
PSYC300 Question and Answer 2022


Added on  2022-09-26

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Running head: PSYC 300 1
Psyc 300
PSYC300 Question and Answer 2022_1

PSYC 300 2
Question 1
Answer A
One of the challenges I might encounter as a psychologist, in this case, would be reducing the
stigma of the patients. Some of the eating disorders are associated with stress and mental
disturbances. Some of the patients are not able to disclose some of the personal mental
challenges resulting in eating disorders. As a psychologist, I would need to know what is
disturbing the patients to get a solution to solving this. Convincing them to disclose the social
and mental disturbances is a major challenge in this job. Moreover, engaging patients is another
challenging issue. Some of the patients are aggressive in nature and psychologist is more of
questions and inquiries to get the source of the problem. Some of the patients would otherwise
consider this is bully and trying to get their issues. Some would even tell me to mind my benefit.
These challenges have occurred to many psychologists and it is very possible to happen to me in
this job.
Answer B
Patients have different expectations from their nurses and all those taking care of them. in this
case, I might not be comfortable with the services received. Having eating disorders is majorly
associated with mental issues and distress. In these cases, I would expect nurses and
psychologists to be more concerned and polite. Sometimes this happens to be the opposite
because some psychologists my not show much concern as expected. This is one of the major
challenges as a patient I am likely to face in this hospital. On the other hand, the services offered
me not to be as expected. This involves inadequate apparatus to help me with my disorder. This
applies my disorder is associated with body malfunctioning line dental problems. If no adequate
of effective apparatus for carrying this, I may not get the help as expected hence a possible
challenge. The cost of services may also be expensive and this can be one of the major
challenges possible to encounter in this hospital.
Answer C
As the family of the patient in this treatment facility, I will be stressed especially if the condition
of the patient gets worse every day. Besides, admitting a patient in the hospital has never been a
comfortable situation especially when the conditions worsen or no hope of getting better. As a
family member of the patient, I would feel abandoned and lonely because it will be always
comfortable and good to have all members of the family around and health. An eating disorder is
so serious and therefore as a family member will be affected by this condition as well. This is
majorly associated with mental distress imaging how the patient might be suffering in the
Answer D
As a psychologist, I would have to understand the the personal behavior of the patient.
This is important to determine how to approach the patient. If the patient seems aggressive, I
would reach him/her politely and smoothly. I would have to soothe the client maybe by offering
something a soft drink or fruit. This would be a way of softening his temper to deal with him/her.
Besides, I would limit the number of questions and inquiries because most of the patients feel so
uncomfortable if the questions are so many. The questioning concerning the personal life of the
patient would be avoided if that is optional.
Question 2
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the methods used in the treatment of
psychological disorders (Barlow, Durand, Hofmann & Lalumière, 2018). Nevertheless, there are
PSYC300 Question and Answer 2022_2

PSYC 300 3
some of the cons and pros asssociated with this method. For the treatment of the schizophrenia
spectrum as well as psychotic types of the disorders, the CBT has some advantages. First, this is
one of the best approaches to be used in the case where the medication alone for the patients has
not been effective.
This best applies where the medication has not been helpful for the treatment of the
patient. Moreover, CBT treatment methods can be done within a short time, not lime medication
treatments. It does not need one to be admitted but instead, it is more of a conversation between
the patient and psychologist (Robertson, 2019). Another advantage of the CBT is that it involves
simple re-training and altering your feelings and behavior for one to be advised well.
Apart from the advantages of the CBT discussed above, this method has some disadvantages.
One needs to have full commitment and therefore a psychologist needs to do all that it takes to
make sure that the patient gets well. Sometimes, this is one of the challenging processes because
some of the patients are not cooperative at all to provide the necessary information that will help
the psychologist. Sometimes, this method is time-consuming especially when attending the
regular CBT sessions is involved. There are a lot of works required and some of the extra
sessions about the CBT treatment can be tiresome and time-consuming. This method is not
suitable for people with complex mental issues and therefore it is only limited to people who
have light psychological issues affecting their eating habits.
Question 3
Having been watching the video in which Dr. Donald Eichenbaum interviews a male
adult patient, there is one primary personal disorder identified with the patient. The patient has
shared his behavior and how it has affected his life. In his conversations I noticed that this patient
had anti-social personality disorder (07:03). After careful listening to his conversation with Dr.
Donald, at one point he said that all the depression and life frastrations are as results of being
socially rude, sarcastic and angry man.
From his appearance, he is a very stressed and depressed person affected so much with
this anti-social disorder. He had divorced with his Wife and this seems to have disturbed him
mentally. The divorce resulted from the terrible communication he had been having with her
wife may be he was rude and not socially able to solve the issue politely (08:05). He seems to
have disturbed by this divorce with his wife because even at a point he cries as he explains this to
Dr.Donald. He has not been able to share his feelings with his wife and this has resulted in
divorce and high depression. Moreover, the patient says he never had friends and rarely makes
new friendships this is because of anti-social personality disorder
This is the behavior of the person who is socially rude, sarcastic and without good
communication skills. From the physical look of the patient, he seems to be mentally disturbed
and anti-social person. His face shows the sign of stress and depression and this is associated
with the anti-social communication with his wife because it seems they could not stay in their
marriage anymore. He mentions that even at the workplace has never been a social person and he
makes no friends (41:43). He has visited to make therapists and this would help him recover
from his personality disorders. Even the physical expression of the patients as he talks to Dr.
Donald, seems depressed but hopeful that one day he would recover these disorders. He seems to
be looking forward to seeing things work well for him. This would be achieved only if he accepts
his challenges become more open about himself to the psychologist for more assistance. Towards
the end of the 12 seconds of the part of the conversation, he seems to have made some attempts
to look for the psychologist for help and this changed his character. Now at least he can talk to
PSYC300 Question and Answer 2022_3

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