
Apply Structural Principles to Residential Low Rise Constructions


Added on  2023-04-10

14 Pages3069 Words500 Views
In partnership with
CPC40110 Certificate IV in Building and
Construction (Building)
CPC50210 Diploma of Building and
Construction (Building)
CPCCBC4010B Apply structural principles to
residential low rise constructions
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment: 32636/01
Apply Structural Principles to Residential Low Rise Constructions_1

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32636/01 Apply structural principles to residential low rise constructions.
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Assessment submission
To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-
naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your file
should be named and saved to your computer’s hard drive using your:
Student number_ 32636_01.docx
When you are ready to submit your assessments, upload the files in Open Space
using the Assessment Upload links in the relevant Module of your course.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic assessments submitted to
Open Colleges.
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This assessment has been designed to allow you to provide partial evidence of
your competence in the unit CPCCBC4010B Apply structural principles to
residential low rise constructions.
Note: you will need to complete additional assessments as you progress through
your course to demonstrate competence for all aspects of the unit.
In completing your assessment, you will show evidence of your ability to:
Obtain a ‘White card’ and appropriate permissions to legally enter
construction zones
Apply structural principles when planning the erection or demolition
of a structure
Analyse and plan for the structural integrity of Class1 and Class 10
Plan, coordinate and manage the laying of floor system.
Plan, coordinate and manage the building of structural and non-
structural wall systems.
Plan, coordinate and manage the building of roof system.
Plan, coordinate and manage the external wall cladding of structure.
Project 1 – Work readiness and structural planning
Part A: Getting work ready
This is a compulsory pre-assessment task that you must complete to
enable you to carry out practical assessments later in this course.
However, this task will not contribute to the results recorded for your
assessment in this unit.
In this pre-assessment you will take steps to get ready to enter a construction
zone so you can carry out some of the assessment tasks for this course, and to
prepare you for work. This will guide you through:
obtaining a ‘White card’ to enable you to safely and legally enter
construction zones
seeking the appropriate permissions so you are covered by Open Colleges’
and the licensed builder’s insurances when you enter construction zones
Making links with the building and construction industry.
Step 1
If you already hold a ‘White card’, simply upload a copy of this using
the submission instructions above.
a) Complete your ‘White card’ training through your choice of provider. There
are many providers who offer the ‘White card’ through both online and
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