
Internet Marketing INTRODUCTION 1 PART 11 1.1 Elements of Internet Marketing


Added on  2020-06-04

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MarketingDigital Media and Video GamesData Science and Big Data
Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing INTRODUCTION 1 PART 11 1.1 Elements of Internet Marketing_1

Table of Contents
PART 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Elements of Internet Marketing........................................................................................1
1.2 Evaluation of Internet Marketing Mix..............................................................................2
1.3 Comparison of the various internet marketing tools........................................................3
1.4 Usage of interactive order processing..............................................................................4
PART 2............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Mechanics of Search Engine Marketing...........................................................................5
2.2 Copy for the opt-in email marketing newsletter...............................................................6
2.3 Guidelines regarding best practice in online public relations..........................................7
2.4 Use of new digital media communities............................................................................8
PART 3............................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Secondary market research to collect the data on online shopping behaviour.................8
3.2 Online Survey for the data collection.............................................................................10
3.3 Covered in Poster...........................................................................................................13
4.1 Internet marketing plan for Smart Restoration Plan.......................................................14
4.2 Covered in PPT...............................................................................................................15
Books and journals ..............................................................................................................23
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In the business where marketing has become an essential activity and without it no
organisation can reach to the customer. Marketing is basically the promotion of the product or
services and this is the way through which they can deliver their idea or concept to the target
market. In this competitive environment organisations are using various platforms for the
marketing and one of them is internet marketing. This has become the prominent tool for
reaching a larger number of people in less period of time (BOX, 2015). There are lots of
industries which does not have much revenues so it becomes impossible for them to afford
promotion at expensive platforms like TV, newspaper, billboards and etc. For such small
industries internet can be a best tool in order to market their products as it is efficient as well as
cheap also. There are lots of benefits of internet marketing as here they can target and reach a
larger number of consumer as compared to the other platform. This report will be describing
about various aspects of internet marketing by taking the scenario of “Smart Restoration
Limited”. It is a small firm which buys and sells used and refurbished office furnitures. Through
internet marketing they can achieve their goals and objectives which they have desired for.
1.1 Elements of Internet Marketing.
In the layman language internet marketing is process of promotion of the brands,
products or services through internet. It has opened various opportunities for the small firms like
Smart Restoration Limited and they are seeing it as a future of marketing (Chang, 2015). In the
marketing plan they are willing to introduce this and in action they have appointed True Search
Marketing which will help them in developing websites and pages on social media. Following
are the elements of internet marketing:-
Integration: To make there marketing plan a successful they have to integrate all the
elements and portals such as Facebook page, Google Ads and creation of a website and etc.
Industry Restructuring: With the online marketing they have to restore the structure of
their company and this will change the way how they will deal in goods. Through internet
marketing they will able to start online business and will deal with all the stakeholders and
suppliers on the internet platform only.
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Intelligence: This will create a image of intelligence as they have adopted the modern
way of marketing.
Individualisation: As all the demands of the customers will be dealt with online
consultations and will help more consumer to reach individually to Smart Restoration limited.
Interactive: There are lots of people who are looking for a same products so through
online marketing they can reach to those individuals in a single time (Chang, Yu and Lu, 2015).
This makes a great interaction between the buyers and sellers.
Some of the other elements of E- marketing are as follows:-
Personalization: This acknowledge the company about the product which the customer
prefer in a certain kind of business.
Privacy: It has to do with the information which a consumer gives to the company while
ordering anything. So they have to develop a system where customer feel secure in transferring
there information. They should use in efficient manner and make sure that it is no9t misused
because this can lead them to legal trouble.
Customer Service: It is necessary that the firm take care of the customer and resolves
there any query related to purchase of the goods. Such thing will helps them to retain the
customer for a longer period of time.
Community: Activities like CSR and other social development has to be practised so
that through online marketing they can promote development of the society.
Website: This will be the platform where customer are able to see what all products and
services are offered by Smart Restoration Ltd (Croft, Metzler and Strohman, 2010). And they
can make purchase from it. They have to make sure that the content and the layout of the site is
attractive and unique as this will attract more customers towards them.
Security: The data of the website and the customer information should be protected in a
way that it is not misused or hacked.
There are several elements of internet marketing which marketers use for the promotions
of their goods and services. These elements can be e-commerce, digital marketing, micro and
macro factors impacting the internet marketing and etc. Digital marketing is the marketing
through computers, laptops, mobiles and tablets etc. Companies use websites, emails, apps and
social networking for the marketing. E-commerce is the selling and buying of the goods through
use of network called as internet.
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The advantage of the internet marketing in implementing the practices in actions are as
The services of the internet marketing are inexpensive and provides accessibility to large
This leads to the industrial restructuring and provided better opportunity to run business
over the medium of internet.
Internet marketing brings integrity in function which leads to better accessibility to large
number of internet users.
Internet marketing brings opportunity to company to provide better customer service
