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Integrated Hospitality Marketing Communications


Added on  2022/11/28

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This report discusses integrated marketing communication in the hospitality industry, focusing on communication objectives, different marketing channels, and their role in delivering the message effectively. It also assesses an integrated marketing communication plan with relation to communication strategy, channel choice, and creative content. The report includes examples from Grand Brighton Hotel, a historic Victorian seafront hotel in Brighton, England.

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Integrated Hospitality

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Table of Contents
PART A...........................................................................................................................................1
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Identify different channels of marketing and provide how they serve communication
objectives within the hospitality organisations.......................................................................1
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................3
P5 Assess an Integrated marketing communication plan with relation to communication
strategy, channel choice and creative content........................................................................3
PART B............................................................................................................................................5
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................5
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
P2 Develop communication objectives for the hospitality organisation................................5
P3 Develop the justification for the selection and integration of communications channels.6
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7
P4 Develop an integrated marketing communication plan which meets communication
objectives for the hospitality organisation..............................................................................7
Books and Journals.................................................................................................................9
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Integrated marketing communication is helpful in integrating and combining all the
messages to the target consumers. Now a day’s different brands have come up and each brand is
having their own communication channel to communicate with the consumers(Huang and Chen,
2021). At this time, consumers become confused regarding the products and the brand which
they have to choose. Integrated marketing communication is helpful in integrating all the
messages which is delivered to the consumers at the same time with different communication
channel. For hospitality also integrated marketing channel will be beneficial as the information
regarding the brand and the hotel services will be provided to the consumers at the same time.
Grand Brighton Hotel is historic Victorian sea front hotel which is located in Brighton, England.
This report will cover different marketing channels and how they serve communication
objectives. It will also include communication strategy, channel choice and creative content.
P1 Identify different channels of marketing and provide how they serve communication
objectives within the hospitality organisations
Marketing channel is the process by which the good and services are delivered to the
consumers from the producer or the manufacturer(Kanso, Nelson and Kitchen, 2020) . It is
directly related with the distribution of products to the end consumers and this marketing channel
is helpful in for producing an effective strategy which will work for marketing of products. For
the hotels the marketing channels needs to be strong as they want to creates their brand image in
the higher way and have to attract the larger audiences. Grand Brighton Hotel also uses different
marketing channels and with the help of marketing channels the communication objectives of the
hotel is also achieved. Grand Brighton creates and communicate with the people by using the
below mentioned marketing channels-
Official website- The official website of the hotel is the foremost thing which can
provide the people with effective information about the hotel. Grand Brighton in its
website has provided all the information which needs to be delivered to the audiences

