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The Role of HRM Practices in Emerging Positive Organisational Culture


Added on  2023/01/11

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This report explores the role of HRM practices in creating a positive culture in the organization. It discusses the importance of HRM, benefits of a positive working environment, and the relationship between HRM practices and organizational culture. The report also includes a literature review and research methodology.
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Inquiry Based

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Topic :- The role of HRM practices in emerging positive organisational culture...........................3
Literature Review.............................................................................................................................6
Research Methodology....................................................................................................................8
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Topic :- The role of HRM practices in emerging positive organisational
The report shows a detailed description on the role of HRM practices in creating a
positive culture in the organisation. In addition to this, the report has been developed by
conducting research on the particular topic. The main role performed by human resource
management of an organisation is to maintain an effective relationship with employees and to
retain them for longer time period. Human resource management practices help an organisation
to develop a positive culture at workplace, which leads to increase in productivity as well as
efficiency of the company. Along with this, HR department recruit and select potential candidate
for the company, who has the ability to perform as well as implement task in an effective and
proper manner. All this assist an organisation to gain growth and success in the marketplace.
Moreover, HRM department provide training and development session to both the new and
existing employees, which help them to achieve organisational objective within time frame. It
also help staff members to develop their personality and gain high success. It is determined that
providing positive working environment to staff members help companies to motivate employees
that has a positive influence on the productivity and reputation of the organisation. Furthermore,
human resource practices aid declining employee turnover and absenteeism rate, due to which an
entity achieve its goals rapidly and effectively. From the above discussion, it is started that
development of human resource practices within the organisation help in creating positive
working culture and also help in retaining in market for longer period.
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HRM is define as a practice that help an organisation to manage workforce in an effective
and best manner. one of the most essential role performed by this department is providing
positive working culture to all the employees prevailing in the organisation. It help company to
motivate staff members and increase their productivity level (Barrena-Martínez, 2019). In
addition to this, recruitment and selection is another role played by HR department that help
company to hire effective and talented candidate who has the ability to perform activities as well
as operation in an appropriate manner. Providing training session, conducting orientation, record
data of existing and new employees are also the roles played by HR department of an entity.
Moreover, HR department plays vital role in attaining organisational objectives and goals in a
timely and effective manner.
In addition to this, it is said that development of effective HRM practices within the
organisation directly contributes to the development of positive working culture at workplace.
This will help company in declining the employee turnover rate and absenteeism rate that has a
positive influence on the productivity of the organisation. It develop a positive mind set of
employees due to which they emphasise on performing activities in a proper manner. This will
help an entity to attain their objectives within stipulated time frame.
Problem statement
The present research is conducted in order to gain knowledge about HRM practices that
assist in providing positive working culture as well as environment to the staff members. This
assist companies to make employees feel free and no pressure at the time of implementing
activities as well as operations. One of the main issue, which will be addressed while conducting
research is to identified effective human resource practices that support mangers in creating
effective working culture. In addition to this, it will also aid in analysing various benefits to the
organisation such as increase in productivity, motivation of employees, retention of employees,
development of positive brand image and many more. For this, the researcher has developed aim,
objectives & research question that will provide support to the investigation teams in gaining
maximum information & conducting the research in a proper manner. The research aim,
questions as well as objectives is given below in a proper manner.

