
International school of management and Technology (PDF)


Added on  2021-08-19

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EntrepreneurshipProfessional DevelopmentPolitical Science
Tinkune, Gairigaun, Kathmandu
Semester Online Examination
Subject –Unit 3 Human Resource Management (Y/508/0487)
Full Marks – 100 Pass Marks – 40
Case Study: 1
Sinha is a senior employee of Kathmandu Logistics Pvt. Ltd. having its headquarters at
Kathmandu and branches at all major cities in the country. The managing partner of the firm
asked Sinha to head its eastern branch at Biratnagar. The firm has been quite successful since its
inception in 1950‘s, but has witnessed high turnover among its younger staff in the last five
years. The managing partner is convinced that the problem is not salary, because a recent survey
indicated that the firm ‘s salary structure is competitive with that of other major firms. Driven by
this incomprehension, the managing partner wanted Sinha to find out the real reasons.
Having settled in Biratnagar, Sinha met the four Senior Managers to determine why the branch
has had such a high attrition rate amongst the younger staff. Krishna, age 46, stated that the
younger staff lacked dedication and failed to appreciate the career opportunities provided by the
firm. Govind, age 52, said the younger employees were always complaining about the lack of
meaningful feedback on their performance, and many mentioned that they would like to have a
mentor in the organization to assist with their development. Govind further explained that the
firm does provide performance rating to its staff and the previous Manager had always
maintained an open-door policy. Manohar, aged 39, said that he has received complaints that
training was not relevant and was generally dull. He explained that various persons in the firm
who worked with training from time to time acted mainly on guidance from Kathmandu. Radha,
aged 35, said she believed that the root of the problem is the absence of an HR department.
However, she said that when the idea was mentioned to the managing partner in Kathmandu, it
was completely rejected.
Q.no 1
Ans: Yes, I think that Kathmandu Logistics Pvt. Ltd needs an HR Department. Human Resource
(HR) is the paragliding concept used to describe employee management and development within
an organization. Ultimately, it is just about rising the efficiency of the employees. HR plays a
significant role in developing positive business culture and improving employee engagement and
productivity of both which are critical to business success. HR is an area of expertise many
business owners lack.
HR covers so much more than hiring, firing and pay reviews. It encompasses all aspects of
people management, communication and is pivotal in building a positive culture. When
employees don’t feel supported, opportunities are not given, work long hour and so on, their
performance motivation is impacted.
The main function and purpose of HR are:
Recruitment and On-boarding
Performance management and training
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Building and maintaining company culture
Business communications
Legal and regulatory compliance
1. Recruitment and On-boarding
Finding the opportune individuals to work in your business can be troublesome. The recruitment
procedure can take months and failing to understand the situation can be exorbitant. Finding a
solid match with regards to selecting ability is one of the most significant parts of HR. Recruit an
excessive number of individuals, excessively little or enroll an improper applicant and your
business will endure.
The significance of onboarding is maybe the most thought little of part of the recruitment
procedure. onboarding alludes to the entire experience of employing, inviting, situating and
connecting with a newcomer and absorbing them into the way of life of your association.
Poor onboarding can have a tremendously negative effect and leave capable new workers
separated from the word go. Great onboarding amplifies representative commitment and builds
maintenance. For direction, see the Recruitment and Induction Guide by the Chartered Institute
of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
2. Performance management and training
Performance management, preparing and advancement are a major piece of HR. Practically all
representatives will have a few shortcomings in their work environment aptitudes. Execution the
executives assists with tending to those issues. A viable exhibition the board framework
empowers supervisors to offer help to representatives who need it and recognize future whizzes.
Learning openings add to better representative commitment, expanded profitability, diminished
worker turnover and add to an increasingly positive culture.
Exhaustive preparing and self-awareness help to diminish any feeble connections in the
organization (counting chiefs). Putting resources into your workers fortifies your association and
gives your business a serious edge.

3. Building and maintaining company culture
Positive business culture is not, at this point a pleasant to-have. It drives worker commitment,
work fulfillment and staff maintenance, and it characterizes business achievement. HR assumes a
key job in creating, strengthening and changing the way of life of an association. Pay, execution
the executives, preparing and improvement, enlistment and on-boarding and fortifying the
estimations of the business are for the most part fundamental components of business culture
secured by HR.
Getting society right isn't simple. It requires a multi-pronged methodology and necessities
predictable sustaining (read increasingly about working environment culture in The Culture
Economy Report 2020). Basically, HR assumes a critical job in setting the correct tone with
regards to organization culture.
4. Business communications
Each business requires compelling correspondence to work. Most organizations include
individuals and depend on a progression of connections with others. How correspondence
happens in a business is regularly characterized by HR. Basically, correspondence frames the
premise of your way of life.
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Great correspondence mitigates false impressions, expands representative commitment, shapes
the reason for better customer connections, energizes development and inventiveness and assists
with building a positive culture.
5. Legal and regulatory compliance
HR experts have a full comprehension of work law and the entirety of the administrative
necessities of a business with regards to their kin. This is a colossal region and shouldn't be
disparaged. An out of line excusal guarantee could be a costly misstep.
Utilizing a committed HR proficient isn't an extravagance for SMEs, it's fundamental. It's regular
for business people to begin their business wearing the HR cap, yet caring for HR and the
complexities of work law isn't viable time the executives and it's exorbitant for the business
when something turns out badly.
Business pioneers should focus on developing the business and leave HR to the experts. For a
private venture this may mean low maintenance HR administrator in any case or necessities can
be redistributed. Having somebody to manage everything representative related from
nonattendance the board, staff complaints, occasion privilege, pay, to maternity and paternity
approaches will guarantee your business is kept consistent.
HR the executives can likewise assume a significant job in key arranging and friends
development. For instance, HR experts partake in:
Intending to recruit or move workers when an organization develops.
Preparing new representatives as the organization makes changes or grows.
Creating impetus projects to enable the organization to rival different businesses.
Exploring laws and arrangements identified with representatives in different states or
Setting up worker transportation, moves, and different coordinations varying.
a. With reference to two approaches to recruitment and selection, explain their strengths and
weaknesses in the context of Kathmandu Logistic Pvt. Ltd. (15 marks)
Q.no: 2
Ans: Recruitment refers to the procedure by which laborers are recognized, enrolled, talked
with, picked, recruiting and on boarded. At the end of the day, it includes everything from
distinguishing the need to round out a staffing recruitment. Enrollment is the capable of
various staff, contingent upon the size of an association. Bigger associations can have whole
enlistment crews, while others can just have a solitary. The employing administrator might
be liable for the recruitment in little outfits. Along these lines, different business re-
appropriates the preparation to outside firms. Organization consistently looks for
representatives through promotions, work sheets, web based life destinations and other for
new positions. Numerous organizations use enlisting programming to better and all the more
proficiently source top competitors. It generally works related as a piece of Human Resource.
Human Resource Management, additionally called HRM or HR for short, is the limit of
people the board inside an affiliation. HR is liable for empowering the general goals of the
relationship through convincing association of human capital — focusing on agents as the
association's most critical asset.
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