
Introduction to Sport Industry


Added on  2022-12-19

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Professional DevelopmentFilm and TheatreHigher EducationNutrition and WellnessPublic and Global HealthHealthcare and Research
Introduction to Sport Industry
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Author’s Note
Introduction to Sport Industry_1

Executive Summary
The four step pyramid model of sports development was developed by the ASC for supporting
and providing services to organized sport as well as their NSOs in order to enhance mass
participation for identification of talented athletes at Elite level. Traditional there are several
sports development Continuum models which exhibits the relation between mass participation as
well as elite participation. In this context, the essay will show the diagram form of represent leaf
models in an attempt to illustrate how port development continuous have provided the
opportunity for individuals at once at a level of performance appropriate to their talent. As
identified by sports development community, there are four levels in the sports development
Continuum, including enjoyment, excellence, participation as well as awareness. The highest and
the most vital stage of the pyramid is excellence and this stage can be achieved only by reaching
the top of the pyramid. Activities involved in this stage include accomplishment of national as
well as internationally recognized performance standards to win public explain of being an
athlete in a particular sports domain. The significance of this pyramid is strategic important from
the perspective that the progress and development of an individual athlete in Australia can be
mapped under the framework of the pyramid. In the later parts of the essay`, the utility of the
model in context to the growing needs of the NSOs of Australia have been highlighted. In the
second part, the future delivery scope of the sports framework of Australia with the primary role
to be played by the ASC and NSOs have been discussed in detail.
Introduction to Sport Industry_2

In the first part of the essay, the aspects of the four pyramids model of sport development
in Australia have been highlighted. Nevertheless, it can also be highlighted that the demand of
sports development in Australia are changing. In the light of the changing demand, the utility of
this model have been explored in the first part of the essay. Based on the knowledge about the
needs of sports management and development, the impact on the processes of sports
development, management and delivery have been discussed in the future have been discussed in
the second part of the essay.
Part 1: The Present
The four step pyramid model of sports development was developed by the ASC for supporting
and providing services to organised sport as well as their NSOs in order to enhance mass
participation for identification of talented athletes at Elite level. This objective of the ASC
reflects the two step policy of sports development undertaken by the Federal Government of
Australia. The first step is to promote as well as into its participation in sports from individual
communities and the second step is to move towards significant improvement of 14 performance
of Australia at Elite standard in all sports domains. In this context, the arguments of Holt (2016),
can be highlight here:
“the balance between heat and mass Pot is always unstable in that, with Limited funds, there
is always a tension between funding for international competitors to produce world
Champions and funding participation in programs to define National Health and social
economic benefits”.
Introduction to Sport Industry_3

However, researchers like Rossi (2015), argue that since the year 2000 there is no longer a
debate regarding the fact that premium funding by the government is a Priority and the Federal
government has objectified the development of Australian Sporting circles. However, there was
an existing debate regarding the primary issues regarding fund distribution, namely the selective
versus board based, centralised vs decentralized, Elite vs participation of mass participants. In
this context, specific observations conducted by Jeanes, O’Connor and Alfrey (2015), shows that
since 1986, when the Federal government started to focus on development of sports in Australia,
the factor of any versus mass participation has become the centrifugal point of focus for the
Australian government and the sport development policies have been developed surrounding this
Central theme. Traditional there are several sports development Continuum models which
exhibits the relation between mass participation as well as elite participation. In this context, the
essay will show the diagram form of represent leaf models in an attempt to illustrate how port
development continuous have provided the opportunity for individuals at once at a level of
performance appropriate to their talent. As identified by sports development community, there
are four levels in the sports development Continuum. According to Jeanes, O’Connor and Alfrey
(2015), these levels include enjoyment, excellence, participation as well as awareness.
Application to these four levels became the central point of the sports development policy
Australia and their by the government adopted this four levels under the construction of a
development Continuum pyramid for traditional sports of Australia.
Introduction to Sport Industry_4

n can be argued to be the basis of the pyramid and involves the first significant step towards
learning the basic skills of movement. The second step in the process is participation which is
placed just above foundation and incorporates the methodology of exercising laser option of an
individual by taking part in sports for or general purpose is like health improvement,
maintenance of fitness, building friends and communities and often simply for fun. The third
stage of the pyramid is that of performance and it has been placed higher than participation.
Performance awards challenges like increasing efficiency of an individual towards single or
multiple Sports by striving towards improvement of the individual standards of participation.
This implies that an individual who have been participating in sports for fund and community
development, will gradually move towards the objective of fitness development and another
individual who have been practicing sports with the purpose of fitness development will
gradually move towards the objective of health development and soon into professional
performance development.
Introduction to Sport Industry_5

The highest and the most vital stage of the pyramid is excellence and this stage can be achieved
only by reaching the top of the pyramid. Activities involved in this stage include
accomplishment of national as well as internationally recognised performance standards to win
public explain of being an athlete in a particular sports domain. The significance of this pyramid
is strategic important from the perspective that the progress and development of an individual
athlete in Australia can be mapped under the framework of the pyramid, Lawrence and Hobson-
Powell (2017). The individual athlete can track his or her progress by utilising this framework
and on the other hand the concerned regulator reactivity of sports for the Federal government can
also track development of individual athletes or sports teams by means of this framework.
Now the question that many researchers have confronted is that these levels of sports
development appear to be commonplace in context of almost all existing models of sport
development. In this context researchers have provided comparative study of the sports pyramid
model with the other attributes of the three sports development models, other than this one. It
needs to be remembered that the sports development authority of Australia has traditionally
accepted the sports pyramid model to be aligned with the development activities for sports in
Australia. The sports pyramid model is the first effort to reflect the process of sports
development, in a graphical way with goal setting at each step. As argued by researchers like
Finch, Kemp and Clapperton (2015), this model provides a conception regarding the need of
increasing the number of participation at each level so that Australia can increase the output of
potential Elite athletes flowing through to the apex of the sports development pyramid. Analysts
of sports development in Australia have identified that the wider the base for foundation of
sports development, greater will be the number of participants at every level. In this context, it
can be specified that the minimum level of participation in sports is set against the criteria of
Introduction to Sport Industry_6

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