
Human Resources Resource Management in TESCO 3 LO13 P1 Purpose and Function of HRM in workforce


Added on  2021-02-20

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Human Resources Resource Management in TESCO 3 LO13 P1 Purpose and Function of HRM in workforce_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................3LO1 ......................................................................................................................................................3P1 Purpose and Function of HRM in workforce.............................................................................3P2 Strength and weakness of different approaches to Recruitment & Selection of TESCO...........5LO2.......................................................................................................................................................7P3 Benefits of HRM practices for employer and employees...........................................................7P4 Evaluation of HRM practices in TESCO to increase profit and productivity............................9LO3 ....................................................................................................................................................10P5 Importance of Employee Relationship.....................................................................................10P6 Key elements of employement legislation and its impacts.......................................................12LO 4....................................................................................................................................................13P7 Application of HRM practices in a work palce........................................................................13CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................17REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................18
Human Resources Resource Management in TESCO 3 LO13 P1 Purpose and Function of HRM in workforce_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management include handling of people working in the organisation andguiding them to work more efficiently so that organisational goals can be achieved in short period.Employees contribute in growth of the organisation so giving them proper training is very importantpart for every working firm. TESCO is a UK based company founded in the year 1919 in london byJack Cohen. This company has generated £63,911 million revenue in 2019 (TescoPlc, 2019). Thereason of this achievement is TESCO's HRM practices as they work on employees training part andapply different practices to make their employees satisfied towards the working environment.Current report will have different functions of HRM along with its purpose and functions. Furtherthe report includes strength and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment & selection ofTESCO. This study also give benefits of HRM practices for employee and employers and how canit help out to increase the profit and productivity of the business with these practices. Further keyelements of employment legislation and its impacts is briefly described as they not following lawsby government can lead to loss of business. At last application of HRM practices in a work place isdescribed with the examples(Albrecht and et.al., 2015).LO1 P1 Purpose and Function of HRM in workforceHuman resource management is the process which include recruitment of employees, theirtraining and development, motivating employees by appraising them and giving compensationaccordingly. This help in building good relationship with their employees and a healthy workculture.Functions of HRM: -Recruitment and selection: - Main function of Human resource management is to selectbest candidate for the suitable position in the organisation which can full fill both employees as wellas organisations need. TESCO is also facing many challenges to select best candidates who canunderstand their work culture and can give 100% towards the organisation with their skills. TESCOrecruit candidates for a vacant position by analysing whether skills of candidate match for theposition or not. If it is not matching they keep their search going on and if candidate is perfectmatch for the position they go for their training part. Purpose of this function is to get the mostdeserving person in the firm(Bratton and Gold 2017).
Human Resources Resource Management in TESCO 3 LO13 P1 Purpose and Function of HRM in workforce_3

Training and development:- When employees join an organisation they are not awareabout organisations work culture. To make them familiar about it, it is responsibility of Humanresource management to give proper training to new employees so that they can work moreefficiently. TESCO is conducting different training and development programs which help out theemployees to enhance their skills and able to bring new opportunity towards the organisation. Thesetraining programs also help the employees of TESCO to learn basic operations which are used indaily functioning of the business. To raise capabilities of persons are the major purpose of training.Human resource planning: - To achieve business goals a proper planning must be thereand employees have to be guided that how can they reach their targets. For this TESCO have tolisten their employee’s ideas as well as problems and have to respond and make plans accordingly.A proper planning helps the organisation to know the targets and ways to reach them with the helpof their employees good skills. TESCO's human resource managers scan the market and plan a pathto reach their business goals. They guide their employees and monitor their work whether they aregoing with the planning or not. To retail skilled people and make them positive is the major purposeof this function(Brewster and et.al., 2016).Performance management: - It is responsibility of TESCO's HRM department to analyseeach and every employees work performance and whether they are satisfied with the job or not.This can be done by setting goals for the employees and accordingly monitoring their performanceand behaviour to achieve the objectives of the organisation. If they are not able to perform well,proper training is given to employees so that they can work on their skills to grab the opportunitycoming towards them. To improve performance of employees is the major objective of this function, by evaluating their performance entity can arrange training for them.Employees and labour relation: - As relation of employees and their employers plays animportant role for running an organisation smoothly and because of this reason only TESCO takecare of both employees and employers working in there organisation. The company never hesitateto negotiate with their labours and listen to each and every problem that employees face during theirworking hours. Company feels responsible in providing solution to every problem so thatemployees can work more efficiently for growth of the organisation Job Analysis:- If an employee is not working properly and outcomes are not appropriate thenit is responsibility of the human resource management to check out the reasons why employee is notperforming well. It may be possible that employee is not having skills to match the position or notsatisfied with the job. TESCO analyse employee’s efficiency by collecting different data related toemployee. They measure and analyse the information whether it matches with the description of thejob or not. After this they provide appropriate training to employees and make them satisfiedtowards their work. To get the best person those who can contribute well in success of business unit
Human Resources Resource Management in TESCO 3 LO13 P1 Purpose and Function of HRM in workforce_4

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