
Assignment on the Issues in Healthcare


Added on  2021-06-18

7 Pages1626 Words69 Views
Running head: ISSUE IN HEALTHCAREISSUE IN HEALTHCAREName of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
Assignment on the Issues in Healthcare_1

1ISSUE IN HEALTHCAREIdentification of the problem:Ineffective communication is the main issue that had resulted many patients to gothrough severe levels of suffering in the healthcare organisation. Many of the family members ofpatients had complained that the patients were not asked for informed consents, their queries andconcerns were not answered and they were not given proper education about maintenance ofinterventions. Ineffective communication was not only found between the service users and theproviders but also among the professionals as well. There were sequences of medication error,improper delegation, long waiting times for patients as well. Lack of effective communicationmade the patients anxious as well as fearful, as they could not understand anything about thetreatment plans that were taken for them. All these resulted in suffering of the patients withlonger stays at the hospital, readmission of the hospitals even after discharge, lack of idea abouthow to modify their lifestyles and many others. All such affected the reputation of the hospitalthat increased the risk of potential loss of consumer base and hence lack of profits.Identification of the stakeholder:From the ineffective communication scenarios that take place between the patient andproviders and among the providers, the patients are the main stakeholders who remain exposedto higher levels of risks. The patients are the only stakeholders who have to face severeconsequences due to infective communication with the professionals as well as that among theprofessionals (Blais, 2015). Providers who do not know about the proper ways of communicatingwith the patients or are unaware of the importance of effective therapeutic communication canaffect the patients in different ways. They may take inadequate informed consent that mightharm the dignity and autonomy of the patient. This might make them feel depressed as they feel
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2ISSUE IN HEALTHCAREthat their self-esteem is hurt. They feel that providers do not respect and therefore they fail tocomply with the interventions set by the professionals. Ineffective therapeutic communicationtakes place, as the professionals cannot ensure empathy and compassion in their interactivesessions. Such unsympathetic response during times of patients’ complaints, queries andconcerns affect their morale and they feel uncared and unloved. These have negative impacts onthe health outcomes (Koukouta 7 Papathinasiou, 2014). Moreover, improper communicationbetween the professionals makes the patients suffer due to medication error, missing of importantfacts during delegation, longer waiting times of patients and many others. All these result in poorquality care of patients that affect the patients emotionally, mentally and physically. As thepatients face all these issues only, therefore they are the most important stakeholder identified.Root cause of the problem:After taking extensive research to find out the main root cause of the problem, it was seenthat two important reasons contributed to ineffective communication in the healthcare centres.The first identified issue is the lack of proper knowledge among the nurses who are working onthe floor. They believe that only having clinical expertise is enough to bring out the besttreatment plan for caring of the patients. Recent day researchers are of the opinion that effectivecommunication is an important attribute that has the capacity to develop therapeutic relationshipbetween service users and service providers (O’Hagan et al., 2014). Patients tend to develop trustand bond with nurses with effective communication skills and these have positive outcomes onhealth of patients. Therefore, this knowledge was lacking in the professionals that resulted themto fail miserably to communicate with the patients effectively. The second root cause was thepower struggle among the junior and senior nurses. They suffered from complexes and thereforethey did not communicate with each other sufficiently. Therefore, junior nurses could not get
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