
Factors Influencing Managerial Ethics


Added on  2019-09-26

7 Pages1847 Words151 Views
Introduction In this CA I will be talking about (1) Defining ethics and how ethical behaviour relates to behaviour governed by law and free of choice (2) And I will also explain the utilitarian, individualism, moral rights and justice approaches for evaluating ethical behaviour (3) The factors shaping a manager’s ethical decision-making (4) Lastly, I will discuss how ethical organisations are created through leadership and organisational structure and systems. Define ethics and explain how ethical behaviour relates to behaviour governed by law and free choice Ethics is a broad concept that cannot be confined into a particular definition.ethics are defined as the principles, values that govern the behaviours of a person or a group in relation to ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’.now talking about Behaviour,,its can be classified into three differentcategories which includes domain of codified law, in which values and standard are written into the legal system and after which is been passed into law. The second is the domain of free choice which is at the end of the diagrams; this free choice relates to behaviour in which the law has no power but only individuals and organisation have freewill, between codified law and domain of free of choice lies the domain of ethics, this domain of ethics has no specifics law, but still they still have a standard of conduct based on shared principles and values which guide the individual and the organisation. High Low.Most ethical dilemmas involve conflict between the various needs of individuals and organisations and in some cases, the organisation and society as a whole. Manager benefit from a normative strategy to guide their decision making. Domain of Codified Law (Legal Standard)Domain of ethics (Social Standard)Domain of free choice (Personal Standard)
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Brieflyexplain the utilitarian, individualism, moral rights and justice approaches for evaluating ethical behaviour The utilitarian approachUtilitarian approach holds moral behaviours to produce the most influential results in relationto positive morals. which can also be known as utilitarianism, a moral principle that says correct actions are those that provide the greatest volume of benefits over majority of people.The individualism approach This Individualism approach can also be referred to as egoism, compete that acts are moral ,positive or negative moral, when they encourage the individual's best long-term interests. Individuals analyze the best long-term advantage to themselves as a measure of a decision's goodness. The action that is supposed to produce a greater proportion of good for the individual compared with other alternatives is the right one to perform.The moral-rights approach Moral right are the ones that people have their fundamental human rights which cannot be taken away by someone's decision. An ethical decision is one that avoids interfering with the fundamental rights of others. Levels of individual moral approach includes the preconventional level, conventional level and principled level. There are four stages of moral approach, individual characteristics, the organization’s structural design, the organizations’ culture and the intensity of the ethical issues. People proceed through the stages of moral development consecutievly. There is no guarantee of continued moral development. Hence, an ethically correct decision is one that best maintains the rights of those affected by it.These rights include the right of free consent, the right to privacy, the right of freedom of conscience, the right of free speech, the right to due process, and the right to life and safety.The justice approachThis is another moral decisions that are usually based on standards of equity, fairness, and impartiality.Moral decision are those that best maintain the right of people affected by them.The following are three types of justice that managers are of concerned by: distributive justice requires that different treatment of people may not be based on arbitrary
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characteristics; procedural justice requires that rules be administered fairly.Rules should be clearly stated and be consistently and impartially enforced.Finally compensatory justice argues that individuals should be compensated for the cost of their injuries by the party responsible. Individuals should not be held responsible for matters over which they have no control on. The organisation rules are enforced fairly and impartially and follow all legal rules and regulations. The interest of the underrepresented stakeholders and the right of employees are protected.There are three types of justice approach which are:Distributives justice Procedural justiceCompensation justices Different treatment of people should not be based on arbitrary characteristics, in case of substantive differences, people should be treated differently in proportion to the differences among them. Rules should be clearly stated, consistently and impartially enforced. Individualshould be compensated for the cost of their injuries by the party responsible. Individual should not be held responsible for matters they have no control over. Code should be clearly put in place to the employees. All levels of management continually assure the importance of the ethics code and the organization’s commitment to the code. Ethical behaviour in an organization.Code of ethics and decision rules should be established The managers should lead by examplesEthical training should be provided Support for individuals who are challenged by ethical dilemma should be provided
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