
Innovation and Theories: Stages, Theories of Innovation, and Conceptual Framework


Added on  2023-06-15

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Innovation and Theories: Stages, Theories of Innovation, and Conceptual Framework_1

Innovation and theories 1
Stages on Innovation.............................................................................................................................3
Idea generating and Mobilization......................................................................................................3
Advocacy and screening....................................................................................................................4
Diffusion and Implementation...........................................................................................................6
Theories of Innovation..........................................................................................................................6
Rogers’s theory of Innovation...........................................................................................................6
Early Adopters...............................................................................................................................8
Early Majority...............................................................................................................................8
Late majority.................................................................................................................................8
Drucker’s theory of innovation..........................................................................................................9
Unexpected occurrences................................................................................................................9
Process Needs................................................................................................................................9
Industry and Market Changes......................................................................................................10
Changes in perception..................................................................................................................10
New Knowledge..........................................................................................................................10
Implementation as mutual adaptation of technology and organization by Leonard Barton...............10
Conceptual Framework........................................................................................................................11
Innovation and Theories: Stages, Theories of Innovation, and Conceptual Framework_2

Innovation and theories 2
The main aim of this essay is to investigate stages involved in the innovation process in an
organization. There are several stages involved in the innovation process which must be
followed sequentially in order to achieve the desired objectives and goals of the organization.
Each organization should recognize the value of innovation which results in long term
Here, in this essay, several innovation theories like Rogers’s theory of innovation, Drucker’s
theory of innovation and Leonard Baton theory of implementation will be discussed. Major
percentage of companies today create innovations because there is no formalized process for
initiatives. The expected outcome that can be generated from the below essay is that how
different stages of innovation helps company to take initiatives by applying conceptual
framework studies and theories of innovations as well.
Innovation is defined as the way of transforming an idea into a solution. It is also a way to
convert invention into a specific goods or services which has the value and for which the
customers will ready to pay. To create an innovation, an idea must be satisfied and generate
economic cost as well. An idea generated must have some specific information and should be
easily converted into valuable products or services. In management or any organization, the
idea generated must meet the customer’s expectation and helps in the economic growth of the
organization. Mainly, there are two categories of innovation (Lundvall, 2010). They are
Evolutionary innovations and revolutionary innovations. Evolutionary innovations are
dynamic in nature and are generated by the changes in the technology. Revolutionary
innovations are also known as discontinues innovations which are generally new and
disruptive in nature (Dance, 2008).
Innovation and Theories: Stages, Theories of Innovation, and Conceptual Framework_3

Innovation and theories 3
Stages on Innovation
Idea generating and Mobilization
At very first stage, new ideas are created during the time of idea generation. Mobilization
takes place whenever idea is moved from one physical or logical location to other location. It
can be either be outside the firm or another departments as well. A new idea inspiration can
only be generated when an improvement in an existing idea takes place (Mariello, 2007). For
an instance, an example can be taken as how did Apple Company waited for three years long
after the introduction of MP3 players came into the market. When MP3 players came into the
market, after three years, iPod was introduced. It was attractive and it has the capacity to
store nearly 1,000 songs in it.
Again, another example can be taken that was the invention of the scotch tape which was a
very new idea in the market and it worked successfully as well. Scotch tape was introduced
by Richard Drew who was dropped out from the college and completed his idea. Drew
worked in 3M Company who further provided 15% of the workday to explore new ideas.
Other many organization also started following the same idea and stated that time and
resources are the two major factors in any firm.
With the context to innovation, “overemphasising need will force some employees to leave
for more stable jobs while not emphasizing need will reduce the urgency and generation of
ideas across the board (Neese, 2017).
Innovation and Theories: Stages, Theories of Innovation, and Conceptual Framework_4

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