experiences to users.
The disadvantage of the internet marketing are as follows:
This brings higher complexities in functioning of simple physical business.
The information available over the medium is not authenticate and can be changed by
unauthorised person also.
This Internet marketing provides lower level of security and privacy to the service user.
1.2 Evaluation of Internet Marketing Mix.
2P's, 2C's and 3S's are different elements which are part of internet marketing mix.
2P's includes personalisation and privacy.
Personalisation: Through this they can develop a relation with the consumer and know
there requirements. According to the information they will create products.
Privacy: They have to maintain the system where the personal information of the
customer is secured.
2C's have customer services and community.
Customer Service: To sustain the consumer Smart Restoration have provide a support
system where all the problems are resolved (Esmaeili and Aqaei, 2016).
Community: Consumers and clients can be considered as part of community as they are
consuming the goods and services of the company.
3S'c includes site, security and sales promotion.
Site: This is the place which briefs that any individuals can visit the site and can be
accessed from any of the electronic gadgets.
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Security: It briefs about the security system which is implemented by the company so
that transaction can be done easily without any problem.
Sales Promotion: If Smart Restoration limited have to increase the sales they have to use
to various promotional techniques.
Product: There should be different strategies for both products and services given by the
company. Whatever strategies made by the company will be influenced by the demands of the
customers. How the company will market their product and services through internet is part of
Place: It includes the place where any product and service will be accessible to the end
user. The companies use their website and other e-commerce sites for selling of their products.
They can design the digital catalogues and place it into their website.
Price: It details about the amount of money which a customer can pay for a certain
products and services. Firms should make sure that they cover the operating cost in the final
price. The pricing strategies should be flexible in nature.
Promotion: It includes the concept which the firms is going to use for the publicity of
their products and service. A product which is of good quality can fail to perfrom in the market if
it is not marketed well. This can include advertising in electronic media, print media, public
relations, sponsoring any event.
1.3 Comparison of the various internet marketing tools.
Through different e-marketing tools they can reach the goals which they have desired for
and these help them to attract more customers towards them.
Basis Blog Site Social media Email marketing
Aim Through this
someone can give
their message in
simple and
informal way.
They have a
special address
called URL and
has collection of
multimedia pages.
It is tool which
helps people in
interacting with
the people in
more simple and
easy way.
It has to do with
sending of the
information on
personal level.
Operations Handling this is To bring any A common It does not gives
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easy as people
need to learn
basics to update
their information.
changes it is
necessary that the
user have some
knowledge of the
technical field.
person can easily
modify the data if
he has some
pages on different
social networking
update feature if
the user have send
the email but he
can resend the
Usage It is used for the
any information
This is used by
the companies,
communities and
other private
individuals for the
business purpose
so9 that they can
earn profit.
Any small
information or the
informed carried
out by the
company can be
given from this
It is only sent to
the people whose
email id is with
the company.
Accessibility There is no bar on
the viewing rights
and people using
internet can look
it .
Those with the
connection have a
glimpse of it.
Those who has a
account on the
social media have
a permission to
see the activities.
Individual to
whom the email is
sent can see it.
They can attract more customer through in-bounding as well as outbound marketing. In the
inbound marketing the audiences are directly targeted and the personal selling is involved (Goi,
2015). Whereas out bounding is related to the dissemination of the product information through
various tools like TV, radio, newspapers, billboards and etc.
1.4 Usage of interactive order processing.
In this all information from the order of the goods till the delivery is recorded. This is
done to bring transparency in the process. Through use of the technology it will bring efficiency
in the data management and consumer can track their order. By adopting this method there can
be smooth interaction between the e-commerce company and the customer (Hamid and
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McGrath, 2015). The computer will be interacting on the behalf of the company and would let
the consumer know where his order is. With this concept Smart Restoration Ltd., may include
emotions in the order as the when the customer gets the order a sense of happiness comes on
their face. With the process of this they can deliver fast and if they fail to do so this will attract
negative comments from the consumer side. They can adopt three tier of architecture here that
are as follows:-
Presentation Tier: This is presentation of the information which are shown to the
Application Tier: It makes sure that the process is going in a proper sequence and
correct information is attached to it.
Data Tier: This shows the history and the current order summary of the person from the
stored data (Hollensen, 2015). SR limited will try to manage the data related to it.
SR limited has developed a portal for the sales of their products and through which they
customers can also consult to the experts for different items. If any one wants to find a product
they can search it in the toolbar and they can also search through different category. In the
second step those things which has to be buyed are added into the cart and after that the user will
be logged into their account. They can select the delivery and payment option and decide on
which address they want that product. SR Limited has given them option of credit card, debit
card and in the final the customer can review their order and book it.
2.1 Mechanics of Search Engine Marketing.
Search engine marketing is concerned with the promotion of the website of a firm on
different search engine. Through this companies can increase the visibility of their products and
services on internet. There are lots of terms which are part of this and that are as follows:-
Search Engine Optimisation: Through this a company can improve their rank on the
search results when something related to it is searched on the search engine (Karjaluoto,
Mustonen and Ulkuniemi, 2015). With this they can get more pay per click and there are also
other ways to improve it. With the paid search engine marketing they can pay certain cost to the
search engine in order to market their website. Search engines like Google has made this a way
of earning profits and today it is world's most popular search engine.
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