
Cultural Issues in a Workplace


Added on  2020-02-24

8 Pages2187 Words62 Views
Running head: INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENTInternational managementName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor note
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1INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENTAnswer 1In the year of 1970, Dr Hofstede published his models of cultural dimensions basedon a research work that has taken almost a decade to get completed. His models emerged as abreakthrough in the study of cultural differences and soon became widely popular. Hismodels later became the standard for the understanding of cultural differences (Taras, Steel &Kirkman, 2012).Hofstede studied employees of IBM in about fifty countries and identified fivedimensions that are eligible to differentiate one culture from another culture. Thesedimensions are: 1.Power Distance Index2.Individualism Versus Collectivism3.Masculinity Versus Femininity4.Uncertainty avoidance Index5.Pragmatic Versus NormativeWhile analyzing his database of cultural statistics, Hofstede found clear distinctionsbetween his dimensions and as his research was solely based on the employees of IBM, heattributed these patterns to national and cultural differences to minimize the companyculture’s impact. The five cultural dimensions of Hofstede are important to explain thepresent situation of Lee in the company he is presently working at (Shinnar, Giacomin &Janssen, 2012). Power distance index (PDI): This can be referred to as the degree of the inequalitythat is present in the organization and that is accepted by the people with the power and thepeople without the power. Whenever a high PDI score is seen, that means that in that
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2INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENTorganization or society unequal and hierarchy is present and is generally accepted. On theother hand, a low PDI score indicates that the power is distributed equally in the society or inthe organization and the members of the organization or society do not consider that thepower should be distributed unequally (Rienties & Tempelaar, 2013). In the new workplaceof Lee, in Korea, it is seen that the PDI score is pretty high as there is a presence of hierarchyand people are very aware of the rules and regulations in he organization. Lee violated someof the norms and found that the total workforce was against him and thus it can be said thatPDI is a very important thing for distinguishing the cultural differences.Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV): This dimension deals with the bonding orthe strength of the people to the others in the society or in the workplace. A high IDV scoreshows that there is abundance of interpersonal relationship among the employees of thatorganization or the members of hat community (Minkov, Blagoev & Hofstede, 2013). InLee’s workplace, it is seen that there is a strong bonding between the employees and thusthey all stood together against Lee and protested calmly.Masculinity versus femininity (MAS): This model is used to refer to the roledistribution among the men and women in the society or in the workplace. In a masculinesociety, men behave assertively and the power is seen in the hands of men in most of thetimes. On he other hand, in feminine society’s modesty is seen as a virtue, and goodrelationships with the supervisors are seen as important factor and women also possess somepowers in the society or in the workplace, and this should be the ideal condition in anysociety or workplace in today’s situation (Ho, Wang & Vitell, 2012). In lee’s workplace,MAS score is relatively high and the bonding between the workers and the management bodyis quite strong and that is why the managers were able to explain the issues to Lee for thefurther betterment of the organization.
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