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HLTINF001 Comply with Infection Prevention and Control Policies and Procedures - Assessments


Added on  2023/06/14

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This course covers infection prevention and control policies and procedures. It includes assessments on pre-surgical hand wash, hand hygiene, use of gloves, masks, and gowns, cleaning schedules, and more. The course is relevant for healthcare workers and students studying HLTINF001.

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Comply with infection
prevention and control
policies and procedures
Release 1
Total Training Solutions Adelaide
RTO NO 41373

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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Question 1
Question 4 List the steps involved in a pre-surgical hand wash.
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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer There are some steps which are involved in pre-surgical hand wash.
This may include five minutes craft wing that can help it to cleaning the
fingernails and undertaking first scrub of the day.
This can be done for 3 minute duration.
Hand need to kept higher than elbow all time which can help to allow water to
run in one direction only
Need to use brush of nail
Brush can be used to clean only fingernails
Need to wash arm in the circular motion which can implement from hand to the
elbow without returning to hands
Need to use antimicrobial soap for the first scrub.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 5 When should hands be washed with soap and water rather than alcohol-based
hand rub?
Answer When hands are visibly soiled then in such situation, there is need to wash hands
with the use of soap and water rather than alcohol-based hand rub. This can be
effective and allow to get over through any type of risk which can be there to skin
due to frequently use of alcohol-based hand rub.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 6 How can a healthcare worker protect their skin from the effects of handwashing?
Answer There is need to use of oil containing lotion or any barrier cream which can be
effective and provide such substantially protection to hand of vulnerable healthcare
worker. This can help to protect skin from effect of hand washing.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 7 How should a healthcare worker care for their fingernails?
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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer Healthcare worker need to take care of their finger nails and where it includes
sanitisation and protection.
Through using gloves and other equipment. In this, there is need to clean fingernails
more efficiently that should not take any type of microbial infection. In this, there is a
need to use a scrub with 3 minutes duration and nail brush should use to clean
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 8 Should jewellery be worn when providing clinical care? Why/why not?
Answer During clinical care healthcare professional should not wear any type of jewellery on
duty or clinical care or during washing their hand. This can create high effectiveness
to perform responsibility for safeguarding their patient. This can also provide safety
from handling hand hygiene practices.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 9 State two guidelines for the use of gloves in a healthcare facility.
Answer There are 2 guideline for using of gloves within healthcare facilities.
There should not be use of one gloves in more than one procedure.
Gloves should not worn for more than one contact activity with the person.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 10 When should a healthcare worker wear a gown or waterproof apron?

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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer Gown and waterproof apron should be worn when there is possibility of
contamination or splatter of skin or clothes. When there is high risk of presence of
pathogens, it can help to protect skin disease like a scabies.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 11 Can prescription eye glasses be worn in place of protective glasses?
Answer No prescription eyeglasses should not be worn in place of protective glasses.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 12 List four situations where the wearing of a mask is required.
Answer There are some situation when wearing of mask is required.
When the risk of sprays of fluid or places
excretion or secretion into eyes
Risk of body substances
During any checking
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 13 What information do cleaning schedules contain?
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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer Cleaning schedule may contain some information which is regarding about the
personnel responsible, when the task should be completed, when task must be
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 14 All work surfaces need to be cleaned to prevent the spread of infection. What
cleaning needs to be completed before wiping with a pH neutral cleaning solution?
Answer There is need to clean all the work surfaces for preventing infection to get a spread.
In this, there is need to complete the cleaning through using detergent where both
alkaline and acidic substances should be damaged through using natural pH
cleaning solution.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 15 List the procedure for handling, transporting and processing linen that will assist in
the control of infection.
Answer There is need to watch the Lenin with commercial washer and should be
stored in clean dry place which can help to prevent a contamination within
healthcare facility.
Lenin should be stored in cover trolley or cupboard.
There is also need to rotate the Lenin which can help to constantly use day
back of a pile.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 16 List the three paths of transmission for infection to spread.
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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer There are different parts of Transmission for inspection to spread which may include
Direct contact with microorganism
direct contact with wound dressing
direct contact with surfaces
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 17 Explain what is meant by ‘the chain of infection’.
Answer Chain of infection refers to the spread of infection wheather in person-to-person. In
this, person get infected by pathogen when any microbe is transferred from one
person to another where pathogen are entirely and can spread from one to another
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 18 List the five main types of infectious agents.
Answer Five main type of infectious agents may include
parasitic worms
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 19 Microorganisms are spread through direct contact, aerosols and penetrating injury.
Explain what each mode of transmission is and give one example for each.

