
Exploring Indigenous Rights and Human Rights


Added on  2020-10-22

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Exploring Indigenous Rights and Human Rights_1

Human Rights of Disadvantaged Group in Australia - Indigenous Indigenous community is among those, who have not been able to get their rights inAustralia. However, the movement of indigenous rights began from initial year of 20th century,that is, 1901. In this year, common wealth of Australia was formed People belonging toindigenous group were excluded from census which triggered common wealth parliament toprepare policies to protect the rights and interest of this community in Australia. Another whiteAustralian policy was also introduced where indigenous people were excluded from givingvoting rights pension employment and maternity allowances (Timeline: Indigenous rightsmovement. 2013). First major protest from the side of indigenous people was initiated in 1938due to which these people were given right to vote. In 1957, a conglomeration was formed,named, National Aborigines Day Observance Committee (NADOC) aiming at promotingaboriginal Sunday. In 1970 to 1971, Aboriginal Housing company helped in setting upAboriginal legal services and aboriginal medical service set up. Then, in 1975, racialdiscrimination act was passed which helps in dealing with ongoing differences in aboriginals andnon-aboriginals. In 1976, Aboriginals land Rights Act and in 1993, Native title Act was passedby the government so as to ensure that overall rights and interest of indigenous community canultimately be protected. Ultimately in the year 2010, Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillardhas announced plans in order to recognise indigenous Australians in constitution (Timeline:Indigenous rights movement. 2013). There were many indigenous children, who were forcibly removed from their familiesdue to the result of government policies. The generations which were ultimately removed fromfamilies are known as stolen generation. It led to leave legacy of trauma and loss. It has alsoaffected overall well being of indigenous families. The 1960s proved to be quite a pivotal decade which asserted rights to aboriginals. It alsoinitiated collaboration between Australians Aboriginal activists. In 1962, these people were ableto get rights to vote in common wealth elections, after initiating changes in its legislations. In1965, New South Wales increased the awareness regarding aboriginal communities so as toprovide better health and living conditions to aboriginal people. Freedom Ride focussed onencouraging aboriginal people, where they were taught to resist discrimination. They were ableto serve in political offices from 1970s (Hunt, 2013). 1
Exploring Indigenous Rights and Human Rights_2

Indigenous Australians are aboriginal and Torres strait Islander people in Australiadescended from groups, whose existence is commonly found in territory and in surroundingIslands prior the incidence of British colonialization (Liberman, 2017). A cumulative populationof 1.6 billion people have been estimated to survive in Australia for over 70,000 years prior tocolonization.Out of all indigenous individuals in Australia, 31% of people still face employmentdiscrimination against indigenous Australians. More than half of them, that is 56%, believe thatbeing an indigenous Australian make it difficult for them to succeed in one of the other fields. Acommon experience or racism and discrimination in education, health and employment sector.Lack of understanding and acknowledgement led to social disparities in Australia (Liberman,2017). Acknowledging these traumatic events faced by aboriginal people has generatedrequirements for improving circumstances and healed wounds of the past, where no rights werein favour of these people. There has been a misbalanced social standing of people belonging toindigenous community. Australians and reason of being called as a disadvantaged group (Short,2016).The management at Universal Declaration of Human Rights helps in ensuring thatfreedom of humans are properly aligned underpinning its relevance in the form of social,political, economic and civic prospects. The authority ensures that there is no discriminationbased upon ethnic groups, race, caste, sex, class creed, age and sexual orientation. It has helpedin securing freedom from unjustified imprisonment, torture, unjust discrimination, etc. It hashelped in developing strong architecture of international human rights legal system, focussingupon rights and interest of citizens of Australia (Briskman, 2014). 2
Exploring Indigenous Rights and Human Rights_3

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