
Benefits of Circular Economy in Business


Added on  2020-07-23

12 Pages3513 Words360 Views
Job Creation and the CircularEconomy
Benefits of Circular Economy in Business_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES.................................................................................................11. Concept of circular economy and its characteristics...............................................................12. Main drivers of the circular economy.....................................................................................23. The role of circular supply chains...........................................................................................34. The role of circular economy in promoting job creation........................................................4..........................................................................................................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONEconomics is the major part for knowing any country's growth and development.Economists frame policies so that any country can grow financially by opting them. In anycountry, firms which are engaged in various sectors try to use their resources in an optimummanner so that business will be able to boost the economy of that particular country in whichthey are operating that would ultimately upgrade the society as they would get various jobopportunities (Zárate-Hoyos, 2014).In the present report, way in which the wastage is recycledby the circular economy is explained to enhance the economic and social efficiency as well asreduce their environmental impact will be analysed. Dell is one of those company who modifiesthe existing software and products also and increase their total worth. Following report willdiscuss who the company does this function and increase its total productivity. THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES1.Concept of circular economy and its characteristicsCircular economy is an option to traditional linear efficiency under which companymakes use of their resources in an optimal manner so that they can produce maximum value outof the same. Thereafter reuse the existing products and create utility out of each. Thereafter,recover and re-generate goods and materials at the end of each service life. A concept whichdistinguishes between technical and biological cycleis a regular and development interval. Itkeeps and improves natural capital, optimal utilization of resources and minimizes system risk bycontrolling definite stocks (Muegge, 2012). This operates effectively at each scale. There are various characteristics of a circular economy which act as a principle foraction. There are the following fundamental characteristics which elaborate a clear circulareconomy:Design out waste: Wastage does not emerge when biological and technological factorsof a goods are specially framed with purpose. The biological components are non-toxic andcould easily be decomposed. . Technical materials such as polymers and other non-madecompounds are framed to be utilized again with less energy and the most quality retention.Frame resilience via diversity: Modularity, versatility and acceptance are prizedcharacteristic which are required to be present in the current period. Many systems with variouslinks and scales are much resilient under external shock. 1
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Task towards energy from renewable sources: System’s main focus is to run on onenergy which is renewable in nature so that less power is consumed from surroundings. Forexample, agro based system operates on existing solar scheme which will limit the requirementfor waste fuel inputs and capture much of the energy value by products. Think in systems: There is a need to know about how various parts influence each otherand to know the link between each part is important. Sections are suggested to understand theirenvironmental and social matter. Although, a machine is kind of system, this is totally narrowlybounded and presumed to be deterministic. Systems thinking basically means to the majority ofactual world system. Such systems are non-linear, feedback-rich and interdependent. Under thesesystems, normal starting conditions merged with feedbacks which brought surprising issues,which are not able to get controlled in the acceptable, linear sense. It required rather moredynamic and adaptation to vary circumstances. Thinks in cascades: For biological components, the most essential value was adding theopportunity to get extra value from the goods and components by cascading them via otherapplications. Under biological material, be it natural or in managed fermentation procedures,component is separated in stages by micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungi which pull outenergy and other micronutrients from carbohydrates, proteins and fat found in the material(Corrêa and Xavier, 2013).These are the above mentioned characteristics of circular economy that are helpful formaking the country much developed. 2. Main drivers of the circular economyCircular economy renders value adding tools which are decoupled from the usage ofscarce resources. In a great circular economy, consumptions only occurred in an efficient bio-cycle and framed in the technical cycle. Life processes reproduce wastage materials withouthuman intervention under bio-cycle. But in the technical cycle, human intervention reproducematerials and order by using enough energy. The circular economy have three principles, eachaddressing various resources and system challenges that are faced by the industrial economies.There are mainly three characteristics which are:Preserve and improve natural capital: Such characteristic of circular economy startswith dematerialising utility and rendering the use . If resources are required, the circulartool chooses them after having extensive research and select technologies and processes2
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