
Human Resource Management Practices


Added on  2020-02-05

21 Pages6169 Words41 Views
Running Head: Human Resource Management 1AssignmentHuman Resource ManagementStudent nameStudent NumberProfessor’s NameSubmission Date
Human Resource Management Practices_1

Running Head: Human Resource Management 2Table of ContentsIntroduction:....................................................................................................................................31.1 Nature and Scope of HRM........................................................................................................31.2 Work Force Planning.................................................................................................................42.1 Learning development and training...........................................................................................82.2 Job and workplace design:.........................................................................................................92.3 The flexible organization:..........................................................................................................92.4 Performance and reward:.........................................................................................................103.1 Provide an analyses on the importance for ITV to maintain good employee relations and howit influences their HR decisions as a result....................................................................................103.2 key elements in the employment legislation and how it influences ITV’s HR decisions.......124.1 Job Advertisement for assistant professor...............................................................................134.2 Identify suitable platforms to place the advertisement............................................................144.3 Prepare a job specification and person specification for Assistant professor..........................154.4 Provide a rationale for the application of specific HRM practices..........................................16Conclusion:....................................................................................................................................17References......................................................................................................................................17
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Running Head: Human Resource Management 3Introduction: This assignment intended to provide deep understanding of Human Resource Managementpractices, tools, applications and other functions. This enable to apply the principle learned aboutHRM into practice. This will first explains the tools and techniques used in the HR department toincrease the contribution of employees. It will also introduce the recruitment, selection andtraining strategies used by HRM team. The understanding of applying these strategies intoeducational sector is shown by selecting particular job position (assistant professor).1.1 Nature and Scope of HRM HRM stands for Human Resource management. It is a department that is present in almost all thecompanies, big or small and is responsible for managing the employees of the companies. Thetasks carried out by HRM team of any company include but not restricted to are – Recruitment,firing, induction, training, payroll management, employee mentoring in terms of bothprofessional and personal problems and ensure compliance with the policies of the companiesetc. HRM department is also responsible for carrying out fun related activities like team outingsand parties. It is also responsible for promotions and appraisals of the employees. Best Fit approach focuses on building policies which are in synchronization with the needs of thebusiness, technology of the business, cultures and values of the organization and goals of theemployees (Barney, 1991). On the other hand, Best Practice approach focuses on applying auniversal set of rules and policies to an organization and assumes that those set of policies wouldhelp the organization achieve its targets and goals.
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Running Head: Human Resource Management 4The hard model of HRM treats the employees of an organization merely as resources. There islittle communication with the employees, minimum wages are paid, too much of recruitment,firing and intra shuffling of employees. Employees are treated merely like machines of theorganization. On the other hand, soft model of HRM treats employees as assets of theorganization. It is employee centric in nature and considers the goals and motives of theemployees as well. Good top to bottom communication is there, wages paid are decent and firingis less. While, the hard model is used when saving money is the motive, soft model is long termin nature. In soft model, good relationships with the employees are built which will give benefitsto the organization later on. 1.2 Work Force Planning Labour can be broadly classified into 2 types – Permanent Labour and Contractual Labour.Permanent labour are permanent employees of the company whereas contract labour work on acontractual basis for a particular time period depending upon the requirement. PESTLE analysis – Political – A particular government may be friendly towards the labour force whereasanother government can be hostile towards the same work force.Economic – During recession time, there is lot of firing of employees which results inscarcity of jobsSocial – Some companies prefer men over women or vice versaTechnological – New technology are hindrances to the employees as they have toconstantly learn new technologies in order to stay updated.Legal – There might be a ban or limit to the employees that can be outsourced from othercountriesEnvironmental – The labour should be very considerate towards the environment.The turnover can be analyzed at an individual, team or organization level. The legal andregulatory frameworks set by the government are to be met very strictly (Guest, 1997). Some ofthe policies set by the government could be – Maximum 70 hours of work per week, mandatory
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Running Head: Human Resource Management 5maternity and paternity leaves, safe working conditions for women, hygienic workingenvironment etc. The HR department should ensure that all these conditions are adhered to. Some of the reasons why employees leave jobs are – Not happy with the pay and better salary from other companiesNot happy with the managersNot happy with the growthMonotonous workThe HR practices should ensure that all the aforementioned reasons are dealt with appropriatelyso that attrition rate of the employees is less (Berger, 2000). The technology has improved theefficiency of HR practices. All the communication can be done over the mail and through theintranet services available. Pen and Paper work has reduced thereby saving a lot of time. Payrollhappens online through websites which reduces the burden of the HR department to a greatextent. Video Conferencing facility helps the HR department to communicate efficiently with theemployees round the globe. Recruitment -Recruitment is the process of pooling of candidates together through which selection ofcandidates is done. Recruitment is broadly divided into 2 parts – 1) Internal Recruitment – In internal recruitment, the existing employees of the company aretransferred or promoted to new roles rather than hiring people from outside. The advantage ofinternal recruitment is that the employees are already familiar with the culture, values andpolicies of the company (Gratton. L. & Ghoshal, 2003). The disadvantage of Internal recruitmentis that since there is internal hiring, new and innovative ideas are not brought in to theorganization and the organization might lag behind in terms of technology and ideas. Differenttypes of internal recruitment are as follows - a) Transfers – Employees are moved from one department to other which is of similar status.
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Running Head: Human Resource Management 6b) Promotions – Employees are promoted to a new role with increased responsibilities andpower. The advantage of promotions is that the employee is already familiar with the kind ofwork that he will be dealing with.c) Job Posting – Vacant positions are posted on the bulletin board or the intranet of theorganization. All the employees can see the openings and then can apply for the new roles. 2) External Recruitment – In external recruitment, employees are hired from outside- they areeither poached from other companies or fresh graduates are hired. The advantage with externalrecruitment is that new ideas and perspectives come into the company and is thus beneficial forthe company. The disadvantage of External recruitment is that efforts need to be taken to ensurethat new employees are in alignment with the goals, vision, mission, culture, values and policiesof the company which is indeed a time taking process (Bogardus, 2007). Different sources ofexternal recruitment are college recruitment, recruitment agencies, advertisements, walk inapplicants, mergers and acquisitions, job portals etc. Job Analysis involves writing down relevant information about the job that a candidate would bedoing. Some of the essential parts of Job Analysis are –Position of the jobPurpose of the jobRoles and responsibilities of the jobSkill set required for the jobJob description provides an in depth description of the activities to be carried out by thecandidate. It includes summary of the job, the department with which the candidate would beworking, candidate’s reporting manager, projects the candidate would be working on and theexpectations out of the candidate etc.Personal Specification includes the competencies and the skill set that is required in order tocarry out the activities in the job. It includes the skillset(mandatory and essential), prior workexperience(any preference in a particular industry) and attitude(like hardworking, sincere,optimist etc).
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