
Human Resource Management of High Flyers


Added on  2022-09-07

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Human resource management of High Flyers
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Human Resource Management of High Flyers_1

Executive summary
Human resource management is the parameter, which needs to be handled with due
consideration for ensuring that the efforts of the members are duly respected. The managerial
roles and responsibilities are important in terms of formulating effective policies, which
clearly define the terms, conditions, standard and protocols of recruitment and selection. This
is also applicable in terms of giving opportunity to the old cabin and ground crew members,
so that their experience is concretized towards embracing professionalism. Involving the
members in the decision making process would be effective for diversifying the triple bottom
line approach of the High Flyers. Change management models, risk assessment and action
plans are the tools, which relates with the business model research, helping in situational
analysis. This analysis is further assistance in terms of detecting the ways in which changes
can be adopted in an ethical manner through the implementation of the ethical code of
Human Resource Management of High Flyers_2

Table of contents
Part 1- Diagnosis........................................................................................................................7
1. Theoretical consideration...................................................................................................7
Diagnosis model.....................................................................................................................7
Concept fan........................................................................................................................7
Open system.......................................................................................................................8
Force field analysis............................................................................................................9
2. Implication assessment.....................................................................................................12
Part 2- Intervention..................................................................................................................14
Appreciative inquiry.............................................................................................................14
HR Principles.......................................................................................................................15
Action plan...........................................................................................................................15
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Fig: Crew resource management policy components
(Source: Mondy & Martocchio, 2016)
Until the era of 1990, two airline policy governed the strategic alliance between the
government owned airlines of Singapore and the competitor, Silvertail Airlines. This alliance
relates with the aspect of ‘comfortable arrangement’, indicating the fair and transparent
competitive policies for executing the business operations. The policy was a flexible one, as it
catered to the specific needs, demands and requirements of the clients and customers.
However, one of the conditions was acceptance of high fares and limited schedules.
Sanctioning of the duopoly highlights the regulatory compliance, which prepared a flexible
ground for customer attraction and satisfaction. Noe et al., (2017) states that strategic
management was practiced, which resulted in the aversion of conflicts in the current business
me t
Human Resource Management of High Flyers_4

1980 was the turning point, which aggravated the complexities. As a matter of
specification, the pressures increased, which compelled the government to deregulate the air
transport sector. At the initial stage, the effect of the changes were very little, however, threat
of the new entrants adversely affected the duopoly, dwindling its position in the competitive
ambience of the market. In spite of the deregulation, there were consistency in the
functionality of the duopoly, accompanied with few ‘cosmic changes’. Introduction of the
low cost carriers in the domestic and international markets altered the market condition.
Specific mention can be made of the effect on Silvertail, where the critics were concerned
about the declining share price and complaints of the institutional investors (Cascio, 2015).
Replacement of the board of directors with ‘bright and zesty’ marketers, advertisers,
accountants and experts enhanced the creativity and innovation skills of the CEO. Importing
the talented experts from outside reflected outsourcing of the talents, diversifying the
workplace culture. The newly recruited board members made it a point to adopt lean
management practices for effective handling of the situation. Amidst the dismantling and
restricting, the middle management positions were highly affected. Apart from this,
maintenance was outsourced and regional branches were closed. Continuous improvement
strategies helped Singaporean Airlines to emerge in the market with new brand image.
Acquisition of the means of social media contributed in the establishment of the brand as
‘young and innovative’. However, Noe et al., (2015) is of the view that resistance towards
acceptance of the newly created image was witnessed from the cabin and the ground crew.
This resistance was the theme of discussion in the meeting between Recruitment Manager
and Cabin Crew Director.
The target market of the brand were the budget conscious travellers belonging to the
age group of 30s. According to the estimations, these group restrain themselves from
adopting the newly created image of the brand. In this case, the cabin crew highlights the
Human Resource Management of High Flyers_5

consideration of consumer behaviour, which invokes the characteristic traits upon purchase.
The comments regarding the levied services and the current services holds equal significance
in terms of evaluating the effectiveness, feasibility and appropriateness of the marketing
strategies and tactics (Bratton & Gold, 2017). Old customers are more experienced, which is
a cornerstone for the Airlines in terms of adding innovation into the services. The ‘tendency
to be sued’ attains a negative connotation. The remarks of recruitment manager contradicts
the aspect of equality in the workplace issues and operations, as it negates the contribution of
the old.
The younger adults are more tech savvy, therefore, their comments align more with
the current competitive trends. This alignment is assistance for the Airlines in terms of adding
innovation into the services according to the needs, demands and requirements of the clients
and the customers. Changes and shifts in the duties of the cabin crews requires additional
efforts, skills and resources. Systematic approach is needed in this aspect for maintaining the
smooth progression between the flight services (Budhwar & Debrah, 2013). The plans of
acquiring three star hotels instead of five star can be considered to be a rational one in terms
of maintaining the financial stability in the competitive ambience of the market and avoiding
degradation of the public image. Apart from this, lifting the facilities like travel concessions
for the older customers, preferential roasters, and long haul flights can be considered to be
deprivation from the facilities, which can secure their life. Resilience and absence of family
concerns is an aspect, intensifies the competitive rivalry between the Airlines.
One of the plans is the promotion for the target market of young adults. The self-
respect in case of these customers is higher, which highlights the determination and
commitment towards exercising the purchasing decisions and power. In this context,
DeCenzo, Robbins and Verhulst, (2016) highlights the dimension of qualification in case of
the older employees, which is inappropriate. On the contrary, experience needs to be
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