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whenever they make a booking in the hotel or want to take the information about the
same. The website provides the people with enough information about the hotel and the
website which is made by the hotel is also attractive which helps in attracting the
customers and is also very simple to use. By developing the website and providing all the
information in it the hotel is providing the awareness about their brand which is helping
in meeting the communication objective.
Metasearch ads- The metasearch are the engines which are used for making the booking
in the hotels and which all the information regarding the hotel and the services which is
provided by them(Farinloye and et. al., 2020) . The hotels have to identify that which
channels in metasearch are performing well so that they can give the ads to them for
displaying the ads on their sites. Grand Brighton have invested its money on promoting
the hotel in these metasearch websites by conducting a research on the websites which
are doing well and many people visits the website. This helps in reaching to larger
audiences at a single time and this becomes essential if the hotel wants to bring people.
Online review sites- Now the people have become smart and they just not listen to
someone’s advice for booking their hotel but they first take the review of the people who
have already visited the hotel. Online review sites have become the best way for the
people to check the hotel services and what people have given information in it about the
hotel. Grand Brighton tells the people who visit their hotel to provide their review on the
hotel websites because this is helpful to the other people who will make the booking for
the future time. A good review develops the confidence of the people to visit the hotel
and also develops the image of the hotel and helps in providing the information to the
Social media- Now a day’s people are having their accounts on the social media which
has become the most promising marketing and promotional tool for the marketers.
Promoting the hotel name on the social media with the help of visual advertisements or
with the contents helps in providing the notice to the people(Li, 2019). Social media is
the strongest and most powerful platform which helps in building the brand to the
consumers and the owners of the hotel consider this platform to be the best as it helps in
reaching to the larger audiences. Grand Brighton hotel has the account on social media
platform which helps in connecting with billions of people and by providing the post on
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the daily basis consumers get to know about many things. This meets the objectives of
communication as many people gets to know about the hotel and the information is
updated to them timely.
Paid search and display- The ads can be displayed if the user is searching on the Google
regarding the best hotel (Gil-Saura, Ruiz-Molina and Servera-Francés, 2019). In this the
hotel marketing department has to pay to the search engine for displaying the ad which
helps in maintaining the competitive position of the hotel in the market. Grand Brighton
hotel uses this marketing tool for promoting the hotel in the market and with this more
people gets to know about the hotel. The services and the ambience of the hotel is
displayed in the advertisement which helps in attracting the consumers very well.
P5 Assess an Integrated marketing communication plan with relation to communication strategy,
channel choice and creative content
Integrated marketing communication plan is basically a process which is developed by the
marketers of the hotels which is used to convey the message to the people which is just the single
message but this message is displayed with the help of different channels of marketing. This
strategy is considered to be the most effective because it does not requires higher cost which
needs to be invested on the advertisement and promotion and helps in reaching the message to
the larger audiences. Grand Brighton uses this tool to expand the message to the target audience
which helps in providing and delivering the message consistently to the people.
Integrated marketing communication with communication strategy-
Integrated marketing communication is related with the communications strategy as the main
objective of every business is just to communicate about the product or service to the target
consumers in the market(Finotto and Mauracher, 2020). Grand Brighton uses different channels
of marketing for providing the information regarding the existence of the hotel and what services
they are offering and how the hotel is different with others. The main aim of the hotel is to
communicate with the larger audience effectively and to reach the audience by providing them
the best information. Integrated marketing communication helps in achieving the communication
strategy as this tool links different channels and provide the message to the target audience at the
sae time and with great consistency. Marketing requires good time because the time is spent most
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on conducting the research and then identifying the strategy which will work best of the
situation. This tool does not require much time to be spent on thinking and analysing regarding
what will work best. This tool just delivers the message at a single time with different channels.
Integrated marketing communication with channel choice
This is the most important factor in delivering the correct information regarding the hotel and the
services which are provided by them(Vatan and Dogan, 2021) . It is because the channel of
marketing can become miserable if the correct strategy and channel is not used by the marketers.
Grand Brighton marketing team analyses the tools which will work best for delivering the
information and the message about the hotel. Integrated marketing is the link with different
marketing channels and in this the message is delivered to the audience at the faster rate without
any delay and confusion. The marketing team has just to check and identify the channels which
can reach to the larger audiences in less time and in which the message will be delivered with
greater productivity. Grand Brighton marketing teams works the best and because of which the
hotel image has built in a greater manner.
Integrated marketing communication with creative content
In marketing not just the visual representation is important but what is most important is the
content which is written on the advertisements. The marketing just not involve the visual
advertisements or the pictures which helps in attracting the people but the main focus is on the
catchy lines and the theme line with which the advertisements is based on. Integrated marketing
communication is the marketing which does not only includes the channels choice but also
involves the content which is written on the ads and the pictures. Grand Brighton had develops
the catchy themes and slogans for its hotel which is also the main factor which attracts the
consumers towards the hotel. The creative content is useful in building the image of the hotel and
influences the people to make a visit in the hotel. Grand Brighton because of its creative content
stands out exceptionally different from its competitors.
From the above report it can be concluded that integrated marketing communication channel is
effective in delivering the messages to the consumers. It helps in building the brand image in the
market and consumers also develop trust regarding the brand. Hotels would be able to deliver the

