
Industrial Relations and HR Management


Added on  2020-06-04

7 Pages1348 Words362 Views
Industrial Relations Policy
Industrial Relations and HR Management_1

Industrial Relations and HR Management_2

INTRODUCTIONProblems related to industrial relation are more prominent than any other HRM problem.There relations are known as labour management. It can often maintain effective relationshipamong employers and employee. Various rules, regulation and policies are imposed on them asper the rule of law. Workers are responsible to fulfil target which are allotted to them bycompanies on the basis of their skills and knowledge. Policies development for industrial relationhas been formed by HR department of every company. Managers and leaders are responsible tomaintain their performance through framing of new policies and procedure. As person incompany is bound to fulfil those policies. Various issues are created in firms which needs to beresolve by procedure. Productivity Commission is in the final week of its inquiry into DataAvailability and Use. Productivity Commission's inquiry has been related to the DisabilityDiscrimination Act 1992. Such commission is responsible to follow rules, regulation and policieswhich are imposed on them as per the policies of law. Furthermore, productivity commission isable to maintain equity in every organization in order to provide safe and secure workingenvironment to them. As the name implies such process is helpful to improve productiondepartment of firm and maintain their effective performance s well. Collective bargaining is the concept of negotiation. In which parties are negotiate theirrights and interest. Labour union opted this process for the purpose of resolve current issues.While the process of collective bargaining employer as well as labour union are responsible tomake proposals related to non-economic conflicts such as grievance procedure and economicissues. There are large number of conflicts created in organization related to wages, contributionof pension and other benefits. HR manager in every firm responsible to recruit best employeeswho having required skills and experience. He having power to set recruitment and selectionprocess and able to select employees accordingly. The chief negotiator must be someone withauthority to enter into binding contracts. Better employee relation has been considered asstrengths of the entire country. They are bound to fulfil policies which can maintain betterquality of performance in effective manner and secure their rights and interest as well. Theeffective concept of employee relation is opted by organizational practices for the purpose ofnon-union employees. Policies include process and purpose of identify as well as resolveproblem from workplace. HR practices are concerning about job satisfaction as well as employeeengagement. Companies are responsible to provide proper guidance and support to entire1
Industrial Relations and HR Management_3

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