
Strategic HR Management for Green Construction Projects


Added on  2020-07-22

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Strategic HR Management for Green Construction Projects_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3LO1.........................................................................................................................................3a) Purpose of work force planning and role of HR manager(P1)...........................................3b) Strengths and weaknesses of different approaches of recruitment.(P2)............................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5P7............................................................................................................................................5a) Job advertisement for Lecturer at Woodhill college..........................................................5b) Platform for the placing of the advertisement by Woodhill college..................................5c) Personal specification and Job description for the job.......................................................6PART 2............................................................................................................................................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7a) Differences in training and development program of Tesco..............................................7b) Training needs assessment and use of different method....................................................8c) Benefits of Tesco and employees with implementation of the systematic approach oftraining and development.....................................................................................................10d) Effectiveness of the Tesco training and development practices in accomplishment of returnon investment........................................................................................................................10PART 3..........................................................................................................................................11TASK 4 .........................................................................................................................................11a. Importance for ITV to maintain good employee relations ..............................................11P6 Key elements of employment legislation and ITV HR decision making with theconsideration of various factors...........................................................................................14CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16
Strategic HR Management for Green Construction Projects_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource consist very important part in the business to make high growth andattain desired results at workplace. It is essential activity that create systematic workperformance through HRM strategy. In this context, report based on the different enterpriseswhich undertaken as important part in success of the business (Glendon, Clarke and McKenna,2016). For example, Woodhill college, Tesco, ITV, etc. For gaining insight information, it coverspurposes and workforce planning at Woodhill college to recruit new faculties. Furthermore, itincludes differences in training and development program of Tesco to increase systematic workperformance. At last, it is determines importance of the key elements of employee legislationwhich could be influence to the ITV. TASK 1LO1a) Purpose of work force planning and role of HR manager(P1)The planning of the work force is very necessary for the company as it helps the companyto gain a better profitability and productivity. According to Smith(2014), the workforce planningis the effective management of the work force that is been recruited or is been working in anorganisation. It involves the proper recruitment, training and allocation of the duties andresponsibilities to the employees at the work place. It helps the organisation like Woodhillcollege to take the appropriate measures that helps the company to meet the requirements of theorganisation. The work force planning is the effective management of the people or theemployee's of the company, where various individuals are been placed on the right place, onright time in order to execute the particular organisation function or operation in a very effectivemanner. This helps the organisation like the cited firm to achieve the short as well as the longterm objective. It helps the management of the priorities and operational needs of the cited firm.Besides this, the effective work force planning helps the company to gain a better control over itsoperations and meet the legislative and production related requirements in order to gain theorganisational objectives. The major purpose of the strategic planning is that it helps thecompany to manage its human resource in an effective and efficient manner. This will help thecompany to plan resources, budgets and the target goals in order to improve the work efficiencyof the Woodhill college. Besides this, it will help the cited firm to gain a better productivity.
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The HR department of the firm will manage the overall operations of the recruitmwentand the training process at the Woodhill college. They will perform certain tasks that will help ineffective management of the workforce such as:They will look after the proper training and the maintaining of the operations in theWoodhill college.They will look after the recruitment process of the suitable candidates in the organisation.The HR department of the Woodhill college will also look after the providing of thesuitable training to the new recruits of the company.Apart from this, the HR department of the company will take the suitable measures tosustain the existing work force in the company. The HR manager will lay the emphasis on the effective staffing of the teachers or theteaching professionals in the college.Besides this, he will also look after the effective training process of the employee's or theteaching staff in order to meet their Continuous professional development (CPD) atWoodhill college.Apart from this, as the sector is not the affluent one, the HR manager will look after theeffective, low cost reward system to sustain the employee's and the teaching staff.b) Strengths and weaknesses of different approaches of recruitment.(P2)Various approaches are been taken into consideration for the recruitment and selectionprocess at the Woodhill college. Thais will help the company to take the suitable measures in avery appropriate manner. Some major methods or the approaches and their strength andweaknesses, that are been taken into the consideration by the company are:Internal Sourcing: In this approach, the HR department of the Woodhill college willlook after the efficient employee's for the vacant post within the organisation. Theexisting employees of the organisation will be analysed and screened by the HRdepartment to fill the vacancy. Its major strength is that it saves time and effort of theorganisation but the main weakness is that, sometimes, the HR department is unable tofind the suitable candidate for the post within the company.Advantage:This approach helps the organisation to gain a better share of the knowledge about thevarious employee's that are been working in the organisation.
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