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messages about the hotel and the service provided by them to the larger audiences. It is because
all the important and essential marketing communication channel delivers the message to the
consumers effectively.
Integrated marketing communication helps in linking all the channels of communication
which is effectively reached to the target audiences. When the message is delivered to the
audiences at a wider range with the use of important channels then the cost of marketing also
reduces(Ferrer-Rosell, Martin-Fuentes and Marine-Roig, 2019). Integrated marketing
communication is considered to be cost effective than the mass media and now the time has
arrived in which the consumers spend their time on Internet so the marketers also develop the
plan to communicate to the consumers in such platform. Now the businesses and specially hotels
have started using this communication mode when they launch something new as it helps in
providing the information regarding whether the messages provided by the promotional tools
have delivered in the right way or not. This report will cover communication objectives and
channel selection and also the content which is appropriate to the channel and communication
P2 Develop communication objectives for the hospitality organisation
Communication in general means the interaction between two or persons which helps in
better understanding regarding the topic which is going on at that point of time. But in terms of
the business communication means to reach to the larger audiences and convey the message
regarding the company objectives and the products and services which they are providing to the
people(Jain, 2019). But in hospitality and that too in hotels the communication is the way by
which the hotels can communicate with the people about their hotel and the services which they
offer to the people. Grand Brighton hotel has some objectives which they deliver to their target
audiences and that objectives are mentioned below-
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To develop awareness- The main objective of the communication is just to build the
communication to the larger number of people (Khan, 2020). Without doing any
promotion or advertisement no individual would get to know about the hotel and they
would not be able to create awareness regarding the hotel and its services. Grand
Brighton main objective is to make more people aware about the hotel so that they can
come and take the experience.
Creating interest- Without communication no person would be interested to visit the
hotel if the effective marketing is not done. Communication is provided not just to build
awareness but also to develop interest about the hotel. Grand Brighton marketing team
develop creative content which helps in creating interest about the hotel to the people.
Promoting the brand- When information will be spread to larder number of people then
the promotion of the brand can be done in an easy way. Grand Brighton has established
the brand image in the market because of the marketing tools which they use and their
creative ideas which helps in promoting the name of the hotel.
P3 Develop the justification for the selection and integration of communications channels
The communication channels are used by every business as it provides effective and
productive information to the people regarding the brand and what services they are going to
offer to the people. Majorly the major advantage is just to inform the public so that they get the
knowledge regarding the establishment of the brand and gets attracted with it. The selection and
integration of various communication channel is done because of following reasons which are
mentioned below in context with Grand Brighton-
To promote the brand- The communication channels are helpful in promoting the
information about the hotel (Pinto and et. al., 2019). Without communication the
promotion and information regarding the brand would not be done and people will
remain unaware about the opening of new hotels. Grand Brighton has established its
brand image effectively with the proper use of communication channel.
Increases higher revenue- The hotel industry cannot just start the business without
informing the people and this can be done with the use of communication channel. Grand
Brighton has successfully build its image in the market by using the most effective
communication channels. People have developed the image of the hotel in the good way
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as they provide good reviews about the hotel in the websites and this enables the other
individuals who want to visit the hotel with the positive attitude. This increases the
revenue of the hotel and Grand Brighton is the biggest and largest hotel.
Reach to larger number of people- The communication channels are effective if the
information regarding the hotel has to be reached to the larger number of people (Hussein
and Hapsari, 2020). Social media is the best example which is now been used by millions
of people and doing the promotion on such communication channels helps to reach to
people at a less time and that too builds the connection with many people.
P4 Develop an integrated marketing communication plan which meets communication objectives
for the hospitality organisation
Integrated marketing communication plan in context with Grand Brighton is explained below-
Identify and understand the target audience- Before the use of any marketing channel
it is important to identify the target audience which can help in increasing the profits of
the hotel (Shawky and et. al., 2020). The marketing team of Grand Brighton first
conducts this method for using the integrated marketing communication channel.
Develop a Budget- It becomes very important to establish the budget which can be used
for conducting this marketing channel. But the budget for using the integrated marketing
channel is less compared to other which is why Grand Brighton uses this communication
Identify the Unique selling proposition (USP)- The hotel has to identify the USP in
which they stand out from their competitors and with this they can make their
communication channel to be most effective (Lee, Jeong and Shea, 2021) . Grand
Brighton USP is their ambience and the services which they provide to their guest which
they can consider in their advertisement or in the communication channel.
Identify the marketing methods- Hotels has to identify the platforms in which they will
be promoting the information about the hotel. They have to develop the style of the
content and how they creative they can become in spreading the message. Grand
Brighton style of delivering the message and information is considered to very creative.

