
Human Trafficking: A Gender and Racial Issue


Added on  2023-06-12

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Human Trafficking: A Gender and Racial Issue_1

A race is a group of people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock, for
example, the negroid race, the Caucasian race and the mongoloid race. Human trafficking is the
exchange of people for automatic work, sexual subjection or business sexual misuse for the
culprit or others.
It involves tricking, selling, coercion, or otherwise forcing individuals, especially women
and children, into situations of exploitation from which they are unable to escape. (Farrel 2015,
p. 98,). Human trafficking is integrally discriminatory. Women constitute a better portion of
trafficked persons. This makes human smuggling more of a gender issue, mostly in a country
like the U.S.
Authentic figures are trying to get, but an estimate of 46,000 to 50,000 women and
children are smuggled yearly to the United States only. This means the numbers can be
overwhelming globally (Godziak 2015, p.15). Economic difficulties in the developing countries
and the bureaucratic nature of legal migrations are concurrent with the increase in the number of
trafficking cases as well as the spread of the vice to other areas (Finn 2016, p. 510).
The culprits utilize a few strategies among them; through and through snatching,
purchasing from relatives. In many situations, the casualty is now endeavoring to search for an
opportunity to move when they are drawn nearer by the culprit or the go-between. They are
guaranteed of work or marriage to the region of goal. (Farrell 2015, p. 120).
In most cases, the victim's travel documents are confiscated to restrict their movements.
Physical confinement, violence, and intimidation are mostly used to have control of the victim.
The perpetrators are rarely arrested or prosecuted due to the inadequate law enforcement
Human Trafficking: A Gender and Racial Issue_2

response to this vice. Human trafficking cases are rarely reported to the authorities as the victims
are in most cases treated like criminals. (Farrell 2015, p. 126).
Most trafficked persons shy away from seeking justice due to the lack of knowledge on legal
rights and entitlements (Farrell 2014, p.87). Cultural and linguistic constraints are also barriers to
seeking justice by the victims
The Crucial Link between Human Trading and Racial Discrimination
Associations between human trafficking and racial segregation are not right away clear,
but rather the issue's presence is certain. Robinson Mary, the United Nations Human Rights
Commissioner, was once cited remarking on the issue and she noticed that human trafficking is
intrinsically biased. She included that on account of trafficking into the worldwide sex industry,
we ought to discuss cases whereby men from the created countries pay for the sexual services of
women and girls, and in some cases men and boys, from the developing states (Gabbidon 2015
P.123,). Robinson Mary noted that the issue is purely basic human rights issue as it involves such
a huge and perilous form of discrimination. She refuted the argument that the issue might be the
case of labor rights or issue of unequal development (Thomas 2014, p.350).
Trafficking is mostly considered a gender-based issue because the majority of the
trafficked individuals are women. In this research, however, we take a close look at the races of
the victims to base our argument according to the race. The race is not only a risk factor for
trafficking but also has a fair say or instead it determines how the victims will be treated by the
perpetrators. The racist ideology further initiates demand in the destination country, hence
Human Trafficking: A Gender and Racial Issue_3

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