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Research Aim:
To investigate the role of HRM practices in emerging positive organisational culture”.
Research Objectives:-
To know about the significance of human resource management in an organisation.
To identify various benefits gain by an entity through providing positive organizational
To analyse the relationship among human resource management practices &
development of positive working culture.
Research Questions:
Explain the importance of Human resource management in an organisation?
What are the various benefits gain by an entity through providing positive organizational
What is the relationship among adopting human resource practices & development of
positive culture in an organisation?
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Literature Review
It is a comprehensive summary and a systematic process of the studies that is done
previously on the particular topic. There are different number of sources, which is adopted by the
investigator in order to collect secondary information that is magazines, Journal articles, books,
online polls and many more. The main objective of this particular section is to analyse conflict &
gaps within previous investigation. In addition to this, conducting literature review help
researcher to properly address aims as well as objectives of research in a proper and systematic
Importance of Human Resource Management in an organisation
According to the Berman and divael, (2019), HRM is an integral part of an organisation
that handle and resolve all the issues of employees in an effective and proper manner. The
human resource department undertaken and emphasis in capabilities, knowledge, skills, aptitude.
Personality, talent as well as creativity of an employees prevailing in the organisation. HRM
department plays vital role in an organisation as it perform several activities such as maintaining
employee relationship, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, resolving issues,
providing positive working culture, develop positive relations and many more. All this activities
assist an organisation to attain organisational objectives and goals in a timely and effective
As per the view point of Gosss-Turner and Boella, (2018), the human resource
department in an organisation assist in attracting and recruiting talent, which help in growth as
well as development of a company. In addition to this, it aid in completing the activities an task
in a smooth and systematic manner. The training provided by HR department to the staff
members help in enhancing skills and capabilities that has a positive impact on profitability and
productivity of an organisation. Moreover, creation of appraisal system support companies to
retain staff members for longer period and maintain an effective relationship with employees. All
this will lead to growth and development of an entity that help in gaining higher success at
Various benefits gain by company through positive working environment
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As per the view point of Racel, (2020), the organisational culture include beliefs,
opinions, values of employees working in the organisation, There are some benefits gain by
company in order to provide positive working culture to staff members is given below:
Development of reputation: It is sated that providing positive working environment helps
a company to build a positive mind set of employees to effectively implement activities as well
as operations. In addition to this, it aid an entity to build a positive image in market and
strengthen its market position in an effective manner.
Employee motivation: Effective as well as positive working culture has an influence on
the overall performance of staff members. By the assistance of this, the employees are motivated
and work with full potential in order to achieve task in a timely and effective manner. The
motivated implementing activities in a systematic and proper manner that directly leads to
increase in profitability as well as productivity of a company.
Employee retention: It is determine that providing positive culture at workplace aid an
organisation to engage its employees for longer time period (Boella, and Goss-Turner, 2019). In
addition to this, it saves the cost of company to recruit new candidate and impact positively in
profit level of company. Employee retention has positive influence on the overall performance
and productivity of an organisation.
Relationship among adopting human resource practices & development of positive
working environment
As per the view point of Traba and Malik, (2019), there are various HRM practices such
as performance management, recruitment and selection, employee engagement, compensation
and benefits, providing positive working environment, employee orientation and many more. All
this are consider as major human resource practices that help in emerging positive working
culture. For instance, if the compensation and rewords given to the employees is equal to their
performance level, then to impact positively on the productivity of staff members. It is
determined that employees feel valued and important, if they are appreciated in front of all the
staff members and managers of an organisation. In addition to this, HRM practices support and
motivate an employee to work with full potential towards the objective. Thus, it is analysed that

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there is positive relationship among the human resource management practices and
organisational working culture.
Research Methodology
It is defined as an effective procedure that help researcher to conduct a systematic
research on the specific topic. It is an essential character that include data collection methods
through which researcher is able to collect valid data on the particular topic. It includes different
elements, which are as follows:
Data collection methods: It is mainly a method by which researcher gathered data as
well as information on the particular topic. There are mainly two forms of data collection method
that is primary & secondary method. in the present investigation, the researcher uses secondary
method of data collect that involves journal articles. Online polls, books and man more. It is
determine that collect information is cost effective and did not consume time of the researcher.
Types of analysis: It is deciphered as an effective form by which collected data is
analysed by the investigator. It is mainly of two types that is qualitative and quantitative. In the
present research, the researcher adopt qualitative method that results in positive outcome and
also help investigator to draw a positive conclusion.
Research philosophy: It is a method that is followed by researcher in analysing the
collected data in an in-depth manner. Research philosophy is mainly of two types that us
interpretivism and positivism. The investigator mainly adopt interpretivism philosophy, which
support in analysing overall data in an effective manner along with justified findings.
Research design: There are mainly three forms of research design that us exploratory,
descriptive & experimental. For the present research, exploratory method is used in order to
draw a reliable conclusion.
Ethical consideration: In the present research, investigator uses all the authentic sources
in order to collect secondary data. Along with this, investigator mainly emphasis on collect
recent year articles that help in gaining more reliable information.
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From the above discussion on the particular topic, it has been identified that human resource
practices plays an important role in achieving overall objectives within given time frame. In
addition to this, HRM practices help an entity to enhance their productivity level. Motivate staff
members, retain employees and develop positive working environment (Armstrong and Taylor,
2020). Moreover, it is sated that there is positive relationship among human resource
management practices and organisational culture as executing such practices help company to
give positive working culture to all the employees. It assist company to decline employee
turnover rate and absenteeism rate, which has a positive influence on productivity & profitability
of an organisation.
From the above study, it is concluded that HRM practices help an entity to motivate its
employees to implement activities in an effective manner. It is essential for an organisation to
have effective human resource management practices so that objectives can be achieved within
given time frame. In addition to this, it is also analysed that providing positive environment
affect on the overall productivity of employees in a positive manner.
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Books & Journals
Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2020. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management
practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Barrena-Martínez, J., and et. al., 2019. Towards a configuration of socially responsible human
resource management policies and practices: Findings from an academic consensus. The
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(17), pp.2544-2580.
Boella, M. J. and Goss-Turner, S., 2019. Human resource management in the hospitality
industry: A guide to best practice. Routledge.
Bouaziz, F. and Hachicha, Z. S., 2018. Strategic human resource management practices and
organizational resilience. Journal of Management Development.
Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W. and Farndale, E. eds., 2018. Handbook of research on comparative
human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Macke, J. and Genari, D., 2019. Systematic literature review on sustainable human resource
management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, pp.806-815.
Stewart, G. L. and Brown, K. G., 2019. Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.
Zaid, A. A., Jaaron, A. A. and Bon, A. T., 2018. The impact of green human resource
management and green supply chain management practices on sustainable performance:
An empirical study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 204, pp.965-979.
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