
International Human Rights


Added on  2023-04-22

6 Pages1453 Words327 Views
Political Science
-International Human Rights
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International Human Rights_1

Human Rights can be defined as the “basic rights and freedom to which all humans
are entitled to” and includes various political and civil rights such as freedom of expression,
right to property, right to live, right to for liberty, pursuit of happiness, right to equality in the
court of law, social rights, cultural rights, right to participate in social and cultural events and
gatherings, right to practice religion, right for employment and right to education to name a
The issue of human rights has been avidly discussed in the international politics for
more than a century; however, repeated acts of war and geopolitical unrest have resulted in
the breach of basic human rights for millions of people. The modern concepts of human
rights developed in the later part of the 20th century with the development of several
international organizations and conventions that aim to uphold human rights globally. The
human rights treaties have been adopted by several nations as a part of their national as well
as international politics. However, for most part of the 20th century, the issue of human rights
only was a peripheral consideration for many countries.
In the 21st century, there is a gradual increase in the importance of human rights in
international politics and more nations are striving to ensure that the basic human rights are
upheld across the world. This change of focus can be attributed in the following evidences in
Increased pressure on North Korea to stop human rights violations in the country:
Over the last few years, international pressure on the North Korean Government, the
Kim Jung dynasty to stop the human rights violations taking place in the country, especially
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in the political concentration camps called Gulags. This includes active conversations with
the American Government, under the Trump Administration as well as several appeals in the
international courts to persuade the North Korean Government to close the gulags and free
the prisoners. This shows a significant deviation in the international relation with North
Korea from the earlier stance of not interfering with their internal affairs.
Increased focus on human rights crisis in Venezuela:
The global focus on the human righs crisis in Venezuela under Nicolas Maduro
caused by an economic collapse and hyperinflation has increased significantly over the last 5
years. The government is being supported through international initiatives to help the people
survive the crisis and facilitate healthcare access in the country. The support primarily is
aimed towards protecting the people of Venezuela from a loss of their livelihood and
protecting their basic human rights. Countries like USA and Mexico have also facilitated the
process of seeking asylum for Venezuelans, helping them to escape the situation.
United Nations attempt to bring ceasefire in Syria
United Nations as well as United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Russia
are working together to bring peace in Syria and put an end to the conflict in the region that
have violated the basic human rights of the civilian. The international efforts are aimed to
bring about a ceasefire in Syria and thereby helping the nation to get back to normalcy.
Helping the Rohingya Muslims
After the human rights crisis in Rohingya, Myanmar where more than 250,000
Muslims fled their homes and country to avoid the ethnic cleansing that have caused death of
several people. This led to the significant human rights crisis as the people did not have
access to basic human rights after being prosecuted in their own country. In order to help the
International Human Rights_3

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