


Added on  2024-05-14

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Table of Contents
1. Identify the causes and effects of a range of managerial challenges within the Hospitality
sector (use the organization)............................................................................................................4
2. Critically analyse management theory, analyse and interpret a variety of complex industry-
specific managerial issues and problems.......................................................................................10
3. Exercise initiative and take responsibility for the outcomes of their decision, or proposed
actions, and to evaluate the impact of these outcomes in a real-life context.................................16
4. Develop, apply and practice a range of professional competencies in the development of
management decision making and strategic planning...................................................................19
5. Present a strategic plan in professional oral and written formats..............................................22

Different components have been used by the hospitality industries to manage its operations.
Management of hospitality is the element of the service industry that brings in more money and
placement opportunities for the people. The managers of the hospitality industry are educated in
customer service, human resource and business. They give an exceptional experience by
coordinating their guests and staff members. Several conventional and modern management
theories have been used by the hospitality industries.
The chosen organization for the report is a Bedford hotel which is situated on the waterfront in
Brighton, London. After becoming a component of the holiday tavern business, it has been
renamed as the Holiday Inn Brighton. With over 40 years of establishment, it served millions of
people in United Kingdom. Different management theories and principles have been explained
and critically analyzed in the project to plan a strategic plan for the organization.

1. Identify the causes and effects of a range of managerial challenges within the Hospitality
sector (use the organization)
The industry of hospitality requires constituents from diverse conventional management theories
as well as finest practices based on the experience of industries. Various management theories
and practices by various theorists have been implemented by various hotels to manage their
operations. The hospitality management sector improved the productivity of employees together
with elevated quality (Walker and Walker 2016). The main focus of the Bedford hotels is to take
care of its customers. There are different hospitality managers in the Bedford hotels to convene
and go beyond the expectations of their guests by serving them high quality service. A
significant component of Bedford hotels is outstanding consumer services because it is the point
of creating a long lasting impression of their hotels on them. Tangible as well as intangible
services are provided to the consumers by them to make their travel extravagant and memorable.
Irrespective of the services performed by the hospitality management, there are several
challenges which are faced by the hospitality sector.
Due to huge number of staffs, managers, guests and so on, there are major challenges which are
faced by the Bedford hotels because of large man force. The industry of hospitality is a highly
manual labor exhaustive industry which requires working in harsh environment. The
environment of work within Bedford hotels includes generally long hours of working, repetitive
work, low control, unpredicted communications with guests, evening and night work and so on.
There are also problems with coordination of work since the work space of the hotel is large.
Various reports on hospitality industries determine the high stress level of the people working in
the hospitality sector (Van der Wagen and Goonetilleke 2015)
The managerial challenges and their causes and effects within the hospitality industries with
relation to Bedford hotels are as follows-
Shortage of labor and skills- The main concern of Bedford hotels is magnetizing and
retaining a group of qualified workers. Different innovative strategies have been planned
by the professional to attract a team of skilled and talented workers. The man force
requirement in the hospitality sector is large due to which Bedford hotels require a large
team to interact and serve their guests. The different issues which contribute to the global

challenge in the hospitality industries are low satisfaction of workers, low pay,
unfavorable environment long working hours and so on. The causes and their effects can
be elaborated as-
Low satisfaction of workers- Since it is a universal rule that every person can’t be
satisfied. Every hospitality sectors fails to satisfy their workers who are the main
service providers to their consumers (Morden 2017). It is important for the hotels
to give their workers a favorable and stress free work environment. The
environment which includes long working hours with low wage rates basically
hampers the necessity of an employee.
Lagging rate of wages- The wages provided to the employees may not satisfy
their basic requirements which in turn may lead to the reason of leaving their jobs.
The skill of workers also plays a vital role in determining their wages in the
policy of wages of Bedford hotels. The higher the skill and talent, higher are the
Reputation of industries- The hospitality sector has not gained so much
prominence in the world. It has not earned enough reputation to come in top
career choices of students.
Cost of construction- A large work space is involved in the hospitality sector, therefore
the cost of constructing and furnishing the work place involves high cost. The Bedford
hotel has a large working space and the cost involved in furnishing and constructing it is
also soaring. The building of the hotel impacts a consumer’s preference, therefore the
building should be eye pleasing which can attract and retain large number of guests. The
impact of high cost on constructions lead to the rise in price of the hotels which are
payable by the guests. The following strategies may be developed by the professionals to
make the effective use of construction costs-
Evaluate the specifications of materials carefully to ensure that the materials
which are cost effective are used in the construction process.
Ensure that the professionals equipped with the constructing process are highly

