Compare the current views on aging in America to your personal views. I view ageing as a gentle process rather than a point of no return. However, growing old will always be a source of anxiety for me since it meant dying, which is an idea that makes me unhappy. Even though I'm an "adult," I am attempting to put this dread aside because it is unavoidable, and to see ageing as a natural process. Artificial teeth, ailments, aching bones, and wrinkles come to mind when most folks think of the elderly. The fact is that the senior years are much more than that. There are several ways to show progress, one of which is via life review process and reminiscence (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2018). Because older folks have lived for a longer time than their younger counterparts, they have more tales and life anecdotes to share. Describe how aging impacts you psychologically, physically, personally, and financially. I have changed so much as I have gotten older! Physically, Everything I took for granted in my twenties reappears as I become older. I can no longer run as many laps as I could in my twenties. However, I have discovered that becoming old isn't the end of the world. I still live a happy life and am capable of accomplishing goals. Psychologically, I have a better understanding of things than I had when I was twenty, I have also come to accept myself for who I am and be content with myself. I'm more relaxed than I used to be, and I've learned to pick my conflicts wisely. In terms of social life, as I've become older, I've learnt to value my life and friends more. I've learnt to do anything I want while I can, as long as I'm physically capable of it (Sanderson & Huffman, 2019). Furthermore, I can claim that I have remained the same; I still like talking!" Financially, I have grown more stable; my increased health and financial literacy is linked to better decision-making, fewer susceptibility to frauds, and a high level of mental well- being.
What do you consider old to be? Describe in detail. It's not my age but how I feel, that makes me feel old. There's a distinction to be made between ageing and becoming old. We all age; it's a given from the minute we emerge from the womb, but being old is a decision. When you cannot recall where you placed your phone or someone's name, notice more wrinkles or a baggier buttock, aging doesn’t always feel like something of a choice. If these events make mefeel old, I am, without a doubt, getting older rather than simply ageing. No, the distinction isn't just semantic. In high school, I distinctly recall pulling all-nighters and felt 90 years old following morning due to a lack of sleep(Nelson, 2022).Nothing like seven days in bed with a horrendous ailment to cause you to feel 20 years older than your genuine age, whether it's 40 or 60. We will quite often feel old when we're despondent. Notwithstanding, assuming I Live that long, I will know when I am old in the event that I attain the age of 70-80(Nelson, 2022).
References Cavanaugh,J.C., & Blanchard-Fields,F. (2018).Adult development and aging. Cengage Learning. Nelson,N. (2022).It's not your age, It's how you feel about your age that counts. Sixty and Me. counts/ Sanderson,C.A., & Huffman,K. (2019).Real world psychology. John Wiley & Sons.