
Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Rural Electrification in Kalgoorlie


Added on  2023-06-03

57 Pages10958 Words93 Views
ENS3201 Technology Project
ENS3201 Technology Project
Final Report
My Project Title
John Citizen
Student # 12345678
<Enter the name of your degree, e.g., Bachelor of Technology (Aeronautical)>
Edith Cowan University
School of Engineering
Date of Submission: <DD MMM YYYY>
Supervisor: Dr. Jane Public
Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Rural Electrification in Kalgoorlie_1

ENS3201 Technology Project
Copyright and Access
Use of Thesis
This copy is the belongings of Edith Cowan University. Though, the fictitious rights of
the author must also be appreciated. If a few passages from this thesis is quoted or very
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ENS3201 Technology Project
Author Declaration
I attest that this thesis does not, to the best of my information and trust: incorporate
without acknowledgment any stuff before submitted for a degree or diploma in any
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Name: _________________________________________________________________
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Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Rural Electrification in Kalgoorlie_3

ENS3201 Technology Project
In Australia, as a most developing region, the sustainable energy introduction provides
better energy for a large population, thereby improving the quality of life while
dropping the global warming impact. Many communities in Australia do not have
access to electricity as huge capital investment required for that, and as a result, it is
available only in areas with strong economic as well as industrial activities and
presented grid infrastructure. The truth that renewable energy is also a disseminated
resource provides a chance to save the capital investment in electricity transportation
moreover distribution. Kalgoorlie is a typical country town in Australia has been
selected to accept the study of this study. The proposed Kalgoorlie hybrid renewable
energy system includes photovoltaic arrays, biomass burning Stirling batteries and
engines. The stability of renewable energy supply is enough, and due to the simulation,
the presentation of an entire hybrid renewable energy system is fine Further this
research is conducted to examine the possibility of simply using hydropower, whether
or not data of River on the Kalgoorlie is collected.
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ENS3201 Technology Project
Throughout this project, I have expected support and hold from so several people. I
would like to show gratitude and utter my special thanks of gratitude my professor who
gives me a chance to do my research in his sector as well as also my controller. I owe
my deep thanks to project guide, who took the keen interest on my project work
moreover guided me all along, till achievement of the project work by helping me by
providing required information for developing most appropriate structure. I would like
to say thanks to my family and friends who at all times helps me with all the patience
and helped me to complete this project within the limited time frame.
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ENS3201 Technology Project
Table of Contents
Copyright and Access i
Author Declaration i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgment iii
Table of Contents iv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objectives 1
1.3 Significance 1
1.4 Report Organization 1
2 Background 2
3 Proposed Approach 3
4 Results and Discussion 4
5 Concluding Remarks 5
5.1 Conclusions 5
5.2 Future Work 5
References 6
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ENS3201 Technology Project
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Electricity is a vital part of human life. Though electricity is critical to people's lives, still it is
required for the soft execution of a strong economy and ensuring population health. Energy
resources will be needed while generating electricity. Depending on their accessibility and
safety, power assets can be divided into relic fuels that are depleted through their use and
renewable energy that is sustainable but requires further technological improvements for
efficient use. Providing power to clients is a long and compound process, starting with how
electricity is generated, then how it is transmitted, and finally how it distributes or transmits
electricity from consumers to electricity. Due to its convolution, providing electricity to users
requires high venture, operating and preservation costs, high technical requirements, and
well-trained human resources. While electricity plays a vital role in many aspects of human
life around the world, in some developing countries, electricity supply is still limited. Since
the German physicist Otto von Guericke started generating power in 1650 until Thomas Alfa
Edison invented the electric light and eventually used electricity in the US at the end of the
19th century, there were numerous Experiments and inventions linked to electricity and its
use. However, these inventions cannot help 2 billion individuals or approximately one-third
of the world's inhabitants get electricity or other forms of non-traditional energy (Hossain &
Hasan, 2018). This happens since the majority of them live in remote and rural areas, and the
general grid and power infrastructure are too costly to provide. Rural electrification is a
complex problem that is caused by actual conditions, such as unregulated tariffs, low load
factors as well as demand's low levels, lack of business sovereignty, and, in few cases,
maximum political interference. Faced with these problems, rural power has become a boring
business in which private utilities participate. Only through good tactical national policies of
the government and international assistance can we solve the problem. By using hybrid
renewable energy, high quality, stable and reliable power for rural and remote areas is a
technical challenge for engineers, considering low cost and low environmental impact. This
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ENS3201 Technology Project
rural electrification development involving current and future needs can be classified as
sustainable. Off-grid renewable energy technologies directly address energy needs and evade
the requirement for the long-term distributed infrastructure. The combination of diverse
however complementary energy generating systems based upon renewable energy or hybrid
(RES- and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 1 / Diesel/Gasoline Generator Sets) is referred to
as the hybrid system ("hybrid system"). Hybrid systems depict the top attributes of every
energy source and make available "grid-quality" power ranging from 1 kilowatt (kW) to
hundreds of kilowatts. To free the community from livelihoods and into the rising spiral of
wealth, certain elementary services should be provided and reasonably priced (Kusakana &
Vermaak, 2013). These comprise health care, drinking water, education, communications,
and transportation. Access to consistent electricity is prerequisite for providing many of these
facilities and a positive catalyst for sustainable development. Providing electricity has a
major social influence. Improve communication as well as social activities, along with
education and health facilities and services, significantly improve the standard of living,
thereby preventing urban migration, providing greater community awareness, reducing
mortality and improving gender quality. The Electricity supply also has a major influence on
economic development by intensifying economic growth and productivity in addition to local
employment. A possibility of retaining certain products, having power processing equipment
and irrigation facilities will increase the production capacity along with quality and product
quantity in the market (Maklad, 2012).
Problem Statement
In Australia, as a rising area, the beginning of sustainable power provides better energy for a
large population, thereby improving the class of life though dipping the impact of universal
warming caused by human actions. Many communities in Australia do not have access to
electricity because the huge capital investment necessary for traditional electricity
communications results in good and reliable power supply only in areas with tough financial
and industrial activities and accessible grid transportation. The reality that renewable power
Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Rural Electrification in Kalgoorlie_8

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