
MOD004061 Contemporary Thames in Healthcare Policy and Practice


Added on  2020-04-15

13 Pages3636 Words82 Views
Incidence and Management of Obesity 1INCIDENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF OBESITYBy (Student’s Name)Professor’s NameCollegeCourseDate
MOD004061 Contemporary Thames in Healthcare Policy and Practice_1

Incidence and Management of Obesity 2INCIDENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF OBESITYINTRODUCTIONIn the UK, a great proportion of population are obese or overweight. It encompasses61.90 percent of adults and 28.0 percent of children of the age bracket between two and fifteen.Many overweight children are susceptible to risk of contracting diabetes (type 2), some cancersand heart illness. Overweight make it increasingly hard for individuals in the UK to land as wellas retain work, and thus affecting mental-health and self-esteem. Health-problems linked toobesity being obese or overweight cost the NHS over five billion pound annually. By year 2020,the UK anticipates a diminishing trend in level of obese or overweight in adults and a sustaineddiminishing trend in level or obese or excess weight in children. The paper uses the University’se-Library facilities to identify six academic articles regarding the childhood obesity incidenceand management in the UK. A summary of already identified articles is then presented alongsiderecommendations for practice with respect to childhood obesity reduction in the UnitedKingdom. SUMMARY OF THE THEMESThis section presents a detailed summary of the common themes arising from the sixarticles already chosen on childhood-obesity incidences as well as management in the UnitedKingdom. It will also draw both similarities and differences between the six articles. Finally, thissection presents the central messages or recommendations that arise from these articles. #Theme 1: Factors Causing ObesityFrom the reviewed six articles, the first common theme discusses is the factors causingobesity. It was a common ground from these articles that obesity is caused by various factors
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Incidence and Management of Obesity 3including environmental factors contributing obesity and commercial factors contributing toobesity. It was understood from the articles that obesity is a problem embedded on severalfactors, that is, the interaction between behavior, biology, and the environment. However, recentresearch the key role connected to obesity as the environmental factors. Some of theseenvironmental factors that most individuals habituate consciously or unconsciously include:consumption of high-fat foods; high-calorie foods, images and offers of high fatty foods; and anincreasing trend in fast food consumption (Burniat, Cole, Lissau and Poskitt 2006). On the otherhand, the commercial factors contributing to obesity include such commercial factors as advertsfor nutritious foods. This is one of the factors highly linked to childhood obesity in the UK. #Theme 2: Serious Health Concerns Resulting from ObesityIt was also a common theme from the six articles that childhood obesity in the UKimposes serious health concern resulting from obesity. All the articles agreed that obesity isnever a cosmetic problem but a condition which puts its victims at the disposal of other healthproblems. The common health problems associated with obesity from the six articles included:coronary heart-disease; high blood-pressure; stroke; diabetes (type 2); colon, breast andgallbladder cancer; and reproductive problems especially amongst women. #Theme 3: Policy Initiatives to Reduce Childhood ObesityThe six articles also in unison appreciated the imperative role that the UK governmenthad in management of childhood obesity. It was a common ground from the six articles that theUK policymakers have a great role to play towards the reduction of childhood obesity in the UK.The policymakers have attempted to implement different policies in response to obesity. Thenotable initiatives from these articles included: improvement in diets; exercise and taxing softdrink industry. It was clear from the articles that a great percentage of these policies are
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Incidence and Management of Obesity 4entrenched on the improvement of healthy food consumption and regulating physical activitiesamongst individuals. An increase in provisions and taxes on calorically sweetened beverages wasoutstanding across the articles as some of the most common policies that have been used toreduce obesity by limiting the soft drink products consumption. #Theme 4: Barriers to Healthy EatingThis was another them capture in one of the article and this is the difference. This articlesought to showcase that preventive health strategies integrating views of target participants haveenhanced the probability of success in reduction of childhood obesity. The article used aqualitative study purposed at eliciting child and parents viewpoints about the social alongsideenvironmental obstacles to eating, physical activity as well as childhood obesity preventionprogrammes, acceptable foci as well as suitable modes of delivery. The article identified ninethemes including info and awareness; lifestyle balance, contradiction between behavior andknowledge, local environment, contradictory messages, roles of family and schools, myths,timing, prevention strategies content for childhood obesity. The article concluded that food“healthiness” awareness stood higher, nonetheless, “healthiness” perceptions of certain activities(sedentary) which are else of great benefit including reading remained indeterminate. Thecontradictory messages received by kids was recounted as a barrier to a healthy lifestyle. Therecommendation by parents about timing alongside content of childhood obesity preventionstrategies remained consistent with quantitative research. #Theme 5: Role of School and FamilyFrom the articles, it was a common theme that both schools and families showcasedcritical responsibilities or role to play in the childhood obesity reduction. For example, parentsidentified consistent separate yet complementary roles of families and schools in the
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