
Tourism & Sustainable Development


Added on  2020-01-07

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To assess the impact of green tourismOn tourist decision making while booking holiday –a case study on Thomas Cook, UK
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TABLE OF CONTENTSTASK 1.................................................................................................................................................3A.......................................................................................................................................................3B.......................................................................................................................................................4C.......................................................................................................................................................7TASK 2...............................................................................................................................................11A.....................................................................................................................................................11B.....................................................................................................................................................11TASK 3...............................................................................................................................................15A.....................................................................................................................................................15B.....................................................................................................................................................20TASK 4...............................................................................................................................................21REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................22
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TASK 1A.IntroductionBackground of researchGreen tourism is basically reducing the negative impact on the environment by engaging inthe activities which are environmental friendly. Due to the increasing global warming situation andincreasing demand for tourism, tour operators are required to carry out the activities by focusing onsafeguarding the environment (Seetanah, 2011). This topic covers aspects regarding theenvironmental management, waste management, social responsibility towards the environment etc.In the present era, with the development of the tourism activity, the harm on the biodiversity istotally ignored by the companies. In this regard, Thomas cook has been selected which isemphasizing on the green tourism to make the environment better. Besides this, green tourismaffects the decision making of the tourist effectively. For this report, to analyse the impact ondecision making on the tourist, Thomas Cook has been selected as the organization (Han, Hsu andSheu, 2010). Company’s overviewThomas cook group is the British travel company which is known for its services and theholiday packages. It has been listed on the London Stock Exchange. The organization was formedon 19th June, the company merged with the Thomas Cook AG. Further, in the February 2007,Thomas Cook AG and the Travel Group Plc. will be merged. On the other hand, in the year 2008,the company purchased the Hotels4U.com for £21.8 million. This was a step ahead in the success ofthe organization. Further, with the time, the organization captured market of tourists. It is famousfor the services which the firm provides to its tourists (Ballantyne, Packer and Sutherland, 2011).Besides this, the Thomas cook has taken several initiatives in the sustainable environment. Theorganization builds the holiday packages by focusing on the sustainable tourism concept. Theybelieve that if they will not protect the environment, then the tourism will be badly affected. The main mantra of the Thomas regarding the green tourism is that they want to fulfil theneeds of the customers by contributing in the future. Besides this, it operates in five divisions whichare UK, Central Europe, German airlines, West Europe and Northern Europe. Through thisglobalization, it has been earning huge profit from the tourists. Further, the organization was the1
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sponsor Manchester CityandPeterborough Unitedfootball club. Through this, it can be said thatthe firm is successful in the operations which are carried out by them (Kim, Uysal and Sirgy, 2013).Rationale of the studyDue to the increasing demand of the tourism activity, green tourism has become majorconcern for the government. The issues regarding global warming as well as depletion of naturalresources is affecting the decisions of the tourists. It has been witnessed that in the near future, thenatural resources will be affected more effectively (Song and et.al.,2012). The main problem whichwill be addressed in that is if the organization does not adopt the green tourism then it will affect thedecision making process of the Thomas Cook. Besides this, another problem is regarding theincreasing preferences of the customers towards the eco- friendly tourist activity. But with thedepletion of the natural resources, these are not fulfilled by the tour operators. Research aim & objectivesAim – To assess the impact of green tourism on tourist decision making while booking holiday – acase study on Thomas Cook, UKObjectives:To analyse the importance of green tourism for Thomas Cook , UKTo evaluate the relation between green tourism and tourist decision making in ThomasCook while booking holidayTo identify the advantages of green tourism for Thomas Cook, UKTo recommend different ways other than green tourism that Thomas Cook can use forinfluencing decision making of tourists Research Questions1.Why green tourism is important for Thomas Cook, UK?2.What is the relation between green tourism and tourist decision making in Thomas Cookwhile booking holiday?3.What are the advantages of green tourism for Thomas Cook, UK?4.How Thomas Cook can influence the decision making of tourists by using ways other thangreen tourism?B.Review of Literature2
