6. Select any two theories of management and leadership and reflect on the impact these have on Amazon’s organizational strategy and devise a leadership strategy that you believe will support Amazon’s strategic direction. (10 marks)
7. Discuss and evaluate the planning for the development and continuum of leadership skills at Amazon, and report on the usefulness of methods used to plan the development of leadership skills. (10 marks)
Assignment Task 2: (30 Marks, Minimum of 1500 words)
Case scenario on Starbucks
Starbucks is a company that has succeeded because it has stayed true to its core values. With 137,000 employees in 40 countries, Starbucks clearly demonstrates that trust and values can travel to different cultures. This video explores how Starbucks achieves financial success by treating employees well and overcoming barriers to positive employee behavior. Based on the video and by further investigation fulfil the following:-