
Developing Oral Communication Skills


Added on  2020-05-16

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Running head: WORKPLACE COMMUNICATIONWORKPLACE COMMUNICATIONName of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
Developing Oral Communication Skills_1

1WORKPLACE COMMUNICATIONIntroduction:Communication is one of the most important aspect for successfully conductingbusiness and management. Every professional should develop skills so that they caneffectively communicate with all. This assignment will help in reflecting on mycommunication skills and will help to develop a literature review and action plan on the skillsthat I lack.Diagnostic tools:One of the most important diagnostic tools used by me for this assessment ofcommunication skills is self-perceived communication competence scale point this scaleusually gives 12 situations in which marks between 0 to 100 should be given to assess thesituations. After providing marks in all the 12 situations, calculations were done tounderstand my skills in public speaking. Except talking with strangers and with friend, I got amoderate grade in public, meeting, group, dyad and acquaintances. Only in stranger andfriend categories, I scored high marks. Therefore, I believe that in order to be an expertprofessional in business and management I need to develop my public speaking skills inpublic comma meeting, group, diet as well as quick acquaintances. Higher SPCC scoreindicates that I have a higher degree of self-perceived communication competence with basiccommunication context such as public, group, dyad, meetings as well as with receivers likestrangers, acquaintances and friends (McCroskey & McCroskey, 1988). I scored moderate inmost of the categories, therefore I believe that I have to develop my skills so that I can be abetter speaker in both basic communication context as well as with receiver. However,among receivers I am already a good speaker with strangers and friends, therefore the mainbasic areas where I need development is speaking skills is public, meeting, group, dyad andacquaintances
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2WORKPLACE COMMUNICATIONThe next diagnostic tool that has been used by me is called the personal report ofintercultural communication apprehension. In this diagnostic tool, the skills of interculturalcommunication are mainly tested. Here fourteen situations are given where students have toprovide marks for. The marks are usually given within 1 to 5 with 1 being stronglydisagreeing to the situation and marks 5 being strongly agreeing to the situations. After theentire calculation, the marks are expected to be higher than 52. Those individuals who scoredhigher than 52 are considered to be having high intercultural communication apprehension.Those who are scoring below 32 are said to have a low intercultural communicationapprehension (Neuliep & McCroskey, 1997). Those who scored between 32 and 52 are saidto have a moderate level of intercultural communication apprehension. In this regard, I score33 that fall into the category of moderate level of intercultural communication apprehension.However, my score is quite poor in the moderate group and it is more towards lowerintercultural communication apprehension grades. Therefore, I believe that I am quite poor inapprehension different intercultural situations that are surrounding me. I believe that this willbe a harmful in my future career where I may need to communicate with people from othercultural backgrounds in my professional field. Therefore, I believe that i have to work on myapprehensive power and develop my cultural competence so that i can succeed farther in life.The next diagnostic tool that I have used is called the nonverbal immediacy scale selfreport. Nonverbal immediacy can be defined as the behaviour as well as the skills that signalpositive feelings among different persons. 26 situations are given in this tool. Marks areprovided in order to describe the ways by which some people behave while talking withothers. A scale from 1 to 5 has to be provided with 1 being ‘never’ and 5 being ‘very’ often.The grades that are obtained are different in case of male and that of females. Since I amfemale, so I will be mainly judging the female score values. After the calculation, I noticedthat my score is 94. 94 usually falls in the moderate level and high-level scores are above 112
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3WORKPLACE COMMUNICATIONand low-level scores are below 90. Therefore, I believe that I have moderate skills ofinteracting non verbally among different individuals during communication and I have todevelop my skills so that I may reach the higher nonverbal immediacy scale. This wouldensure a better scope of success in my future career.The fourth diagnostic tool that I have used for this assignment is called the personalpublic speaking anxiety. This tool usually helps an individual to identify whether he has thehabit of developing anxiety while conducting communication publicly (McCroskey, 1970).Here 34 situations are given for individuals where they have to provide marks for each of thesituations. Marks from 1 to 5 can be given for a situation with mark 1 being ‘stronglydisagree’ and mark 5 being ‘strongly agree’. After conducting the test, the calculationrevealed a value of 89. 89 falls in the category of low as a value below 98 is considered lowpublic speaking anxiety and a value above 131 falls into the category of high public speakinganxiety. A value between 98 and 131 is considered to be a moderate public speaking anxiety.Therefore, I scored really well in this tool because I got low public speaking anxiety thatmeans I do not become nervous and anxious while talking with people publicly. I need tomaintain that attribute, as this would be helpful for me in my future career.The last diagnostic tool that I have used for my assessment is the talkaholic skillcommunication tool. This can be defined as the scale that helps in measuring compulsivecommunication attribute of individuals. Some people are usually seen to talk more incomparison to their colleagues or friends. They are verbal and had great difficulty in beingquiet in presence of other people. However, this should never be taken as a negative factoruntil they are irritating, disrespecting or speaking something that are not wanted at thesituation. Recent researches are of the opinion that people who talk more can express theirpositive traits and so they are more positively evaluated by others (McCrosky & Richmond1993). They are often expected to be seen as leader, as being more competent, and more
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