International Business2 One for one policy is basically one where every pair of the shoes, when purchased will be equivalent to the funds for the donation of a pair of shoes to those children who are in need of them in reality. The major benefits arising from this programme have been outlined below. The local shops tend to manufacture their own style and design, which ultimately leads to the opportunities for increase in employment. The shoes are also customised according to the region where it is sent. It is not just confined to the shoes; rather the next initiative taken by the company is to provide 140 litres of the water for free for each coffee bag purchased. This is equivalent to the supply of the week and till date TOMS has provided over 250000 weeks of safe and secure water around the globe (International Management in Action, 2019). These organizations have gained traction in the global society for promoting the awareness and treating the children as well other individuals with one for one policy. This philosophy also influences the people who may not be motivated to support the CSR policies due to the operational growth. TOMS partners with the other organization where they put all their blood and sweat and provide the extreme level of the skills and the expertise. This increased over 42% coverage in maternal health care program with over 1000 student’s enrolment. Therefore it will not only provide the recognition around the globe but also consumers feel direct connection with these companies and charities they support- are thriving the result (International Management in Action, 2019).
International Business3 References International Management in Action, (2019) The Ethics of an Offshoring Decision [Online] Availablefrom file:///C:/Users/System04087/Downloads/3322315_1466697023_FourTaskOneCases.pdf [Accessed on 27th April 2019]