
Human Resource Management And Training :PDF


Added on  2021-01-02

15 Pages4630 Words455 Views
FinanceLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentLanguages and Culture
Individuals, Teams
and Organisations
Human Resource Management And Training :PDF_1

Table of Contents
SECTION 1......................................................................................................................................1
a). Knowledge, skills and attributes that are required to carry out role as HR advisor...............1
b). Detailed skills audit...............................................................................................................2
c). A professional development plan with a reflective statement of development needs...........3
d). Organisational and individual learning, training and development and need for continuous
learning and professional development.......................................................................................5
SECTION 2......................................................................................................................................7
a) The key elements which make up HPW system and how does it work. ................................7
b) Discuss HPW practices to improve firm performance ..........................................................8
c) Discuss how HPW practices enables skill utilisation in High-town Housing Association.. . .9
d) Explain ways in which performance management and effective communication can be used
to support HPWS. .....................................................................................................................10
Human Resource Management And Training :PDF_2

Individual learning refers to a techniques through which employees concentrate on the
improvement of the skill set, developing life goals and also help in enhancement of the overall
potential of the person. It starts with self discovery which help in increasing awareness about the
behaviours of employees because it help in brining change in positive manner (Akhavan and
Mahdi Hosseini, 2016). This assignment is related to Hightown Housing Association which is a
charitable housing association. It headquartered in Hemel Hampstead, UK and currently manage
over 6000 homes and operate 80 care and support services across Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire,
Buckinghamshire and Berkshire. This assignment will discussed about developing and
sustaining high performance culture by performance management, communication and
collaborative working. Further will be defined about knowledge and behavioural traits of HR
advisor and developing a personal audit and personal development plan on the basis of skill set.
a). Knowledge, skills and attributes that are required to carry out role as HR advisor
In Hightown, there are various skills, knowledge and attributes or behaviour that are
required for a HR Advisor so that they can help in achieving the busienss aims and objectives:
Knowledge- Within Hightown, it must required for the HR Advisor that the person have
a degree in human resource and in related field. The person help in assisting and supporting the
Human Resource Management And Training :PDF_3

business to manage team changes, restructures, redundancies, relocation and transfer. The
individual have information and aware about labour laws, compensation and development
activities so that the person can provide a better environment to the employees. The individual
also have little or basic knowledge about accounting, and information technology. The HR
advisor must have knowledge about various documents such as letter templates etc. Most
essentially, the person must have information about the overall concept of high performance
work culture so that the similar principle can be implemented in the employees as well.
Skills- In Hightown, there are number of skills that are required to the HR advisor. The
very first skill is communication is most important and appropriate in HR field. With the help of
this skill, the person can provide information to the employees about change in organisational
structure and strategic change that are occurring within the firm (Bolden, 2016). The HR advisor
have both communication skills oral as well as written so that the person can transfer any
information to its subordinates in an easy and effective way. The HR advisor are required to
develop a set of team work, time management and problem solving so that when the employees
are working a group for achieving a common or shared goal then the person can lead or guide
them. With the help of it they can attain their objectives in set period of time. The individual can
solve issues which are occurring during the time of teamwork.
Attributes- In order to develop a work culture of high performance in Hightown,
the HR advisor must process a sound level so that they can encourage and motivate employees
by their behaviour (Cherubini and Nielsen, 2016). The HR advisor have the abilities of formulate
the strategies according to the organization requirements and able to provide great solution that
can be develop for the problems which are faced by the employees. Other than it, they also
involved in leading the employees rather than managing.
b). Detailed skills audit
As an HR advisor in Hightown Housing association, the personal skill audit is as follows. As per
the column meant for confidence 1 stands for highly confident while 5 is for no confident.
Skill Summery Competence/confidence
Oral communication I am capable to ingeminate and
communicate or transfer
information to my subordinates,
employees and management. But
I am need to get well
Human Resource Management And Training :PDF_4

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