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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer When individual get infected due to direct contact with the microorganism then
direct contact can lead to create a spread of microorganism with an individual. For
example- due to touch of direct surface can have the chance to get virus.
Aerosol is another mode of microorganism transmission where droplet of saliva
mucous humidity and sweat can create a spread of infection.
Penetrating injury can also lead to create risk of infection due to open route of
transmission of disease direct to the body. For example- getting cut on body have
higher chance of getting contaminated and spread of microorganism as an infection.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 20 What is meant by the term ‘susceptible host’?
Answer Susceptible host refers to a person who is vulnerable to infection.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 21 List and give a brief explanation of the three methods of cleaning used for
equipment to prevent the spread of infection.
Answer Opening instrument and rinse to sink in the warm water.
This can help to remove blood and other matter to stick in the item using detergent.
Recommended by manufacturer for removing fluid need to use scrub with a brush.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 22 Explain what is meant by ‘Infection’.
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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer Infection refers to growth and invasion of germs on body. This may include yeast,
viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms which can spread all through and can
cause fever or health problem.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 23 Explain the terms colonisation and disease.
Answer Colonisation refers to human body which are not making individually sick and
people don't have any sign and symptom whereas disease are visible and individual
may get sick and get different sign and symptom.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 24 Give an example of a fungal infection and explain how it is spread.
Answer Tinea is one of the example of a fungal infection.
Fungal infection are highly infectious which form in most part of the body and warm
like a under the breast and groin. It can also known as ringworm.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 25 Explain what a virus is and give an example of how it can be spread.
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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer Virus refers to infection and which can take control of host cells. It can spread
through person to person through contacting, good food and air.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 26 Explain the term ‘additional precautions’.
Answer Additional precaution refers to infection prevention and control precautions and
practices. This is the one which can be additionally used in routine practices and
help to provide safety from transmission of infectious agent, contact airborne and
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 27 List three types of additional precautions used in healthcare facilities when standard
precautions are not sufficient to contain infection.
Answer There are different types of additional precautions which can be used within
healthcare facilities where standard precautions are not effectively sufficient for
contain infection.
special facilities
additional ventilation measures
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 28 List three types of additional precautions that may be used to control the spread of
infection for people who are carriers, in the incubation phase or those who are
acutely ill.

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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer There are different type of additional precautions which can be used to control
spread of infection for people which care lead to carriers, either in incubation phase
or for those who are acutely ill.
Isolating the person
Reverse barrier nursing
Implementing barrier nursing
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 29 Define the terms hazard, risk and risk control.
Answer Hazard refers to something which have the potential to cause harm sometimes in
health and human injury. It also damage to property or environment are can be
combination of these.
Risk refers to the probability or consequences of injury damage result and illness
from exposure of any type of hazard.
Risk control refers to set of method which can evaluate potential losses and can
help in taking action for reducing or eliminating such type of threats.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 30 Proactive and reactive strategies are two methods for assessing the risk for the
spread of infection through direct contact. Explain what each approach is.
Answer Proactive strategy refers to the strategy which are used to carried out for preventing
and incident or accident. It may contain information about how may jobs should
carry out. It also includes control measures and types of risk.
Reactive strategy refers to a reactive approach which can help to risk identification
which are involved in reviewing any incident or accident. Through measure like data
and report forms, it includes communities, team meetings or discussing infection
control risk.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 31 Explain how risk is assessed to determine the level of severity of the hazard.
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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer Risk is assessed by determining the level of security of the hazard with different
This may include evaluating an injury or illness which can be like injury or illness.
Monitoring and inspection of the information.
Identify the factor which can create potential risk.
Identifying action which can eliminate or control the risk.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 32 Give two examples that can leave people more susceptible to infection.
Answer There are two different example which can leave people more susceptible to
Elderly people
Premature babies
These can be effective and allow to get more effect and can have high impact on
individual health.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 33 List the hierarchy of controls that are used to prevent the risk of acquisition for
Answer Hierarchy of control which can be used to prevent the risk of a position for infection
are follows.
Engineering controls
Administrative controls
These are some of the list of hierarchy of controls which can be used to prevent the
risk of acquisition for infection.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 34 How does the immune system assist the process of fighting infections?
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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer Immune system consists of cells which are eligible to fight with infection. White
blood cell remember the type of infection through which person has previously
infected and help to quickly overcome from them again. Immune system is effective
and allow to get over through any infection which has occur previously. When there
is any type of infection which has not occur before than immune system identify that
as a foreign particle and fight against it to get over and provide safety from any type
of infection.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 35 Why are people with an open wound more at risk of acquiring an infection?
Answer Open wound refers to the bottles which allow infection to get enter within body. This
can create high risk of getting infection to individual. There is higher risk of getting
infection within person that can lead to create high risk of getting any type of
infection which can get infected due to open injury or wound with different mode of
transmission specially through air.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 36 Explain how medication and comorbidities can make a person more susceptible to
Answer The combination of medication and comorbidities can create a decrease in immune
system activity which can lead to create a more prone to infection. These are
effective and can impact the immune system through making them sensitive that
can allow to get decrease the immune system activity and can lead to create the
risk of getting prone to any type of infection to body.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 37 Why are the very young, newborn and elderly people more at risk of infection?

