
Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age: Doc


Added on  2021-02-20

12 Pages3561 Words18 Views
Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age
Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age: Doc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................11) Positive and negative use of internet ......................................................................................1Introduction of Internet...........................................................................................................1Use of internet to businesses..................................................................................................1Use of internet to society........................................................................................................32) Personal and privacy security while using internet ....................................................................4Threats faced by organisations and society when using internet...........................................4Security measures that can be adopted while using internet..................................................53) Comparison of features and applications of communication providers .....................................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age: Doc_2

INTRODUCTION Internet is the biggest world wide network of computers that facilitates easycommunication between different computers or nodes after getting due permissions from internetservice providers. Internet has millions of smaller domestic, academic, government and businessnetworks, which together contains many different kinds of knowledge and information. Digitalage or information age, is started with the introduction of personal computers and advancetechnology providing the free and quick transfer of on information from one place to another(Gray and Palaiologou, 2019). It become necessary to integrate professional skills with latesttechnology to get best results through automation of services like it has made research work easyand also provide different online services to customers. This assignment is based on positive andnegative impact of internet and also include various threat of the internet. Security and privacymeasures are also included in this project. At last, this report also contain comparison of featuresand applications of communications providers.1) Positive and negative use of internet Introduction of InternetInternet is global system of interconnected computer networks that make use of internetprotocol suite to link different devices across the world. Internet was initially originated in 1960sthrough a research commissioned by federal government of United States. The Internet rapidlyexpanded in Europe and Australia till mid 1980s and soon become a important part of alldeveloped economy (Preeshl, 2019). Internet provide many services like facility of electronicmail, chat with colleagues and also provide easy assess of information on a wide variety ofsubjects. Other positive and negative use of internet are provided below: Use of internet to businessesInternet provides a easy way or channel for businesses to connect with customer's andalso build a strong network between them. Internet is helpful in providing a communicationplatform to get new potential customers and also retain and maintain existing customers.Following are the positive and negative use of internet to businesses : Positive use of internet1
Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age: Doc_3

Business are making use of internet to boost their efficiency and to provide bettercustomer services (Positive and Negative Impact of Internet on Business Operation,2018). Thepositive uses of internet for a business are explained below: Improved communication- Internet has made communication easy through differentcommunication tool like emails, websites, mobile chat apps (like whatsapp), social mediaplatforms, etc. Email, chat and message facility makes it easy for businesses tocommunicate quickly with partners, employees and customers. Video conferencingprovides a easy way to conduct meetings online which will save the cost of businesstravel.Easy research work- No business can grow without conducting timely research abouttheir product and services as desires and customers get change after some time and theonly way to find out the latest trend of market is research. With use of internet businessassociates can easily gather all the relevant information about prevailing changes, pricelevel, new techniques and about competitors also. By making use of various onlinewebsites and other tools like Google scholar,Trello, Mendeley, etc. internet makes it easyfor business to conduct market research without any hassle and with minimum cost(Puchner, 2019). Advertisement- Internet provides a cheap and easy of advertising to reach targetaudience all over world. Various internet platforms like search engine optimization(SEO)and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc. provides a effectiveway to business to promote its product or service to attract big markets and targetcustomers. E- businesses- It is also known as online business whee all the business transactions andcommunication take place online with the help of internet. Internet has made concept ofe-business possible through providing a medium or channel where buyer and seller canmake deals and purchase transaction. Internet has made businesses easy as seller canreach customers and customers can easily made online payments without any trouble.Negative use of internet Internet has made business operations easy but there are also some negative of internetfor an business. The negative use of internet for business are as follows:2
Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age: Doc_4

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