
MGMT6013 Managing Information System


Added on  2021-12-05

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MGMT6013  Managing Information System_1

Information Systems 1
Executive Summary
Organization is based on their strategies and operation of the different departments. The
information system of is used for the Company operations. Information system structures are
described in this report. Organization must follow the innovation procedure. It is considered as
the essential part of the company. Organizations are having complicated functions of the
different operations. That is why the innovations need to be considered for organization.
Innovation approaches of the statistics systems will discuss in order that the analysis of the
company may appropriate for growth.
It is also described about the functions of the organization and part of the information
system to handle them appropriately. Strengths and weaknesses of the corporation will discuss,
which has been described in brief to ensure the crowning glory of the necessities. Information
system is providing different things and it has many advantages for the organization. In this
report, innovations and information system involvement in growth of organization will discuss. It
is also include SWOT and PEST analysis of Australia Post.
MGMT6013  Managing Information System_2

Information Systems 2
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................1
Information security policies.......................................................................................................................4
Analysis of strategic issues in the organization.......................................................................................4
Strategies in global perspective...............................................................................................................6
Ethical and legal framework........................................................................................................................7
Ethical and social consideration..............................................................................................................7
Awareness of ethical and Legal issues.....................................................................................................7
SWOT analysis of Australia Post........................................................................................................8
Table 1: SWOT analysis; Australia Post..............................................................................................8
PEST analysis of Australia Post..........................................................................................................9
Table 1: PEST analysis; Australia Post................................................................................................9
MGMT6013  Managing Information System_3

Information Systems 3
Information Systems are helpful for managing different operations of an organization. It
is a base of any organization. There are so many things to manage different functions of an
organization. In this report, Management Information System role in growth of an organization
will discuss with help of few examples.
This report will provide an explanation for ethical and social issues of an organization.
This will discuss about the ethical frameworks for operating a corporation. Information system
strategies are proposed in this paper for an enterprise to keep distinct operation and services. This
report consists of records protection policies and controls, which are based on the capacity
threats and vulnerabilities of an organization.
It is about technological adjustments in a business enterprise for business progress. Main
purpose of this report is improvement of progressive strategies to increase commercial enterprise
of an employer[ CITATION Ami12 \l 1033 ]. It is also include basic things for employees as well as
organization. It is also explaining about creative wondering procedures for improvement of
revolutionary ideas for betterment of merchandise and service of a company.
This document is studying strategic issues in the Australia Post business enterprise
restrained. This record is provides strategic solutions with cognizance of ethical and social
concerns. Australia Post is having stakeholders in all around the world. Moral and social
consideration is helpful for enhancing their enterprise at worldwide perspective. It is going to
discuss approximately the strength, and limitations of Australia Post organization constrained in
later phase in this document[ CITATION And16 \l 1033 ].
This report will describe about the makes use of the rules inside the organisation in
personnel and agency want. Few strategies have to follow by the company for solving issues
with ethical and social frameworks. It is also consist of data about data makes use of in an
organisation with advantages and drawbacks of it in the later phase on this report.
MGMT6013  Managing Information System_4

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