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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer Very young newborn in the early people had higher at risk of infection due to their
immune system. During very young and newborn, immune system is not properly
developed which can create a higher risk of getting infection. Whereas, elderly
people have weak and immune system that lead to create a high risk of getting
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 38 List the precautions you would take to minimise the risk of a sharps injury.
Answer There are some of the precaution which are taken in consideration to minimize the
risk of sharp injury.
There is need to wash the wounded part of the skin with soap and warm water.
Need to get help from the natural designated first aid officer.
Need to seek immediate medical attention from general practitioner.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 39 Why is the protocol after exposure to blood or other body fluids so important?
Answer There is a protocol after exposure of blood or any other body fluid so important to
reduce the risk of infection due to exposure of body fluid. In this, there is a need to
remove any soiling which can help to minimize exposure, also need to wash the
skin, close the eyes, depending on type of exposure.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 40 What steps should a healthcare worker take if they have had a sharps injury?
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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer There are some of the steps should be taken by the health care worker when they
get sharp injury.
Washing wounded part of his skin with soap and warm water.
Seek help from designated first aid officer when required.
Contact to the safety officer to lodge a report.
Need to take immediate medical attention from any of the general practitioner.
Need to fill out accident or incident report.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 41 Why are signs useful for infection control in healthcare facilities?
Answer Sign can be effective that can allow individual to ensure that which type of infection
they are occurred within body. This can help to provide better medication and
treatment within time. Sign can allow to identify the type of infection through which
any individual is getting infected and have higher risk of getting such infection that
can having some similar impact or sign and symptoms.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 42 In order to manage a body fluid or blood spill safely organisations will have a blood
spill kit. What should a spill kit contain?
Answer Spill kit can contain an apron, gloves, absorbent granules, a face mask, disposable
Bag, clinical waste bag, a disposable scope and guidelines for use.
These are some of the things which are contained within the spill kit which are
effective to manage a body fluid or blood spill.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 43 List two infections that can be spread via airborne and droplet transmission and
what precautions should be put into place to manage the spread of infection.
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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer Airborne transmission may include Influenza whereas precaution may include
immunization dedicated equipment and special facilities.
Droplet transmission may include meningitis whereas precaution can include
wearing of face mask.
These are some the infection which can be there along with effective precautions
measures that can allow to safety from getting such infection.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 44 How can the transmission of infection for aerosols and splatter be controlled in a
healthcare facility?
Answer Transmission of infection for aerosols and splatter can be controlled with in
healthcare facilities which are as follows.
Engineering and administrative
Clean and sterile
There is need to implement these effectively which can allow to get better and
effective response for getting better health and allow to controlled within healthcare
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 45 What cleaning process is used to kill bacteria and bacterial spores?
Answer To applying food grade sanitizer can help to kill bacteria and viruses.
This is the cleaning process which can be effective to kill bacteria along with
bacterial spores.
High level of disinfectants can be effective in killing bacterial spores.
Through using the cleaning process, it can allow to effectively kill the bacteria along
with bacterial spores that can cause any negative health impact on individual health.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
Question 46 Are all microorganisms harmful and considered pathogens?

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Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures – Assessments
Answer No, all the microorganisms are not harmful and should not be considered as some
are beneficial for body growth. There are some of the microorganism which are
effective for the body growth and development and are necessary for individual
good health.
Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory
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