
CPCCBC5009A Identify Services Layout to Medium Rise Construction - Project 1


Added on  2023-06-05

14 Pages2426 Words270 Views
in partnership with
CPC50210 Diploma of Building and Construction
CPCCBC5009A Identify services layout and connection
methods to medium rise construction projects
Project 1
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment: 32664/01
Open Colleges CPCCBC5009A Identify services layout to medium rise construction
CPCCBC5009A Identify Services Layout to Medium Rise Construction - Project 1_1

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Open Colleges CPCCBC5009A Identify services layout to medium rise construction
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CPCCBC5009A Identify Services Layout to Medium Rise Construction - Project 1_2

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CPCCBC5009A Identify Services Layout to Medium Rise Construction - Project 1_3

This assessment has been designed to allow you to provide partial evidence of
your competence in the unit CPCCBC5009A Identify services layout and
connection methods to medium rise construction projects.
In completing your final assessments, you will show evidence of your ability to:
· Evaluate commonly used methods of water storage supply and layouts.
· Evaluate methods of sewerage and drainage disposal and their layouts.
· Assess commonly used methods for mechanical ventilation and air
distribution and their layout
· Evaluate the range of hot water systems
· Evaluate effective natural lighting for a range of situations.
· Ensure fire protection standards are met.
· Outline the requirements for general electrical and electronic service
You are required to complete two projects for the overall assessment of this unit.
Below is Project 1.
Project 1
For this assessment, you will need to complete a Site Services Assessment
Report and access and show your understanding of the National Construction
Code (NCC), as well as any relative Australian Standards.
Evaluate the methods, requirements and layout of:
· water storage supply
· mechanical ventilation and air distribution
· general electrical and electronic service installation
As well as evaluate the effectiveness of the:
· hot water systems
· natural lighting for the building
· fire protection standards used in the building.
For this project you are required to visit a medium rise existing building of your
choice and complete an On-site Services Assessment Report. Your site
assessment report will include all the items laid out in the template in the
following pages and identify any faults. For this you take on the role of a Sullivon
constructions representative, who will be evaluating the project as a future
renovation job (see scenario).
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CPCCBC5009A Identify Services Layout to Medium Rise Construction - Project 1_4

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