
Human Resources Management in Tesco Assignment


Added on  2021-02-20

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Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional Development
Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management in  Tesco Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1Purposes of Human Resource Management................................................................................1Function of Human Resource Management................................................................................1Different Approaches of HRM and Strengths & Weaknesses of Approach................................4Benefits of HRM practices for Employer and employee.............................................................8Effectiveness of HRM Practices on Performance and Productivity of Organization..................8Importance of employee relation in context of HRM decision making.......................................9Key elements for the employment legislation that impact the Human Resource Managementdecision making. .......................................................................................................................10Application for specific Human resource management practices in context of work...............12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................16REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17
Human Resources Management in  Tesco Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management (HRM) is a strategic approach of organization which isbased on the purpose to manage employees for better performance in improved productivity ofcompany. It is work of human resource department to help the organization to gain competitiveadvantage in market. Management of employee means improve their performance to increaseproductivity of company (Bratton and Gold, 2017). This report is explaining the brief of HRMfunctions and practices in Tesco Public Limited Company. Tesco is a global level groceries andgeneral retail store. Tesco is the largest grocery store in United Kingdom. It was founded in year1919 by jack Cohen. There are 6800 shops Tesco is operating around the world. This report isexplaining various function and practices of Human resources department which are applicablefor work force planning and resourcing Tesco. The different recruitment and selectionapproaches of HRM are covered in study. Benefits of HRM practices is explained for bothemployees and employer. The importance and influence of employee relation on HRM decisionis explained in report. Key elements of employment legislation is explained for decisions of HRdepartment. Application of HR practices id explained related to work.MAIN BODYPurposes of Human Resource ManagementHuman resource is the department is one of the most important department of TescoPLC. The purpose of HRM in an organization is to prevent issues which can reduce theperformance of organization. The purpose of Human resource department is to keep theinvestments of company in right place and in right people to maintain profit of organization. It isimportant to select right people in organization to keep environment of organization good foroverall performance (DeCenzo, Robbins and Verhulst, 2016). The other purposes of HRM are tomanage talent in organization to improve performance of each employee. To complete thispurposes HRM perform different functions which are important for company.Function of Human Resource ManagementTo complete company goals related to productivity and performance HRM performvarious functions. The purpose of these functions of human resource management are designedto meet comp[any goals in the best efficient way. Main functions of HRM in Tesco are staffing,training and development, motivation and maintenance. These are the most important functionsof HRM are managerial and operational functions.1
Human Resources Management in  Tesco Assignment_3

PlanningThe planning is the most important part in an organization. This is most essential part inthe performance . For better performance it is important to work on a pre defined plan to improvethe efficiency of system. To decide the working process and method it is important to make plan.The execution of the task is based on the planning. If specific plan is not designed then companyprocedures will be affected by this. For the future goals of the organization HRM need to planfor company goals. This will help the organization to complete the task with high efficiency andhigh performance. OrganizingIn Tesco it is important to manage the operation of organization in better manner tocomplete goals (Chelladurai and Kerwin, 2018). In organizing process the work of HRM is togrouped the employees in teams tom improve the task handling for particular goal. Other thing isto perform the task allocation for the employees as per their skills and educational qualification.This proper allocation of task will improve the productivity of Tesco PLC. In function oforganizing it is also duty of Human Resource Management is to allocate the power to specificperson to manage the operations of organization.DirectingIt is work of HRM to provide and suggest proper direction to the employees to work in. itis important for Tesco to decide the direction of work. The direction of work force can bedecided or conclude by the planning. In the directing the employee the continuous motivation ofemployee is required. As per the requirement the specific methods and procedures are used byHRM to encourage and motivate the employees to perform better for organization success andefficiency.Controllingit is duty of HRM to track and control the activities of employees to maintainproductivity of process. The controlling is consists of monitoring and task handling ofemployees. In the controlling the work progress is tracked by HRM to ensure that the employeesare following the specific pre decided method or plan. This is very important to maintain theprocedure of organization to get specific required outcome. For better goal completioncontrolling is required must.Operative Function of HRM2
Human Resources Management in  Tesco Assignment_4

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