
Leadership Development and Performance


Added on  2020-06-06

13 Pages3602 Words2186 Views
Individual LeadershipDevelopment Plan
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1My leadership development plan.....................................................................................................1My personal values.................................................................................................................1Leadership strength and weaknesses......................................................................................1Self-awareness methods.........................................................................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
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INTRODUCTIONIn respect to develop individual plan, effective strength and capabilities are developed atworkplace that assists in increasing potential growth at work. Therefore, different kinds of skillsand abilities are developed that supports in making creative function and operations in thebusiness environment (Stecher and Hamilton, 2014). In respect to this, present report is based onthe leadership development plan that helps to accomplish desired goals and objectives withenhancing capabilities to work in the organisation. Hence, different guidelines are also made inthe project that helps in enhancing skills and capabilities at workplace. These skills assist toenhance my role and aspirations to make personal vision at workplace. Moreover, it is alsodeveloping outcomes and performances as the leader to strive on the development. My leadership development planTo enhance skills and abilities in an effective perspective for ethical and collaborativeleader who will be respected by his colleagues and also helps in developing their potential ability(Leadership, 2017). My personal valuesIn respect to enhance my skills and capabilities, there are several core personal valuesexists that assist to provide direction for the effective leadership program which includes respect,loyalty, honesty, empathy and communication. In these skills and characteristics, I can performseveral functions and operations to ascertain different activities at workplace. Therefore,development will be ascertained in systematic perspective at workplace (Sulistyowati, Riawanand Ashari, 2016). Leadership strength and weaknessesIn respect to determine strength and weaknesses, following elements are included thatassist to originate feedback from different people who contributes in creating an effectivefunctioning at workplace. With the help of self-assessment and reflection exercises, we caneasily promote our activities to ascertain effective functioning (Lerner and Busch-Rossnagel,2013). Following are different strength and weaknesses that I had developed:Key Strength1
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In order to deal with different aspects, different key strength have been developed in myown perspective that assist to provide direction with my effective leadership program. They areas follows:Respect: I possess these skills to create respect for each person who assists me to createvalue of mine in each customer mind. Hence, it is the systematic process which includesseveral activities that are performed to deal with different activities (Newman andNewman, 2017). Loyalty: Loyalty is the systematic program that helps in making and creating effectivefunctioning at workplace. In this way, I can perform several activities that make me veryeffective and creative for each person in the organisation. As a result, it creates positiveimpact on each person in the business environment. In this way, overall targets will bedeveloped in systematic manner. Honesty: Honesty is also an important element that contributes in developing a leader toperform several activities at workplace (Perera and bin Khailani, 2017). In this regard, Ican manage functions and operations that assists in operating different activities in thebusiness environment. Therefore, performances will be enhanced that assists inmeasuring outcomes at workplace. Empathy: Empathy is the ability in which experience will be developed and related tothe thoughts, emotions, etc. elements of others. Therefore, it is more than the sympathywhich is related to understand and support to make sensitivity. It is constructed withfundamental aspects of the leadership program (Díez, Izquierdo and Malagón, 2016). Communication: In my leadership program, keywords are very effective that assists indetermining goals and objectives in a systematic manner. In this way, leadership requirestyles, trust, barriers, principles, etc. With the help of effective introduction, accurate andproper communication has been made that is very effective factor to grow efficientcommunication at workplace. In order to achieve professional success, managers need tofocus on the effective and convincing communicators. The above elements have been gathered by me through taking reviews from mymanagers, colleagues, supervisors, etc. Therefore, I need to make self-assessment program thatassists in enhancing my performances towards the goals and objectives in systematic manner. Inaddition to this, there are different kinds of leadership programs that are maintained to make2
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