Ensure that the maximum area is used by them for maximum revenue
Demographics change and its impact on trends of travel- Different groups of people are
served by the hospitality sector. The needs and expectations of all the consumers vary
according to their taste and preferences. The ongoing and recent changes in the
environment of demographics hold most important implications for the industry of
hospitality. The Bedford hotel needs to create and implement a strategy to address the
needs, desires and wants of the multi generations. The hoteliers should offer amenities
and designs to outfit to the needs of the diverse group of customers (Kandampully and et
al., 2015). The approaches which can be used by Bedford hotels to cater to the needs of
changing needs of consumers can be summarized as follows-
The design adopted universally should include bright lights, lower beds, and
large space that are comfortable to the users.
Different package tours which offer alternative choices to the groups of people
should be provided, to give them the best attractive and appealing experience.
Modern and updated technology should be used by the hoteliers to satisfy their
consumer expectations.
Honest feedback should be given to the consumers about the products and
services offered by the sector
Travel consent restrictions- There are a lot of restrictions which are imposed on the
travelers to travel around the globe. Different kinds of permissions are required to move
from one country to another like work permits and visas. These security measures have
been implemented due to several terrorism attacks. The previous attacks were basically
on some architectures and hotels. It is necessary to restrict people coming from different
countries for the safety measures. The various strategies adopted by Bedford hotels for
their protection are as follows-
Facial recognition
Fingerprint readers

Optical scans
Verification of passports
Cost of operations- The cost of operations is one of the major components which hinder
the functioning of the hotel industries. Different obligations such as penalties, taxes, staff
costs and so on constitute to be the operating costs for the hospitality sector. There is an
emerging challenge for the industries to balance their profits with the operating costs (Liu
and Atuahene-Gima 2018) The job of balancing the operating cost of Bedford hotels
should be on capable hands to minimize its costs. The different strategies which can be
adopted to control the cost of operations are as follows-
Compliance with rules and regulations
Low staff costs
Minimized cost for customary activities
Efficient use of resources
Technology- To maximize their revenues, the hospitality industries needs to maintain and
upgrade as per the latest developments. The industries which do not adapt as per the latest
technology generally declines in the long run. Many of the properties of Bedford do not
take the benefit of advanced technology to maximize their returns (Lee and et al., 2017).
This is the reason why the outsourcing function is required by the hotel industries to
manage their major tasks. The significant factors which are involved are as follows-
Different systems are required by the hotel industries to manage the complexity
of the hotel environment.
Lack of awareness is also a major factor
Difficulty regarding knowledge of technical experts
Competitive environment- Since there is a huge growth in the hospitality industry, the
competition has also mounted. The managerial tension arises because of the expansion in
hotel industries. The profit element involved is high in the hospitality industries so it
attracts a large number of businessmen towards them. This creates an environment of
competition. The profit level of Bedford hotel gets down due to increased competition.

The Bedford hotel tries to give best quality of products and services to attract and retain
large number of consumers. The culture of foodie peoples has a huge impact on the hotel
industries. The strategies which can be espoused to avoid the managerial issues are as
Better consumer relationship
Better quality of products and services
Superior environment
Low costs of operations
Compliance with rules and regulations
Production process amounts to large quantity of waste- The hospitality sectors involve a
large amount of production processes. Large man force is involved which amounts in
large wastage of raw materials used. The lack of coordination between staffs may be an
important cause of wastage. Bedford hotel tries to minimize the amount of waste
generated in the production process. But total elimination of waste is not possible, some
strategies may be implemented the Bedford hotel. The approaches towards waste
minimization are as follows-
Utilization of resources
Trained staffs
Coordination between staffs
Friendly environment
Attracting and retaining valued customers- The major concern of Bedford hotel is
attracting loyal customers towards them due to intense competition (Hill and Alexander
2017). The quality of products and services served to the consumers should be high to
retain their customers. Bedford hotels try to give best services to their customers’ despite
of several challenges faced by them. The various approaches adopted by Bedford hotel to
attract customers towards them are as follows-
Better quality services
Several discount packages to loyal customers
Better environment

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