
Introduction to Information Technology - Tesco


Added on  2020-10-23

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Introduction toInformation Technology
Introduction to Information Technology  - Tesco_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3Identify the role of IT in the success or failure of Tesco............................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5Ethical and social issues to run the business effectively.............................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6Identify and difference between various type of networking technology...................................6TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8Importance of Intranet and Internet.............................................................................................8TASK 5............................................................................................................................................9Different stages of system development life cycle.....................................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFRENCES.................................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONInformation technology refer to the use of computer as well as software in order to create,process, store, exchange, secure as well as retrieve the data based on the purpose of operations(Rajaraman, 2018). Many companies have their own IT departments from where they canmanage all the storage of data and works on the technical data to retrieve the valuableinformation that helps in decision making process. To better understand the report Tescocompany has been selected which is one of the leading multinational retail stores of UK. It hashuge customer base as the company deals in various goods like clothing, furniture, grocery andelectronics under one roof this provide huge convince to the customer. This report coverfollowing topic such as role of IT in the success or failure of Tesco. Analyse the ethical andsocial issue to run the business as well as difference between different type of networkingtechnology. Further, importance of intranet and internet are covered in this report. TASK 1Identify the role of IT in the success or failure of TescoThe information technology department is responsible to manage the electronictechnology of business like centralised database, business computer network, informationsecurity, and business software deployment (Rivard and Aubert, 2015). Thus, a successfulbusiness is a combination of business as well as technical skill that helps the business toformulate effective decision and adopt the changes successfully. According to Andrea Lee, (2016) Tesco which is multinational company and run itsbusiness in both developed and developing country so in order to succeed it uses the informationtechnology to its advantage. Additionally, investing or strengthening information system hashelped the company to generate strong profit and enhance their profitability. Initially, Tesco usedto sell the grocery from the stalls in UK but later on with the use of essential information systemassisted the company manage as well as run all the department of business by maintaining thecoordination among them. These IT system helped in bringing the transparency as it helped toidentify for how many hours employee work and how much output do they produce withinstipulated time period. Along with that it helps in understanding the customer by maintaining thedatabase through electronic devices. Like, respected company maintained the membership cardas well as loyalty card that helped to define the purchasing power of customer as well as help in
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formulating strategy in order to compel the customer to purchase the daily utility or shoppingitem from respective store. Therefore, some of the technology used by Tesco to gain long termsuccess are defined below:RFIA Technology: For the convenience of employee in stock counter Tesco introducesthe well known technology named RFIA enabled barcode. This technology is used toautomatically count the stock of store and when it fall short it directly update the supplier. Thistechnology does not require any supervision as well as transmit the data by its own due to whicheven customer do not find any shortage of inventory. Thus, it is a successful technology adoptedby company to manage their inventory effectively.IFTTT(If This Then Than): This technology was developed to enhance the online aswell as offline shopping experience of an individual. Further, company launched the applicationwhich display all of its product (Technology in Tesco. 2016). Along with that it also helps tointimate whether the price of any product goes up or down. Hence, it play a successful role to actas a stimulus that instigate the customer to take quick and fair decision.Advanced E-commerce: With the trend of internet and increase in digitalisation, Tescotook the initiative to generate the human traffic from online platform. Thus, company postedmultiple images, content as well as video to appeal the interest of consumer (Bawden andRobinson, 2015). The company also introduced its own payment method that is PayQwid whichcustomer uses at the time of making online payment. This is a successful process that helped tospread the awareness about the company. BYOD Integration: BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Devices, this informationtechnology is basically an application which is used by store managers to download and loginrecord of real time stock. The information is transmitted while scanning the product sue to whichit record the accurate information in relation to inventory. Moreover, the other advantageassociated with this technology is that internal staff can instantly and effectively deal with thecustomer due to which is time effective technology.Therefore, Tesco not only maintain its existing innovation but also adopt the newtechnology to gain the privileged of fastest growth and put the best possible effort to achieves thelong term sustainable growth and development.
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