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Maintain a brand element- It is essential for the hotels to develop and maintain their
brand while using the communication channel (Pina and Dias, 2021). Because this helps
in making them differentiated form the others which the Grand Brighton have made it
List the success metrics- Success metrics means the reviews on the website, how many
people are replying to the mails, the content which is written about the hotel. Grand
Brighton has established its success metrics with the correct usage of channels.
Execute, Test, Reiterate- With the making of above things it is required to execute what
has been made in the planning and to make further changes if it is required to be made.
From the above report it can be concluded that integrated marketing communication is cost
effective and minimises the cost of marketing and spread among the larger audiences at the faster
rate. This marketing is not similar with that of the traditional marketing but on the other hand this
marketing is useful in developing the healthy relationships with the consumers. Hotels have
started using this marketing tool for increasing the hotel brand and development in the goodwill
in the market.
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Books and Journals
Farinloye, T. and et. al., 2020. Social media for universities’ strategic communication.
In Strategic marketing of higher education in Africa (pp. 96-115). Routledge.
Ferrer-Rosell, B., Martin-Fuentes, E. and Marine-Roig, E., 2019. Do hotels talk on Facebook
about themselves or about their destinations?. In Information and communication
technologies in tourism 2019 (pp. 344-356). Springer, Cham.
Finotto, V. and Mauracher, C., 2020. Digital marketing strategies in the Italian wine
sector. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business. 11(4). pp.373-390.
Gil-Saura, I., Ruiz-Molina, M.E. and Servera-Francés, D., 2019. Strengthening Relational Ties
and Building Loyalty Through Relational. Big Data and Innovation in Tourism, Travel,
and Hospitality: Managerial Approaches, Techniques, and Applications, p.182.
Huang, C.C. and Chen, S.E., 2021. Establishing and Deepening Brand Loyalty through Brand
Experience and Customer Engagement: Evidence from Taiwan’s Chain
Restaurants. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, pp.1-23.
Hussein, A.S. and Hapsari, R., 2020. Heritage experiential quality and behavioural intention:
lessons from Indonesian heritage hotel consumers. Journal of Heritage Tourism, pp.1-20.
Jain, S., 2019. Factors affecting sustainable luxury purchase behavior: A conceptual
framework. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 31(2).pp.130-146.
Kanso, A.M., Nelson, R.A. and Kitchen, P.J., 2020. BP and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: a
case study of how company management employed public relations to restore a damaged
brand. Journal of Marketing Communications. 26(7). pp.703-731.
Khan, O., 2020. Towards understanding customer loyalty: An empirical study on emotional
attachment. International Journal of Innovations in Business. 1(3). pp.241-267.
Lee, M., Jeong, M. and Shea, L.J., 2021. Length of stay control: Is it a fair inventory
management strategy in hotel market?. Tourism Economics. 27(2). pp.307-327.
Li, S., 2019. Emotional appeals in tourism TV commercials: A psycho-physiological
study. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 43(6). pp.783-806.
Pina, R. and Dias, Á., 2021. The influence of brand experiences on consumer-based brand
equity. Journal of Brand Management. 28(2). pp.99-115.
Pinto, L. and et. al., 2019. Fostering online relationships with brands through websites and social
media brand pages. Journal of Promotion Management. 25(3). pp.379-393.
Shawky, S. and et. al., 2020. A dynamic framework for managing customer engagement on
social media. Journal of Business Research. 121. pp.567-577.
Vatan, A. and Dogan, S., 2021. What do hotel employees think about service robots? A
qualitative study in Turkey. Tourism Management Perspectives. 37.p.100775.
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