are
associated with viral infection called
as papillomavirus. The strategies to
prevent and abolition of the papilloma
virus infection includes such as public
awareness, vaccination, avoidance of
risk factors, visual examination, DNA
testing of papillomavirus.
Understanding the concept of papilloma virus...
The concept of papillomavirus includes the number of cases
that is nearly about 36,000 of cancers among men every year in a
country. There is vaccination of this viral infection and can prevent
the infection to spread. It is very important to aware people about
viral infection so that people can protect themselves by stop the
spread. it is quite essential to spread the information about
papilloma virus such as how it can be caused or the symptoms of
this viral infection. In addition to this understanding, it is also
crucial to spread the knowledge of the viral infection among the
UK public so that they can get to know about the precautions which
should be taken if anyone can get this viral infection.
The government of United Kingdom can prevent the
spread by simply aware the public such as by conducting the
health campaigns, social seminars as well as the media
campaigns. In addition to this, the awareness between the public
can increase the awareness of the severity and the prevalence of
viral infection and the cancer prevention benefits of the vaccine.
As this can directly impact over the adults, teenagers or the
targeted audience.
Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Understanding Human Papillomavirus and Prevention Strategies_1

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