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Scotia Bank Human Resource Activities


Added on  2020/05/04

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This assignment analyzes the various human resource activities employed by Scotia Bank. It delves into their recruitment, leadership development initiatives (iLEAD program), learning and career development opportunities, rewards and performance management systems, and emphasizes the importance of diversity and inclusion in their workforce. The analysis highlights the sophistication of their training and development programs, particularly the Learning and Career Development program, which fosters employee growth and enhances organizational effectiveness.

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Question 1
Analysis of the brand effectiveness of Scotia Bank, Canada
Scotia bank is one of the largest banks of Canada. It is an international financial
institution. The bank provides its services in Latin America, Asia-Pacific, North America and
Central America as well. The bank has a customer base of about 23 million and offers a wide
range of services and products (, 2017). The other services provided by the bank
include commercial and personal banking, investment and corporate banking, private banking
and wealth management. The organization has an employee strength of more than 88,000. Scotia
bank is a well-known brand Canada and also globally. International banking is one of the most
important strength of the bank.
Ways of attracting employees of the organization
The bank website is quite attractive in terms of its looks and offerings. This provides a
total insight about the bank and the career opportunities of the potential employees in the bank.
The description of the workplace is provided in the website of the bank. The rewarding process
of the bank is also provided in detail. The rewarding process includes the Leadership
Development program in the bank, the Learning and Career Development program, the rewards
that are given based on the performance of the employees, the Performance Management
program, the Diversity and Inclusion of the program is given in detail (Sung & Choi, 2014).
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Customer focus of Scotia Bank
The website of Scotia Bank is customer oriented and provides detailed information about
the products and services offered by the bank. The products of the bank include, all types of
credit cards, like, travel, cash back, rewards, student, no annual fees and many more. Other
products of the bank include Mortgages like, fixed rate mortgages and variable rate mortgages,
loans, investments, insurance. The bank also provides facilities to the customers such as, mobile
cheque deposit, rewards provided to the customers for the transactions done by them. Online and
mobile banking is given importance to provide convenience to the customers of the bank (Dhar,
Recruitment process of Scotia Bank
Scotia bank provides job opportunities for students and fresh graduates. The students are
offered internship or placement by the bank. The fresh graduates are offered placement after
graduation. The bank provides job opportunities indigenous people, fresher and to persons with
disabilities. The prospective employees need to apply online in the website of the bank. The bank
provides many development programs and internships to the newcomers who wish to start their
career. The employees of the organization also help the newcomers in the bank to adapt with the
environment of the workplace and communicate with the colleagues. In this manner, the bank
helps the newcomers to develop their careers in the bank (Garavan, Carbery & Rock, 2012).
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Question 2
Scotia Bank’s training and development offerings
Scotia bank provides many development programs for the employees. These are
Leadership Development program, Learning and Career Development program, Rewards
provided to the employees, Performance Management program and Diversity and Inclusion
Methods of training and development of Scotia Bank
The different training and development programs offered by Scotia Bank are,
Leadership Development – Scotia bank provides this program to the employees
with the aim to build strong leadership teams in the industry of financial services.
The strong leadership of the bank will further help them in providing the best of
services to the customers and shareholders. The leaders who are present in the
organization train the new employees to become future leaders. This program is
called the iLEAD program (Manzoor, 2012).
Learning and Career development program – This program encourages the
employees to enhance their level of education and skills. The employees are given
opportunities to acquire higher education. The bank provides career advancement
opportunities to the employees (Elnaga & Imran, 2013).
Rewards and incentives are provided to the employees so that they remain
motivated towards working harder to fulfill their individual goals. The employees
are paid for their performance.

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Performance management program is the way by which the bank tracks the
individual growth and development of the employees. Accordingly, the
employees are guided so that they can achieve the objectives.
The employee base of the bank is diverse and inclusive. The employees of the
bank are from different backgrounds and have different perspectives. Inclusive
culture of the bank facilitates diversity (Garavan, Carbery & Rock, 2012).
Discuss the most sophisticated method of training and development
Learning and Career development program of the bank is the most sophisticated and
effective method of training and development. This program encourages the employees to
acquire higher education. This in turn improves their skills, which will be profitable for the bank
as well. The reason being that, as and when the skills and knowledge level of the employees
increase, their productivity also increases (Sung & Choi, 2014). This will be suitable for the
employee as well as the bank. The employee advances in his career and the bank gains a lot from
his productivity and enhanced knowledge levels.
Document Page
Dhar, R. L. (2015). Service quality and the training of employees: The mediating role of
organizational commitment. Tourism Management, 46, 419-430.
Elnaga, A., & Imran, A. (2013). The effect of training on employee performance. European
Journal of Business and Management, 5(4), 137-147.
Garavan, T. N., Carbery, R., & Rock, A. (2012). Mapping talent development: definition, scope
and architecture. European Journal of Training and
Development, 36(1), 5-24.
Manzoor, Q. A. (2012). Impact of employees motivation on organizational
effectiveness. Business management and strategy, 3(1), 1. (2017). Search Careers by Country and Opportunity |
Scotiabank. Retrieved 24 October 2017, from,,179,00.html
Sung, S. Y., & Choi, J. N. (2014). Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of
training and development investments on learning and innovation in
organizations. Journal of organizational behavior, 35(3), 393-412.
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