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According to Logar, (2010) green tourism is conserving the natural environment from thehuman activities which are carried out by the tourist. With the increasing population, it is difficultfor the individual to find the place where there is less population. So in this case, green tourism isrequired to be adopted by every tour operator so that they can preserve the natural resources for thefuture. Thomas Cook is one of the leading tour operator organization as for maintain the tourismand the profitability in tourism, the firm is required adopt the Green tourism so that the customersfeel the urge to visit the place. It has become important for the Thomas Cook to adapt the practicebecause the citizens of UK are fond of natural places (Vellas, 2011). Due to this reason, to fulfiltheir needs and expectations, it is required by the organization to adopt the green tourism. It hasbecome significant to save the environment because if there is excess of deletion of naturalresources, then it will not be able for the organization to work effectively. According to Law andet.al., (2012), it is important for Thomas Cook because the tourist are demanding for going to thoseplaces which are full of natural resources. Further, as the taste and preferences of the clients arechanging, they are demanding for the adventurous as well as camping trips. This is possible onlywhen the natural resources are intact. On the other hand, there is huge impact of green tourism onthe decision making because Thomas Cook promotes the green tourism by providing differentactivities in the packages. They provide one day camping in the package which lure the customersto take the package. In this case, for making the tourist aware the tourists as well as customersregarding the green tourism they have adopted this way (Getz, 2013). On the other hand, due to theglobal warming, climate is changing frequently and because of this, the tourism activities areaffected drastically. This is the main concern for the tourism industry because with the changingseason, it will directly impact on the sales and the profitability of the company. To avoid these typesof effects, it becomes significant to focus on the green tourism.There is huge link between the green tourism and the decision making process of the touristat the time of booking the ticket. By adopting the green tourism, they guide the customers about thewaste management and propose different ways through which they can conserve the environment.Through this reason, the UK citizens are able to visit the places which are not travelled by many ofthe individuals (Andersson and Lundberg, 2013). For promoting the green tourism, this touroperator makes them visit the places which require maintenance as well as conservation. On theother hand, it has seen in the schools of UK that they take tour from those tour operators who areaware of the sustainable tourism as well as educate the children about them. In this case, thedecision making process of the tourists is largely affected by the adopting of green tourism.According to Lee and et.al., (2010), the mass is highly educated on the situation which is arising in3
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the environment due to the human activities. In this case if any tour operator is following the greentourism it increases its reputation on it. So in this case also, it has huge impact on the decisionmaking at the time of booking the holiday trips. Further, it has been seen that in UK, theorganization which are supporting the green tourism chooses the hotel which are environmentallyfriendly. In this case, due to the choice of the hotel the tourist’s decision making is influenced(Horner and Swarbrooke, 2016). According to Teng and et.al.,(2012) there is also negative impact of green tourism on thedecision making at the time of booking the holiday. It has been witnessed that as Thomas Cooksupports the sustainable tourism so it has banned most of the places which are destroyed. In thiscase, they have restricted the tourists to visit those places. According to this reason, the tourist doesnot get the place as per their demand which affects their decision making process negatively.Further, the customers switch the organization which hampers the profitability and the sales of thefirm. As in UK, there are most of tour operators who does not support the green tourism in this theydo not seek important for conservation the environment in the future. According to Riddington,McArthur, Harrison and Gibson,(2010), another negative impact of the green tourism on the touristsis that as Thomas Cook charges more for the places which are not travelled by most of theconsumers. This makes it expensive for the tourists and this affects the decision making process ofthe travellers. Further, as Thomas Cook has been very particular about the waste management andpreserving the environment so for taking their trips, the tourist has to follow certain rules andregulations. This is not preferred by most of the tourists as they believe that they have gave moneyand are not entitled to be controlled by other individuals. Besides this, the reaction is positive alsoas most of the people who are educated and is concern regarding the sustainable environmentsupports them (Ballantyne, Packer and Falk, 2011). Further, as the Thomas has adopted greentourism so they also organize camps and adventurous trips for the tourist. The youth are fond ofthese types of trips so according to their needs and preferences of the customers these camping tripsare organized. Through this reason, many of the consumers are attracted towards the green tourism.Besides this, at the time of booking or making the trips, reputation affects the perspective of thecustomers (Walker and Walker, 2011). By following sustainable tourism by Thomas Cook, touristmakes a positive image in their minds which are help in building the positive goodwill of theorganization. According to Getz,(2013) there are both positive and negative impact of tourist on theperception of green tourism at the time of booking their ticket. It is required to change the negativethinking of the sustainable tourism, as with the change only, the government and the tour operatorcan take the initiative to conserve the natural resources. 4
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