
Impact of Branding on Consumer Behaviour


Added on  2020-07-22

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Impact of branding onconsumer behaviour inLondon to choose iPhone andSamsung
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI'm expressing my gratitude with love and sincerity to them who were associated with meto accomplish this project work. All the hard work, devotion towards duty and the love ortolerance which my supervisor has shown I'm grateful to. At the end I want to thank my familyand friends for their involvement and cooperation in my data collection on conducting myresearch work on the impact of branding on customer behaviour.
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ABSTRACTThe whole research project which is to be conducted is based on the comparative study ofApple and Samsung and their brands impact on customer behaviour. The dissertation will behaving qualitative study so that we can judge the impact of branding on customer of company.Branding is the signal which is allowing the customer in recognising the product quickly as theyare very familiar with the company and brand as well. Behaviour of customer is all dependedupon the brand of that company and this will be including the decision of buying the product ornot. As the brand of Apple and Samsung are very well known by the quality of product andservices which they are providing to customer at any cost. This also states that how will data isethical on all grounds and what are its limitations. The methods which are applied in field ofstudy or research in a systematic and theoretical manner is known as methodology. In thedissertation customer who are having specified knowledge about technological gadgets and whoare frequently involved in purchase of these gadgets are taken so that they are able to judge howwill purchase be affected by branding.
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Topic: Impact of branding on consumer behaviour in London to choose iPhone and SamsungCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONBackground of the study:Brand is associated with the design, symbol and name of the company which will behelping customer, investor and company itself to distinguish between one or more company inmarketplace. The general perception and feeling about the brand and then its influence oncustomer behaviour is called as brand image and this is the important part of brand. So in thepresent condition of work branding and brand image is the method which will be helping thecompany in finding its value of product in market. Brand image is also the feature of productwhich is kept in mind of customer while he is making his purchase of particular product this canbe either price or quality or also the use of technology in the product development. It is verymuch helpful for the company and is also very important as this will be making the companydistinguishing its brand with that to its rival in market. All the firm whether big or small need togive attention on brand and branding of its product and service thus making profits and revenuefor them.Branding is the signal which is allowing the customer in recognising the product quicklyas they are very familiar with the company and brand as well. Customer in today's environmentis very much up to date and they always find their best quality of product from the market asthey are having all kind of information which is relevant to product. Customer also relate thepurchase of product to that of their experience and this will be laying emphasises on whether tobuy or not. Brand is not new to world as this was also used at the pastime in Egypt in around2700 BC as at this time the cattle of one person was used to distinguish from that of others inmarket. The present dissertation is based on the impact of branding on customer behaviour andwill be studying the comparative analysis of two big giants in the world of electronic gadgetsApple and Samsung. Both the company are not just company in the world of electronic marketbut are associated as the brand of Apple and Samsung. Brand and branding in the case of Appleand Samsung is very frequently used as they are the one who clearly knows what and how toachieve with the help of brand. Apple is an American multinational technology company which1
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is designing, developing and selling the consumer electronic and computer software and onlineservices. This is also regarded to as the market leader in world as is the most popular brandamong all customer. All the customer who are using mobile or computer software are in the wantof buying product of Apple with only seeing the brand of Apple.On the other hand Samsung is considered to as the biggest rival of Apple in terms ofmarket share. Samsung is the South Korean multinational conglomerate which is comprisingmany companies under the brand of Samsung. This is very well known company in almost allparts of the world which is all because of the brand image of Samsung and its product in market.Samsung is known for selling the best quality of mobile and computers systems as is regarded asmarket leader in many of countries. There are many types of products rather than only mobilephones like the semi conductors, washing machines etc., All these products are also forming thepart of conglomerate of Samsung and preforming under the brand name of Samsung.London, UK is been selected in this research work just because population of London arevery much found of gadgets Samsung is also opening giant showroom on Regent Street ofLondon so that it can compete with Apple. According to statistical research done within citythere were about 48% respondents who were using Apple iPhone. Among them only 20% ofthem have recently upgrading and changing their handset to new one like iPhone X and 8 (UKMobile Market Is 2017 The Year Of The Mid Tier, 2018). The share of Apple iPhone X in 2017May was about 49.21% which was less than that in 2016 January. Bas this was said that themobile consumer at London, UK are becoming more price conscious and sale of iPhone X wasreduced because of this. Still, during the last year 2017 mobile market share of UK wasdominated by both Apple and Samsung with the share of 49.04% and 29.98% respectively. Allthe others in market like that of Nokia, LG or Motorola were having relatively smaller parts.2
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Illustration 1: UK Mobile market: Is 2017 the year of the mid-tier?[Source:UK Mobile market: Is 2017 the year of the mid-tier?, 2018]All the customer who are associating themselves with the brand of Apple or Samsung arehaving full knowledge about the brand as are having the good image. Branding and brand arevery much important for them as the customer behaviour will be depending upon them and thiswill be requiring company to keep the standard of their quality as high as the expectations ofcustomer. They need to always give emphasises on the quality of product as this is the reasonbehind brand image of company. Behaviour of customer is all depended upon the brand of that company and this will beincluding the decision of buying the product or not. As the brand of Apple and Samsung are verywell known by the quality of product and services which they are providing to customer at anycost. The impact of branding is very extensive on the behaviour of customer and then on theprofitability of firm which is defined wholly by this factor only. If the experience of customer isnot good with that particular company then he will surely will not be ready to purchase thatproduct. Customer finds these both countries as doing very successful business in the market bythe use of brand image.3
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Aim:Aim of the study is to assess the impact of branding on consumer behaviour in London tochoose iPhone and Samsung Objective:To understand the importance of branding in Apple and Samsung.To evaluate the impact of brand and branding on customer behaviour.To analyse the impact of brand and branding on customer behaviour.To recommend the ways in which the branding will be implemented successfully withincompany.Research Questions:What is the importance of branding for Apple and Samsung.What is the impact of branding on customer behaviour.What are the benefits of implementing branding on customer behaviour.What are the ways branding can be implemented successfully within Company.Significance:The present dissertation will be of importance for the various types of group likestudents, researchers, suppliers and both company. The student can easily understand theimportance of branding on the profitability of company and customer behaviours. Researcher canuse this matter for further research work in the field of their research work. Supplier will beusing the report on analysing that how to use the following matter in supply of product. Both thecompany can also use the research work in their understanding of the behaviour of customer andhow can they get the benefit from branding on the increment of profit and market share.Rationale:The following study is done so that the reader can easily understand the value of brandand branding on the customer behaviour. The study can help many types of group of people whocan easily understand what is the meaning of branding and how will it be helpful in impactingthe customer behaviour. The customer behaviour will also be there in the following study. Theimpact of behaviour of customer which need to be studied will be clearly defined as to why in4
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