
Assignment: Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age (Doc)


Added on  2021-02-20

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Integrated ProfessionalSkills in the Digital Age
Assignment: Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age (Doc)_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK...............................................................................................................................................31) Comparison of positive and negative use of internet to society and organisations................32) Threats faced by organisation and society while using internet and measures which shouldbe taken to deal with threats........................................................................................................53) Comparison between two unified communication systems....................................................7CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Assignment: Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age (Doc)_2

INTRODUCTIONInternet is a global computer network providing a variety of information andcommunication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardisedcommunication protocols. The study will give details about the positive as well as negative useof internet to business as well as society, i.e., how business and society is impacted by positivelyand negatively by using internet. The aim of the report is to create awareness about internetamong the people. Further, the report will highlight various threats which are been faced by thesociety and business while using internet. Moreover, study will contain a detailed comparisonbetween various communication service providers and its usefulness for businesses.TASK 1) Comparison of positive and negative use of internet to society and organisationsInternet has become the most essential source in the real world, it helps in gatheringnecessary information and support in making effective coordination with employees and othermembers of society as well (Naumann and et.al., 2016).Use of Internet to organisationPositive useNegative useTo Gather information: Facebook, Instagrametc are used by using internet. information likewhat is going in the world what are new trendswhich are been followed by the people. So itassists business in making product according tothe needs of people. Internet is helpful tobusiness as it provides information aboutcustomers’ requirements, needs of people,what type of products people want, any changein the taste and preference of consumers. Itassists the business in dealing with competitorsas through the useful information changes canbe made. Internet helps in expanding themarket as nowadays various platforms areavailable such as amazon, flipcart etc.,Employees uses internet at workplace and theyuse social networking sites. This type of usesaffect their productivity and it decreaseproduction capacity of organisation badly. There are many companies those which areselling their products online. Use of internetincreases security risk for business. Suchmalicious hackers hack the confidential dataand leak such details. This type of thingsaffects brand image of the organisation badly.Negative opinion of consumers aboutcompany’s products and services raisedissatisfaction among consumers whichdecrease sales of business unit badly.
Assignment: Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age (Doc)_3

company can sell its product through thesesources. Business also takes reviews fromcustomers i.e., they are satisfied or not with theproduct quality or services and if any changesrequired it can be made by considering theonline reviews (Langset, Jacobsen andHaugsbakken, 2018).Internet also brings New competitors to themarket. Internet removes the restrictions ofgeography, nowadays, shopping is no longer achoice as people can order the goods from anywhere. Internet has impact on business in thissense that more competition is created.Use of internet to society Positive useNegative useHelps in creating relationship or improvinginteraction: Internet helps in creating buildingrelations between people. Here are variousplatforms available such as Facebook,Instagram, etc. by the use of that people meetnew people and can have a great conversation.These platforms provide large audience atsingle place. By positive use of internetgeographical barriers from the people can beremoved. Social media platforms provideinformation about the different culture which isbeen followed by the people in different partsof world. People can communicate with eachother thus helps in inspiring the society. By theuse of these platforms healthy relations can becreated among people as they can be in touchInternet provides data to all users easily,sometimes small kids use internet and they getillegal or inappropriate information whichaffect their mentality badly.Use of internet to the great extent can disturbthe personal life of society members as theyfail to give sufficient time to their family andfriends because of use of social sites such asFacebook, twitter etc. Misuse of internet enhances terrorism activitiesin society.
Assignment: Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age (Doc)_4

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