
Report on Recruitment and Selection in Woodhill College


Added on  2020-06-04

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentTeacher Development
Report on Recruitment and Selection in Woodhill College_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1- Knowledge.......................................................................................................................1P1 Purpose of workforce planning and role of the role of HR manager with regards workforceplanning and resourcing for woodhill college.............................................................................1P2 The strength and weaknesses of different approach to recruitment and selection.................2Task 2- Application..........................................................................................................................4P7 skills and Qualification required for HR manager job role....................................................4a) Job advertisement for the role of Assistant professor of HR..................................................4b) Identify suitable platform to place the advertisement.............................................................4c) Job description and specification for the Assistant professor.................................................5Task 3...............................................................................................................................................5P3.................................................................................................................................................5a) Difference between Training and development......................................................................5b) Training needs are identified and methods of training used by Tesco...................................6C) Benefits for Tesco and the employees in having systematic approaches to training anddevelopment................................................................................................................................7P.4 Effectiveness of Tecso training and development practices in terms of delivering ROI,productivity and profits...............................................................................................................9TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9P.5 Analysis on importance for ITV to maintain a good employees relation and influence theirHR decision making as result......................................................................................................9P6 Key elements of employment legislation and ITV HR decision making with theconsideration of various factors...............................................................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................13
Report on Recruitment and Selection in Woodhill College_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management play an important role in the organization which help toutilize manpower for the best possible output by performing certain activities. The report consistin three parts. First it will be help to understand about about the recruitment and selection ofWoodhill college which is rapidly developing institution but they don't have clear HR strategyfor managing current and future workforce requirement. Role of HR manager with regardsworkforce planning and resourcing for College. Strength and weakness of various approaches torecruitment and selection. Secondly, Tesco is already a well development firm which maintainconsistency growth commercial world. different between training and development. Trainingneeds are identified and methods of training used by firm. The benefits for Tesco and employeesin having a systematic approach to training and development. Evaluating Tesco training anddevelopment practices in terms of delivering a return on investment with considerationproductivity and profits. Part third consist factor that influence HR decision making with the casestudy of ITV, analysis on the importance for firm to maintain good relation. The key element ofemployment legislation and influence ITV HR decision making within the reference to equality,data protection, health and safety along with contractual responsibilities.TASK 1- KnowledgeP1 Purpose of workforce planning and role of the role of HR manager with regards workforceplanning and resourcing for woodhill college.Purposes of recruitment planning in Wood hill with roles of HR managerIn the Woodhill college, there are many purposes due to which HR manager performtheir functions in systematic manner. They are as follows:Encourage effective number of candidates: In the Woodhill college, main aim of theinstitute is encourages people for applying the job. Therefore, process considered throughsubmit CV with cover letter. In addition to this, short listed candidates included in theinterview for effective work performances. Analysis skills of candidates towards the job: Further, recognition of the candidatesskills also needed in the selection process. This is because, manager need to identifycandidates skills and capability towards the particular job. It will help to increaseeffectiveness of Woodhill college. 1
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Role of HR manager in recruitment and selection: HR manager of the chosen businessneed to pay their full attention towards the aims and objectives of business. It is thesystematic process in which high turnover ratio will be reduced for increasingeffectiveness of business. In addition to this, HR manager need to advertise vacant job sothat they can attract skillful employee at workplace. Workforce planning is an methods in which the firm utilize the correct type of workerwith the appropriate abilities and potential to perform the various roles and responsibilities in theorganization to execute long term and short term goals ( Rees, 2017).The main purpose of workforce planning is to ensure the employees at the right place at the righttime to achieve long term objective of the firms.In Woodhill college Human resource manager is an key person who manage the workforce andresourcing. It is important roles and responsibilities perform by the HR manger in the institutionwith their effective communication with the other employee to maintain relationship. Part ofHuman resource director is help is most imperative and help to give new representatives inassociation and guide them about the work (Dabic and Martinez, 2016). The part of a HRoverseeing executive is to oversee, make, actualize and administer arrangements/directions,which are obligatory for each labourer and furthermore know about its legitimate reason. Inassociation Human Resource area of expertise is help to kept up the level; of execution and givepreparing of each new representatives in association. Along these lines, human asset division isconcentrate on necessity and determination of new applicant according to the prerequisite inassociation. In instruction division human asset office is concentrate on the every last understudyreport and every staff report in organization. Thusly, it is help to contract new workforceaccording to the capability of new instructor(Cornelius, 2012.). In human asset office is help todirect about guidelines and control of eduction segment after culmination of meeting ofapplicant. Human resource management Purpose and structure. Service level social control havea tendency to be founded on body and money related concerns, indiscreet of the degree to whichorganization is decentralized. Area or commonplace level obligations and other factor inassociation. It is help to kept up the level of execution in instruction area and other. HRM is helpto saved the level of conveying vigorously inside the structure.Not enough to pass, please follow the guidelines: 2
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